
tǔ tán
  • spit;expectorate
  1. 候车室的公告牌要求人们不要吸烟和随地吐痰。

    Notices in the waiting room requested that you neither smoke nor spit

  2. 在街上吐痰是不文明的。

    To spit in the street is an offense against decency .

  3. 请勿随地吐痰。

    No spitting .

  4. 泰德脸皮厚得很,会做出任何你想像得到的事。vt.吐出vi.吐痰

    Ted is as bold as brass and would do anything you can imagine .

  5. 听古典音乐的男人一般不会吐痰。

    Men who listen to classical music tend not to spit .

  6. 我痛恨随地吐痰这种习惯。

    Spitting in the street is a practice that I abhor .

  7. 传染病通过咳嗽、吐痰和打喷嚏传播。

    Infections are spread by coughing , Spitting , and sneezing .

  8. 大家都知道吐痰是个坏习惯。

    It is generally known that spitting is a bad habit .

  9. 人们吐痰的时候唾液中传染疾病的生物就释放出来了。

    Infectious organisms found in saliva are released when people spit .

  10. 不许打人耳光吐痰不许…

    No slapping , spitting . No hum ... No gouging .

  11. 如果人们在公众的任何地方吐痰,他们应该受罚。

    If people spit anywhere in public , they should be punished .

  12. 我将让他戒除吐痰的习惯。

    I 'll break him of that habit of spitting .

  13. 反吐痰活动分子表示,吐痰明显减少了。

    Anti-spitting activists say the problem has been significantly reduced .

  14. 在公共场合不要吐痰及大声喧哗。

    Don 't spit or talk loudly in public places .

  15. 不随地吐痰,在街上吐痰是很严重的坏习惯。

    Spitting in the street is considered to be very bad mannered .

  16. 在许多国家,当众吐痰属不雅行为。

    In many countries it is considered rude to spit in public .

  17. 明白随地吐痰是不文明行为,厉行禁止。

    Understand that spitting is an uncivilized act , prohibit the exercise .

  18. 比如,看到任何人在公共场合所吐痰,都要求他为自己的行为负责。

    For example , hold everyone you see spit in public responsible .

  19. 这里有没有不准在街上随地吐痰的法律?

    Is there any law to forbidden spiting on the street everywhere ?

  20. 我们不应该到处乱扔垃圾和随地吐痰在公共场所。

    We shouldn 't leave rubbish everywhere and spit in public places .

  21. 在公共汽车上随地吐痰是要被罚款的。

    If you spit on a bus , you 'll be fined .

  22. 噢,随地吐痰非常不好。

    Oh , it is very bad to spit on the ground .

  23. 他叫我不要随地吐痰。

    He tells me never to split as I like .

  24. 在人行道上吐痰是不文雅的。

    It is not respectable to spit on the sidewalk .

  25. 如果人往地上吐痰,就是在往自己身上吐痰。

    If men spit upon the ground , they spit upon themselves .

  26. 任何人不得在持牌屠内吐痰或造成妨扰。

    No person shall spit or cause a nuisance within a licensed slaughterhouse .

  27. 请不要随地吐痰,不要抽烟,不要大声交谈。

    No spitting . No smoking . No talking .

  28. 在公共场合吐痰是不礼貌的。

    It 's bad manners to spit in public .

  29. 当众吐痰在这个国家被认为是不雅的。

    It is not considered respectable in this country to spit in public .

  30. 如果在街上随地吐痰或乱扔垃圾,都有可能被处以罚款。

    People who littered or dirtied the streets were liable to be fined .