
  1. 例如有阅读困难的人是语言障碍症。

    For example a person who has difficulty reading may have dyslexia .

  2. 《康复杂志》(JournalofRehabilitation)的研究表明,左撇子更有可能患上语言障碍、自闭症、诵读困难、精神分裂症、癫痫发作和创伤后精神失调等。

    According to the Journal of Rehabilitation , research shows that left-handers are more likely to suffer from language disorders , autism , dyslexia , schizotypal behaviour patterns , seizures and post-traumatic stress disorder .

  3. 语言障碍是自闭症儿童发展障碍中的核心症候,这与自闭症在社会性和人际关系上存在障碍有着密切的关系。

    The core of all the impairments of autistic child 's developmental disorder is verbal and nonverbal communication disorder .

  4. 自闭症儿童的语言障碍问题是自闭症儿童发展和教育研究的重要组成部分。

    Language disorder of autistic children is an important research topic in the field of autism as well as language study .

  5. 语言障碍是诊断自闭症的核心症状之一,所有自闭症患者在这一领域都存在明显的滞后和障碍现象。

    Impairments in language and communication are one of the key diagnostic features of autism . Children with autism spectrum disorder show delays and deficits in the domain .