
  • 网络Actual Circuit
  1. VHDL语言及其在实际电路设计中的简化问题

    VHDL and Its Simpled Problem in Actual Circuit Design

  2. 提出一种在数字化仪表实际电路开发前,利用MATLAB分析工具对数字化仪表的信号特性进行预处理的方法。

    A method is presented by using MATLAB to preprocess and analyse the signal of digital instrument before the actual circuit is designed .

  3. 实际电路采用1.2μm双层多晶硅、双层金属N阱CMOS工艺实现。

    The device is fabricated with a 1 . 2 μ m double-polysilicon , double-metal N-well CMOS technology .

  4. 结合实际电路中各输出具有输入共享的特点,提出了一种新型逻辑单元结构及其装箱(packing)工具。

    A new FPGA logic structure and CLB packing tool are investigated based on the input-sharing features of real circuits .

  5. 在GPIB-VX1控制S模块中,CPU和接口芯片的本地总线仲裁机制不同,文中分别对其加以讨论,提出了一种实现各仲裁线之间的转换、切实可行的实际电路。

    The mechanism of local bus arbitration is different from CPU and interface chip in the GPIB-VXI controller module .

  6. 之后,介绍了ATE测试的框架,生成模拟电路故障诊断的标准接口文件,将这种标准接口文件运用到实际电路的自动化测试和诊断中。

    After generating a standard analog circuit fault diagnosis interface file , we use it in ATE test .

  7. 在完成参数设计后,建立了数字模拟混合MATLAB仿真模型,更加切合实际电路结构的参数。

    After the parameter design , the paper establishes a digital-analog hybrid MATLAB simulation model , more in accordance with practical circuit structure parameters .

  8. 最后还给出了一台已用于碘稳定He-Ne激光器的偏频锁定稳频的实际电路。

    Finally , a practical circuit for frequency stabilization of iodine stabilized He-Ne laser is described .

  9. 通过对SARADC的实际电路设计与仿真,验证了本文甚低功耗SARADC结构和控制技术的正确性和可行性。

    Through the designing and simulation of the whole circuit , the new ultra-low power SAR ADC architecture is proved practical and effective .

  10. 介绍了LVDS(LowVoltageDifferentialSignals)技术的原理及其典型应用,并讨论了在实际电路设计中使用LVDS接口时应注意的问题。

    There are introduced the principle of low voltage differential signals and its typical application . Some rule when apply LVDS into circuit design are discussed .

  11. 因此,有必要深入讨论在VHDL设计设计、应用中如何简化实际电路,达到优化设计的要求。

    Therefore , it is essential to study how to predigest actual circuit and achieve optimized design in VHDL .

  12. 本文对PWM电压型变频器进行了详细的讨论。从理论上分析了变频器的原理、数学模型、控制方法和几种矢量控制系统的仿真,设计了实际电路。

    It analyses the PWM Voltage Source Inverter , particularly emphasizing the math-model 、 the control strategy and several simulation based on vector control system .

  13. 通过pspice仿真及实际电路测试实验,实验结果与理论分析结果比较吻合。

    By means of PSPICE emulation and real circuit testing , experimental result is consistent with expected result .

  14. 讨论了滤波器的灵敏度,完成了实际电路MOS管级的计算机仿真。

    Grade . Also , discuss the sensitivity of filter , finish the simulation of practical electric circuits which consist of MOS circuit .

  15. 通过对实际电路的测试,得出当UWB脉冲重复速率为310MHz时,可以实现载波对UWB信号稳定、高效的调制,结果证明此电路是一种非常有效的调制电路。

    UWB signal can be modulated when the pulse repetition frequency is 310 MHz . The proposed circuit has proven to be robust and repeatable .

  16. 阐述了PLL完全视频检波电路的工作原理及其特点,并结合实际电路进行了分析。

    The operating principle and feature of PLL full synchronization video detector circuit is described , and it is analysed by reality circuits .

