
  1. 伴随语言学理论,心理学理论的发展和二语习得研究的广泛开展,我国英语教学研究领域正经历着深刻的变革。

    Along with the development of linguistic theory and psychology theory , and extensively researches on second language acquisition , researches on English teaching in China are undergoing profound changes .

  2. 伴随着语言学的发展,对预设理论的研究已经从纯语言的分析上升到语言与语境的关系等角度的分析。

    With the development of linguistic , the study of the presupposition moves on from pure analysis of the linguistic and rhetoric characteristics to the relation between language and contexts .

  3. 尤其最近几年,伴随着语言学的一些交叉学科例如语用学、语义学、功能语言学以及认知语言学的飞速发展,元语否定的研究也取得了新的进展。

    Especially in recent years , with the rapid development of some subfields of linguistics such as pragmatics , semantics , functional linguistics and cognitive linguistics , the research on MN has made new progress .

  4. 20世纪初,伴随现代语言学理论的发展,研究语言特点的文体学逐渐发展起来,形成了与现代修辞学并行的,且比其规模更大的,古典修辞学派生的分支。

    In the early twentieth century , with the development of modern linguistic theories , stylistics focusing on language features gradually flourished . It is the embranchment of the classical rhetoric , whose scale is even larger than modern rhetoric .

  5. 伴随着认知语言学的兴起和发展,越来越多的学者开始从认知的视角来研究隐喻。

    With the rising and development of cognitive linguistics , there have been more and more scholars doing their metaphor researches from the cognitive view .

  6. 伴随着语料库语言学的发展和深入,越来越多的语言学家认同自然语言中存在着大量的单词固定及半固定的组合形式。

    With the fast development of Corpus Linguistics , more and more linguists seem to agree that there are tremendous fixed or semi-fixed multi-word units in language .

  7. 经验主义和理性主义作为西方哲学认识论中的两大理论阵营伴随着整个语言学的发展过程,以不同的形式贯穿了整个语言学史,它们之间的斗争和妥协反映了西方语言学研究发展的一个侧面。

    Rationalism and empiricism as the two great theories of Western epistemology are following the whole linguistics all the time . They have run through the whole linguistics history in different forms , the struggle and compromise between them have reflect that study a side of development in western linguistics .