
shǒu shì
  • gesture;sign;signal;fingering;gesticulate
手势 [shǒu shì]
  • (1) [sign;gesture]∶手的示意动作,用以表达思想或用以传达命令或愿望

  • 打手势叫他过来

  • (2) [fingering]∶指弹琴的指法

手势[shǒu shì]
  1. 他向另外那辆汽车的司机做了个粗野的手势。

    He made a rude gesture at the driver of the other car .

  2. 他们完全用手势交流。

    They communicated entirely by gesture .

  3. 她打手势要他来加入他们的活动。

    She beckoned him to come and join them .

  4. 我对他做了一个侮辱性的手势。

    I gave him the two fingers .

  5. 他使劲指着钟打手势。

    He gesticulated wildly at the clock .

  6. 我向侍者打了个手势。

    I motioned to the waiter .

  7. 他们打着象征胜利的V字形手势。

    They were waving V-signs for victory .

  8. 那位建筑师在指着地上的一个洞打手势。

    The architect was gesticulating at a hole in the ground .

  9. 他做了一个很不屑的手势。“随你便。”

    He made a dismissive gesture . ' Suit yourself . '

  10. 她只得举起手来做了一个祝福的手势。

    She could only raise her hand in a gesture of benediction

  11. 一个戴纸帽的男子在拼命地打手势。

    A man with a paper hat upon his head was gesticulating wildly

  12. 他给艾丽斯做手势,让她在他们前面离开房间。

    He gestured to Alice to precede them from the room

  13. 格拉斯做了一个夸张的手势,用一只手将双眼紧紧捂上了。

    In a theatrical gesture Glass clamped his hand over his eyes .

  14. 我们边说着外语,边打着通用的手势进行交流。

    We communicated in a medley of foreign words and universal gestures .

  15. 埃米笨拙地做了个手势。

    Amy made an awkward gesture with her hands .

  16. 他做了一个简单的手势,近乎霸道地指着椅子。

    With a brief , almost peremptory gesture he pointed to a chair .

  17. 卢克用手指做了个下流的手势。

    Luke made a rude gesture with his finger .

  18. 我们完善了一套手势信号,这样他就能随时告知我什么时候有危险了。

    We perfected a hand-signal system so that he could keep me informed of hazards

  19. 她和3个兄弟玩看手势猜字谜。

    She and her three brothers played charades .

  20. 编辑一脸苦相,做了个拒绝的手势。

    The editor grimaced , gesturing in negation

  21. 他注意到身后一个开蓝色福特车的男人正打手势要靠边停车。

    He noticed a man behind him in a blue Ford gesticulating to pull over .

  22. 我做了个表示不同意的手势。

    I made a gesture of dissent .

  23. 格里芬先生急匆匆地做了个手势。

    Mr Griffin made a jerky gesture .

  24. 埃丝特拉正要说些什么,但是看到丈夫的一个手势,马上就不说话了。

    Estela started to say something but a gesture from her husband quieted her at once .

  25. 仅从一个简单的手势或者说话人的语气里,日本人就能够领悟到所有的意思。

    From a simple gesture or the speaker 's tone of voice , the Japanese listener gleans the whole meaning .

  26. 他做了个手势,猛然地制止了笑声。

    He cut off the laughing brusquely with a gesture .

  27. 她如此激动地直打手势,我知道出问题了。

    She was gesturing so excitedly that I knew something was wrong .

  28. 演说者用有力的手势来强调他的话。

    The speaker emphasized his words with vigorous gestures .

  29. 他轻叩鼻侧,做了个不常见的调皮手势。

    He tapped the side of his nose in an uncharacteristically arch gesture .

  30. 我做手势示意桌子那边有一把椅子。

    I gestured at a chair on the other side of the desk .