  17. 本文完成了理论设计和实际电路设计,并完成了PCB板的制作及调试和测试等工作。

    This article not only accomplished the theoretical design and circuit design , but also completed the execution of PCB , and finished the debugging and test .

  18. Veriloghdl广泛应用于数字电路设计,但在实际电路设计过程中也存在一些问题。

    Though Verilog HDL has an extensive application in digital circuit design , there are some problems during the practical circuit design .

  19. 同时通过数值模拟和试验的对比分析,确定了GIS等值电路的元件参数,给出了求解等值电路的动态节点电压方程,为数值模拟实际电路提供了较通用的电路模型和参数。

    The parameters of elements and equivalent circuit model in GIS are determined based on comparison analysis between test and numeric simulation , which has also provided a kind of valuable reference for simulating actual circuit .

  20. 由于这些开关的稳定性、开关时间以及寿命等问题,很多MEMS开关还处于研究阶段,没有大量的用于实际电路中。

    Due to the problems of stability , switch time , servicing life , many MEMS switch also in research stage , has not been used in practice circuit largely .

  21. 电路仿真实验表明,熟练掌握PSpice中参考方向的设定,对实际电路分析具有实际意义和作用。

    Circuit simulation experiment indicates that it has actual meaning and function to analyse actual circuit by grasping settlement of reference direction in PSpice .

  22. 面向实际电路完成了MOS管级的计算机仿真,仿真结果表明所提出的电路方案正确有效,适于全集成。

    The computer simulation at the MOS transistor level is carried out and the results show that the proposed circuits are effective and suitable for fully integration .

  23. 模糊电磁学是从建立在物理概念基础上的模糊起始式开始,通过严格的推导,得到实际电路元件精确的CAD公式,它含有1到2个任意常数。

    Started with a physics based fuzzy formulation , the fuzzy EM does a rigorous derivation , built in with one or two arbitrary constants , and leads to an accurate CAD formula of a practical circuit component .

  24. 接着根据TCR支路的实际电路,利用傅里叶分解,给出了简化的基波电流的计算公式;

    Then , based on the actual circuit of TCR branch , the simplified formula for calculating the fundamental current is showed by Fourier decomposition .

  25. 本文着重分析了Boost电路在不连续导电模式状态下,PFC电路的临界条件,对实际电路结构的设计有很好的指导意义。

    The article analyzes the critical conditions of PFC circuit when the boost circuit is under the discontinuous current mode , which is significantly instructive to the design of the practive circuit scheme .

  26. 在实际电路设计中,借鉴了以往的应用成果,采用CPLD器件设计系统的逻辑电路,减少了控制电路的体积、增加了系统的可靠性、提高了开发速度。

    After use for reference to former experiences , the CPLD is adopted serving for the logic circuit , which can reduce the bulk of circuit , enhance the system reliability and accelerate development .

  27. 给出其设计方案、硬件结构框图、软件流程图,并着重介绍了用PWM实现D/A的实际电路、参数计算及测试数据。

    This article introduces the scheme of construct , frame of hardware and process of software , and introduces the circuit of D / A accomplished by PWM , calculation of parameter and measure of data in details .

  28. Engen提出了最佳六端口电路的设计准则,但没能提出符合设计准则的实际电路。

    Engen , proposed a design criterion for the optimum six-port circuit .

  29. 利用样条函数逼近的原理,提出一种新的UWB发射脉冲构造方法。分析了一个使用B样条的通信系统,给出了B样条的实际电路产生方法。

    Base on the approximation with B-spline being basis function , a new method of UWB pulse design is proposed and a practical realization circuit is given . A communication system based on B-spline is analyzed in detail , and its feasibility is demonstrated .

  30. 对A16/D16单周期数据传输能力和块传输能力进行了实际电路测试,经逻辑分析仪采回的结果显示,符合VME总线协议的要求,设计正确可行。

    A16 / D16 single-cycle and block transfer capability are tested using the logic analyzer . The results are in accordance with the design .