
jiē ɡǔ mù
  • elderberry;elder;Sambucus;bloodwort
  1. 接骨木多糖提取工艺优化及其纯化研究

    Study on the Optimization Technic of Extracting Polysaccharide from Elderberry and the Purification of Polysaccharide

  2. 接骨木汁是自古至今强化呼吸系统的传统处方,有效保护及增强呼吸系统的功能。

    Elderberry juice is a tried and true home remedy-good for the respiratory and immune systems .

  3. 贝尔沃农场生产一种非常好喝的接骨木花茶。说到接骨木花,你兴许想尝尝接骨木花香槟酒。

    Belvoir Farms produce a delicious elderflower tea . Talking of elderflower , you might wish to try Elderflower Champagne .

  4. 接骨木果油的超临界CO2流体萃取及其微胶囊技术研究

    Extraction of Sambucus williamsii fruits oil by supercritical CO_2 fluid and its microencapsulation

  5. 用超临界CO2流体萃取技术对接骨木果油进行萃取,采用四因素三水平正交试验,探讨了萃取压力、温度、时间、CO2流量对接骨木果油萃取率的影响。

    The effects of extraction pressure , temperature , time , rate of CO_2 flow on the extraction rate of Sambucus williamsii fruits oil by supercritical CO_2 fluid extraction technique were discussed by orthogonal design .

  6. 接骨木(SambucuswilliamsiiHance)野生资源丰富,易于繁殖栽培,便于开发利用。

    The wild resources of Sambucus williamsii Hance is rich , easy to breed and develop .

  7. 接骨木在日化领域中的应用

    Application of Sambucus WilliamsIs Hance to the field of the daily chemistry

  8. 接骨木茎的木材解剖学研究

    The Wood Anatomy Study on Stem of Sambucus williamsii

  9. 接骨木果实营养成分的分析

    Analysis on nutrient composition of Sambucus williamsii Hance fruits

  10. 但是紫罗兰,接骨木和繁缕都可以帮助降低体温。

    But Violet , Elder and Chickweed might help lower your body temperature .

  11. 野生接骨木营养成分分析研究

    Analysis on Nutritional Components from Wild Sambucus Williamsii Hance

  12. 药食两用木本新油源&接骨木油

    A New Medicinal and Edible Oil from a Woody Plant & Sambucus williamsii

  13. 欧洲一种矮生的草本接骨木,花粉色,有一种令人作呕的气味。

    Dwarf herbaceous elder of Europe having pink flowers and a nauseous odor .

  14. 接骨木根皮化学成分的研究

    Studies on the Constituents of Sambucus Williamsii Hance

  15. 对接骨木茎叶杀鼠活性的测定表明,饵料中接骨木含量为20%时,对小白鼠的毒杀率为80%;

    The rat killing activity of stem and leaf of Sambucus williamsii were measured .

  16. 接骨木锈病及其重寄生菌研究

    Studies on Elder Rust and Its Hyperparasite

  17. 甘肃河西马铃薯根际生防木霉菌对接骨木镰刀菌的拮抗筛选及鉴定

    Screening of biocontrol Trichoderma from potato rhizosphere of Western Gansu against Fusarium sambucinum and their identification

  18. 接骨木根皮促进骨折愈合有效部位化学成分和药理作用研究

    Studies on Chemical Constituents and Pharmacological Effect of Active Fraction for Fracture Healing in Sambucus Williamsii Hance

  19. 只含有一枚种子的核果有李和樱桃,而具多种子的有冬青和接骨木。

    Drupes with one seed include plums and charries while many-seeded drupes include holly and elder fruits .

  20. 服用接骨木提取物抗病毒

    Fight Viruses With Elderberry Extract

  21. 伏地魔举起了那根接骨木魔杖,小心翼翼地,精确地,就像是握着一跟指挥棒一样。

    Voldemort raised the Elder Wand , holding it as delicately and precisely as a conductor 's baton .

  22. 接骨木的果实很早就被用来治疗感冒和流感了。

    The fruit of the elderberry shrub has a long history of being used for colds and flu .

  23. 北美中部和东部的一种普通的接骨木,结黑紫色的浆果;果实用来做果酒和果冻。

    Common elder of central and eastern North America bearing purple-black berries ; fruit used in wines and jellies .

  24. 官方的食谱也建议用苹果碎、碎西梅干和干接骨木果来代替所缺的果脯。

    The official recipes also suggested grated apples and chopped prunes and dried elderberries to replace the missing dried fruit .

  25. 果然,在这些未经证实的说法中,我们看到了:接骨木的魔杖,永不兴旺。

    And sure enough , within this category of unproven sayings we find : Wand of elder , never prosper .

  26. 自然,他用那根接骨木做成的“老魔杖”做武器,无疑任何决斗都会胜出。

    Naturally , with the Elder Wand as his weapon , he could not fail to win the duel that followed .

  27. 伏地魔停下了,哈利可以很清楚地看见他苍白的手指滑过那根接骨木魔杖。

    Voldemort halted , and Harry could see him plainly again as he slid the Elder Wand through his white fingers .

  28. 接骨木愈伤组织的诱导较为容易,以叶片和新梢茎段作为外植体均可诱导出高质量的愈伤组织。

    It was easy to induce higher quality of callus from leaves and new tree top stem section of Sambucus williamsii Hance .

  29. 以色列的研究为其提供了科学的证明,液态的接骨木提取物可以缩短流感症状的持续时间。

    It has been supported scientifically with studies from Israel showing that taking a liquid extract of elderberry reduced the duration of flu symptoms .

  30. 接骨木一种接骨木属的灌木或小树,开大团小白花,结红色或黑紫色类似浆果的果实。

    Any of various shrubs or small trees of the genus sambucus , having clusters of small white flowers and red or purplish-black berrylike fruit .