- 名empirical linguistics

The development of positivism philosophy brought about experimental linguistics and historical comparison linguistics ;
The present study examined the effects of input and output on instructed second language acquisition in the framework of Anderson 's theory of Adaptive Control of Thought .
The hypotheses for subcategorization frames are generated by means of linguistic heuristic information and tested via statistic methods .
What is less well known , however , is his contribution to psycholinguistics : His transformational generative grammar theory shaped studies in experimental psycholinguistics of the first ten years ;
This paper examines Noam Chomsky 's influence on psycholinguistics from three perspectives , namely , his impact on cognitive science , on developmental psycholinguistics and on experimental psycholinguistics in the 1950s and 1960s .
The author uses educational experimental methodology , takes the principles of linguistic and semiotics as research recourses of basic design education and tries to find a way to create homework for design students according to the experiments .