
  • 网络abaxial side
  1. 组培苗顶端前2节位展开叶片,切成4mm×4mm左右,远轴面接触培养基时的再生效果最好。这种变化主要表现在叶片全展前后,到叶片发育后期则接近野生型。

    The upper 2 expanding leaves of tube seedlings , cut into 4 mm X 4 mm and inoculated with abaxial layer downside may have the greatest regeneration efficiency . This variation was shown in the stage when the leaves were expanding .

  2. 叶片近轴面接触培养基转化效率较好,显著高于远轴面;

    The adaxial side in contact with the medium was higher .

  3. 远轴面长细胞的外壁,有许多园的或伸长的纹孔。

    In the outer walls of long cells on the abaxial surface there are numerous round or elongated pits .

  4. 短梗五加的叶的近轴面表皮细胞排列紧密,有腺毛分布,远轴面表皮具气孔,气孔多分布在叶脉处。

    Acanthopanax sessiliflorus adaxial leaf epidemic cells arrange tightly with tentacle distribution . Most air holes are distributed around leaf veins .

  5. 结果表明:气孔器分布于叶的远轴面、茎表皮和总苞片的远轴面,其中在叶的远轴面上具两型性气孔器。

    The results showed that stomata apparatus distributed in the abaxial leaf epidermis , stem epidermis , abaxial involucrum epidermis and abaxial petal epidermis ;

  6. 典型的短枝式珠鳞有一个较明显的轴,轴上着生若干枚鳞片,在鳞片的远轴面基部着生孢子囊(胚珠或花粉囊);

    On the typical brief-branch-type ovuliferous-scale , there is an obvious axis , and several scales on the axis , and there is an ovule ( or microsporange ) on the outside of the scale .

  7. 结果表明:其小孢子叶球5月中下旬开始萌动,小孢子囊着生在小孢子叶远轴面,且3-5小孢子囊以辐射状排列方式聚生成聚合囊。

    This species tends to initiate the male cones in middle or late May . The microsporophylls bear their microsporangia on the abaxial surface , and 3-5 microsporangia seem to be arranged radially into a sorus with a stalk .

  8. 条状钻形叶远轴面气孔指数的变化比近轴面气孔指数的变化小,也比近轴面和远轴面气孔密度的变化小。

    The variation of stomatal index of the abaxial surfaces is smaller than that of the index of the adaxial surface , and also is smaller than that of the density of the abaxial and adaxial surfaces in linear-subulate leaves according to the Mest .

  9. 观察结果表明,木兰科幼叶卷叠式可划分为3种类型:①幼叶在芽中直立,其远轴面叶背向芽,贴靠或旋卷包芽的木兰型;

    According to the observation results , the prefoliation of Magnoliaceae was classified into 3 types as follows : ① Magnolia-type , which the young leaf is presented in erect and conduplicate position with its abaxial surface next to or wrapped spirally around the emerging bud in bud .