
jiē shòu qì
  • receiver;receptor
  1. 同时用SPSS100统计软件及接受器工作性能曲线(ROC)分析,评价肿瘤标志物的临床应用价值。

    All data were analyzed by SPSS 10 0 and Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve ( ROC ) .

  2. 用电缆直接向接受器传输信号的电视。

    Television that is transmitted over cable directly to the receiver .

  3. UDP的代码不需要任何连接器或接受器类。

    The code for UDP does not need any connector or acceptor classes .

  4. 变形链球菌mutans表面蛋白P1对人唾液接受器研究

    Study on the Human Salivary Acceptors of Streptococcus mutans MT_6R Surface Adhesin P1

  5. 已证实B5,B6为酸性富脯蛋白,提示酸性富脯蛋白可能为变形链球菌粘附素蛋白P1的重要接受器之一。

    It has been demonstrated that protein B5 and B6 were the acidic proline-rich proteins . Therefore , acidic proline-rich proteins may be one of the most important acceptors of S.mutans MT6R ( serotype c ) adhesin P1 .

  6. 以金属支撑的双层类脂膜(s-BLM)为基本接受器元件,通过镶嵌磷酸盐离子载体开发了二价磷酸盐离子传感器。

    The electrochemical devices for phosphate based on metal supported bilayer lipid membrane ( s-BLM ) was developed . It can be used as phosphate biosensor with the incorporation of phosphate ionophore into the lipid bilayer .

  7. 他们的扫描显示女性比男性有更多的血清素接受器。

    Their scans showed women have more serotonin receptors than men .

  8. 我们认为它只是个接受器

    We think it 's acting as a receiver .

  9. 热探测器测量热量的敏感接受器热丝(式)呼吸流量传感器

    A sensory receptor that detects warmth . hot-wire respiratory flow transducer / sensor

  10. 再生催化剂的接受器开发了连续催化重整再生器氧含量软测量系统。

    Soft measurement system of oxygen content of continuous catalytic reforming regenerator is developed .

  11. 显示电视图象的接受器。

    A receiver that displays television images .

  12. 热探测器测量热量的敏感接受器

    A sensory receptor that detects warmth .

  13. 接受者,接受器接受或容易接受的人或物

    One that receives or is receptive

  14. 超声诊断胆管结石的接受器工作特性分析

    Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves ( ROC ) Analysis of Ultrasound Images in Patients with Calculi in Bile Ducts

  15. 洗涤滤液真空接受器

    Wash filtrate vacuum receiver

  16. 结果表明,激光器输出光功率和接受器响应之间存在很好的线性关系。

    The result indicates that the output optical power of the laser has good linear relationship with the receiver response .

  17. 本文从有效波长的角度,讨论了光谱型效应的复杂性,不同的仪器采用不同的接受器、以及在不同的天顶距观测,都有不同的光谱型差。

    This paper , from the Point of effective wave length , has discussed the complexity of the spectral type effect .

  18. 人的鼻子使用一个接受器和神经元相互连接的复杂系统,这个系统将信号传导到大脑进行解释。

    The human nose uses a complex system of interconnected receptors and neurons , which conduct signals to the brain for interpretation .

  19. 目前对属性文法循环性问题复杂度的证明,多基于自动机理论,如写入推出接受器、交替涂林机等。

    Existing complexity proofs on the circularity problem of AGs are based on automata theory , such as writing pushdown acceptor and alternating Turing machines .

  20. 采用模拟频率调制的编码方式分析了光电测量系统的工作原理,提出了光发射器、光导纤维和接受器的一些设计准则;

    The analog frequency modulated mode is given in this paper for the electro optic system , and the design requirements of every part are described .

  21. 又由于嗅觉接受器有严格的分辨度,故嗅觉系统所要实际处理的问题比听觉和视觉简单得多。

    On the other hand , olfactory receptors have strict discrimination , so olfactory system deal with a rather simpler problem than visual system and auditory system .

  22. 目前还不确定伊拉克国内是否收看到了布什的讲话,因为在伊拉克内部,信息的传播被严格禁止,而且大部分伊拉克人不允许拥有卫星接受器。

    It was not clear if the speech was widely seen in Iraq , swheresinformation is tightly controlled and most Iraqis are barred from owning satellite dishes .

  23. 详细阐述激光基准辅助作业系统软件,包括功能和界面、接受器与控制器之间的通讯、软件中抗干扰措施等。

    And then the software for the system is introduced , including function interfaces , communication between lasers receivers and control devices , ways to improve signal quality .

  24. 此外亦应有特定之调控机制存在,使得这三种亚型接受器在中枢神经系统及周边组织有不同的表现。

    In addition , distinct regulatory mechanism must exist to account for the differential expression of particular receptor subtype ( s ) in the CNS and peripheral effectors .

  25. 瑞士生物技术公司阿克泰龙正在生产一种血管“内皮接受器拮抗剂”,叫勃森坦。科学家认为,该药能抵抗这种病痛。

    The Swiss biotech firm actelion , however , is working on an " endothelium receptor antagonist " called bosentan , which scientists believe will counter the disease .

  26. 这些气味与空气中的化学物质结合,被细小的毛发吸收,让我们极其敏锐的神经纤维感受到,传导到鼻子里的嗅觉接受器里。

    Formed by chemicals in the air , they are absorbed by little hairs , made of extremely sensitive nerve fibres , hanging from the nose 's olfactory receptors .

  27. 想要了解这三种α2肾上腺素亚型接受器基因表现的机制,我们首先要知道该基因调控区域的特徵。

    In order to understand the mechanisms underlie the differential expression of3 subtype genes of α 2 adrenoceptor , characterization of the regulatory regions of each is a prerequisite .

  28. 用于飞机空中加油的锥形管加油飞机的软管尾端的锥形装置,用作受油飞机探管的稳定器和接受器

    A funnel-shaped device at the end of the hose of a tanker aircraft , used as a stabilizer and receptacle for the probe of a receiving aircraft , as in refueling . probe-and-drogue installation

  29. 该方法使用车道旁的十字接受器阵列来记录运动车辆的辐射噪声及其携带的参考声源的信号。

    In the method , the sound signals of a moving vehicle , on which a reference sound source is attached , are measured with a cross-array of receivers on one side of the road .

  30. 头戴式受话器,耳机用头环套在耳朵上的用于接收电话、收音机或立体声等的接受器接着陆续其他人也附应,便似回音般在耳际回荡。

    A receiver , as for a telephone , radio , or stereo , held to the ear by a headband . This was echoed by the rest and their words began ringing in my ears .