
  1. 传统语境学的概念过于宽泛,缺乏系统性;

    Concept of traditional context is too broad and lacks system ;

  2. 一部有创见的语境学新著&《现代汉语实用语境学》评介

    An Original New Work on Context & on Modern Chinese Practical Context

  3. 传统语境学忽视了语境的动态研究;

    Traditional context ignores dynamic study of context ;

  4. 语境学是一种新兴的学科,它对语言应用的研究起着重要的作用。

    The study of context plays an important role in the research of language application .

  5. 但是迄今为止,国内的语境学研究表现出明显的理论倾斜,研究者的目光过于集中地投向了表达语境,而冷落了与之相对的接受语境。

    But so far , the study of context in our country puts up obvious theory incline . The sights of the investigators focus the expression context excessively , and spurn the acceptance context .

  6. 试图运用语境学的知识来指导听力课的教学实践,从语境框架逻辑语境心理语境背景语境三个最基本的宏观层面出发,引导学生建立语境化思维模式,以期帮助学生提高听力理解能力。

    This paper tries to apply the contextual knowledge to guiding the listening classroom teaching practice . Based on the contextual frame : logic-psychology - background , this paper presents the students a contextual mode of thinking in the hope of improving their listening comprehension ability .

  7. 关于全球化语境中文学与人的三个问题

    Three Metiers of the Relationship between Man and Literature in the Globalizing Context

  8. 跨文化语境中文学知识的重构&兼论文艺美学的学科意义

    Reconstruction of Literary Knowledge in the Trans-cultural Context & The Significance of the Discipline of the Aesthetics of Literature and Arts

  9. 积极探讨一个历史时期的人物形象审美流变,既是对特定历史语境中文学面貌及发展态势的最好把握,也是对文学经验的最好积累。

    Study on evolution of the character image in the specific period , that 's can be grasp the phenomena of literature in the historical context , and accumulate the literary experience .

  10. 文章关照当今世界文化格局,试图从文化战略的眼光,提出全球化语境中文学民族性的应对与策略及当代形态的建构,以实现一种真正的文化自觉。

    This article attempts to the eye of civilization strategy put forward reply and strategy of the literature nationality in globalization context and the building of the contemporary form in the eye of civilization strategy in order to realize a kind of genuine culture consciousness .

  11. 大众化语境下教育学话语的变革与话语范式转换

    Discourse The Model Transformation of Pedagogical Discourse in the Mass Context

  12. 强化文艺理论研究中的独立自主的意识&浅议全球化语境下文艺学的应对策略

    Strengthening Independence and the Initiative Consciousness in Literature Theoretical Research

  13. 讨论语境是语用学的一个典型特征。

    A discussion of context is one of the typical features of pragmatics .

  14. 本章从语用学角度研究语境,语用学研究的是语言在语境中的使用及其意义。

    Pragmatics studies language use and meaning in context .

  15. 论语境在语用学研究中的意义

    On the Importance of Context in Pragmatic Studies

  16. 语境作为语用学的重要概念之一,已长期被应用于语言研究的各个领域。

    As one of the important concepts in pragmatics , context has been studied in many fields for a long time .

  17. 语境是语用学研究的一个中心话题,出于不同兴趣,国内外学者已经对其进行了大量的研究。

    Context is a central topic of pragmatics , out of various interest , scholars have made great contributions to the study of context .

  18. 语境是语用学的基本概念之一,是言语交际行为中的一个重要研究话题。

    The concept of context is one of the key notions in pragmatics and has been considered as an important research object in communication studies .

  19. 语境是语用学研究中最重要的概念,在话语推理中有着重要的意义,它对话语意义理解与表达起着极为重要的作用。

    Context is the most important concept in pragmatic study , and has great significance in deduction of discourse ; it plays a vital role in understanding and expression of discourse meaning .

  20. 作为后经典叙事学或语境主义叙事学的一个重要分支,认知叙事学以其特有的方式对叙事作品研究和叙事学在西方的复兴做出了贡献。

    As a prominent branch of " postclassical narratology " or " contextualist narratology ," cognitive narratology has been making significant contributions to narrative studies and to the " narratological renaissance " in the West .

  21. 意义和语境是语用学研究的两个基本概念,但语用学研究的词汇意义不同于语法学或语义学所研究的词汇意义。因为语用学研究意义是必须考虑语境因素。

    Meaning and context are two basic and correlated concepts in pragmatics , but word meaning studied in pragmatics is different from grammatical and semantic studies , because in pragmatics we must take contexts into consideration .

  22. 语境是语用学的一个核心概念,也是语言交际中的一个重要的因素。人类的语言交际是一个认知过程,是以相关为前提对认知语境要素不断进行选择而获得理解的动态过程。

    Context is a key concept in pragmatics as well as a very important factor in communication . The interpretation of an utterance is crucially a process of cognitive inference instead of a mere process of decoding .

  23. 20世纪下半叶以来,语言学研究由重视语言结构的分析转向了重视语言功能的研究,语境作为语用学范畴的概念之一,也逐步成为研究热点。

    Since the second half of 20th century , as the linguistic research is steered from the attention of linguistic structure analysis to the importance of language function , context , as a concept from pragmatics category , has gradually become a hotspot .

  24. 第五部分,基于对实验结果的分析,得出重要结论:通过给学困生提供语境并训练学困生利用语境学习英语词汇能有效地提高学困生的英语成绩。

    Based on analysis of experimental results , the fifth part draws the conclusion : providing less able students with context and training them to make use of context to enlarge English vocabulary can improve the achievements of students with English learning difficulties effectively .

  25. 语境理论是语用学的核心问题之一。

    The theory of context is one of the key issues in pragmatics .

  26. 文化研究语境下的文艺学身份及其重建

    Literature and Art 's Cultural Identity and Reconstruction under Linguistic Environment of Cultural Studies

  27. 文化观念与翻译标准&中国传统文化语境中的译学标准研究

    Cultural Concepts and Translation Criteria & Translation Criteria Studies in Chinese Traditional Cultural Context

  28. 而语境则是语用学里面的一个重要内容,也是一个复杂的内容。

    Context is not only an important content but also a complex content in pragmatics .

  29. 大众化语境是时下教育学所面临的,因而教育学话语的变革与话语范式转换势在必行。

    The current pedagogy is confronted with the mass context , which necessitates and facilitates the model transformation of the pedagogical discourse .

  30. 外语教学的最终目的是让学习者在具体语境中运用所学的语言知识成功地进行交流。

    The final goal of foreign language teaching is to enable learners to communicate successively in different contexts with the acquired target language knowledge .