
jiē xiàn yuán
  • operator
  1. 电话总台的接线员是旅馆老板的妻子。

    The switchboard operator was the hotel owner 's wife .

  2. 他拨了接线员的号,让他接通一个到罗马的电话。

    He dialled the operator and put in a call for Rome .

  3. 那一端的接线员欢快而轻松。

    The telephonist at the other end was cheery and casual .

  4. 请接线员把电话直接接给我本人。

    Ask to be put through to me personally .

  5. 他让总机接线员将劳拉所有的电话都转给他。

    He instructed switchboard staff to divert all Laura 's calls to him .

  6. 电话接线员让他不要挂断。

    A telephone operator asked him to hold .

  7. 电话接线员加入了罢工的行列,400万工程技术工人也在计划采取行动。

    Telephone operators joined the strike and four million engineering workers are also planning action

  8. 接线员会为你接通电话。

    The operator will put you through

  9. 呼叫警察、救护车或消防队,请拨打999,接线员会为您接通电话。

    To call the police , an ambulance or the fire brigade dial 999 and the operator will connect you

  10. 接线员请打电话者不要挂断,等候电话接通。

    The operator asked the caller to hold on until a connection was made .

  11. 他告诉接线员,说他的电话是生死攸关的重要事情。

    He told the telephone operator that his call was a matter of life and death .

  12. 在电话里不能谈私人的秘密,因为接线员有窃听电话的习惯。

    It was impossible to discuss anything private over the telephone , as the operator was in the habit of listening in .

  13. 接线员,请接中行。微处理机中,IEEE接口总线标准的名字。

    Operator , please get me the Bank of China . In microprocessors , the name used for the IEEE interface bus standard .

  14. 接线员:好的。难加州市长MarkSanford因自己的婚姻不忠导致的群众愤怒而向公众道歉。

    Ok . South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford has apologized to his cabinet for the fury created by his marital infidelity

  15. 接线员:好的,Nadia,你好吗?

    OPERATOR : OK . Nadia , are you OK ?

  16. 贵公司三月八日在XX报上刊登招聘电话接线员广告,本人拜读极感兴趣,相信能担任此职。

    Your advertisement for a telephone operator in the newspaper of March 8 has interested me , I feel I can fill that position .

  17. 人们按下金融呼叫箱上面的“按下按钮讲话”按钮来连接现场接线员。RoseShuman为我们做出了详细解释:

    People use a metal call box with a push-to-talk button to to a live operator , as Rose Shuman explains :

  18. 总机接线员接到监控中心火警确认信息后立刻通知酒店危机管理委员会成员立刻前往CCTV集合。

    Once the fire alarm is confirmed , GSC shall immediately inform the Crisis Management Team members and request them to go to the CCTV room immediately .

  19. 讲解今天我们要说的这个Dispatcher是在警察局接警中心工作的接线员。今年早些时候,美国田纳西警方接到一个报警电话。打电话过来的就是这个5岁的小男孩。

    In the United States , a 5-year-old boy made a heartbreaking call to the police telling the dispatcher that " my daddy and my mama got shot . "

  20. 这个系统的核心是虚拟呼叫中心接线员拉拉(Lara)。开发这一人物的目的是改善客户通过电话与该公司交流的体验。

    At its heart was Lara , a virtual call centre operator developed to improve customers ' experience of interacting with the company by phone .

  21. KAYE:911接线员MoniquePatino知道自己必须迅速行动。

    PATINO : OK , I have them coming . KAYE : 911 operator Monique Patino knew she had to act fast .

  22. Zappos在网站的每个页面都显示了1-800免费电话号码,而且其呼叫中心聪明而风趣的接线员可以自主决定做任何让你开心的事。

    Zappos publishes its1-800 number on every single page of the site & and its smart and entertaining call-center employees are free to do whatever it takes to make you happy .

  23. 起初,911接线员难以置信。

    At first , the 911 operator couldn 't believe it .

  24. 电话总机接线员六点至九点值班。

    The switchboard operator is on duty from 6 to 9 .

  25. 接线员:哦,你要做拿走的题。

    Operator : Oh you have to do the take aways .

  26. 接线员:你接触到她了吗?

    OPERATOR : Sir , you 're in contact with her ?

  27. 接线员告诉打电话的人对方电话占线。

    The operator told the caller that the line is busy .

  28. 我花了很长时间才和接线员接通电话。

    It took me ages to get through to the operator .

  29. 如果他拒绝,接线员就会挂断电话。

    Eg. if they decline , the operator will hang up .

  30. 她突然休学干起了接线员。

    She 's dropping out of school to become an operator .