
  • 网络Vaccination target;object of inoculation
  1. 结果应接种对象118071人,实际接种92476人,接种率为7832%,其中伤寒Vi疫苗7687%;流脑疫苗7969%。

    Results 92,476 people of the total target population of 118 、 071 were vaccinated ; Vaccination coverage reached 78 32 % , typhoid Vi vaccine coverage reached 76 87 % and meningococcal A vaccine coverage reached 79 69 % .

  2. 方法收集AFP病例的个案调查表和随访表,采集病例粪便标本和初免接种对象免前和免后血清学标本,之后分别进行病毒分离和抗体滴度检测。

    Methods Case investigation forms and follow-up questionnaires of AFP were gathered , and isolation of virus and antibody titer determination were conducted respectively after feces specimens in these cases as well as pre - and post-immunization serological samples of first-vaccination subjects had been collected .

  3. 结果所有接种对象均未出现严重局部和全身副反应。

    Results Local and systemic serious reactions were not observed in all participants .

  4. 至第3年检测时,全部接种对象仍保持甲肝抗体阳性;

    The antibody of all the objects was positive at the third year .

  5. 所有接种对象均未见红肿和硬结等局部反应;

    No local reaction such as redness and swelling occurred at the injection site .

  6. 结论以上数据对应用水痘疫苗免疫预防策略及接种对象提供了科学依据。

    Conclusion These findings provide scientific basis for immunization strategy against varicella and choosing of vaccination population .

  7. 经过疫苗获取过程的协商而得到的大量的救助资金促进了这种接种对象范围的扩大。

    This extension was made possible thanks to the considerable savings that were achieved through the negotiation of the vaccine procurement process .

  8. 该建议不适用于罹患流感的危险较小、或使用减毒活疫苗的情况&在这两种情况下,妊娠期妇女都不是流感疫苗的接种对象。

    Such-advice would not apply to situations where the risk of influenza is low or to live attenuated vaccines , which in any event would not be indicated in pregnancy .

  9. 接种疫苗后抗-HBs水平随着时间的推移不断下降,但接种对象中未出现与HBV感染有关的ALT异常者。

    Anti-HBs titer was reduced with increasing age , but no one with elevated ALT due to HBV infection was found in vaccinated group .

  10. 3~7岁组儿童接种水痘疫苗能获得正效益,应作为水痘疫苗免疫接种的首选对象。

    The economic effect is positive in the immunization of varicella vaccine in age from 3 to 7.Children aged from 3 to 7 are at the first choice for vaccination .

  11. 虽然7岁以后接种产生负效益,但由于仍可获得相当可观的净效果,因此建议,在适当时机应扩大疫苗接种对象。

    Although vaccination would result in negative benefit in the population aged 7 and over , certain net utility was also gained , Therefore we suggest that the subjects to be vaccinated be extended in due course .