
  • 网络Gesture;gesture control
  1. 其次,今年它为自己的智能电视推出了一款新型触摸式遥控器,并引入了“智能互动”(SmartInteraction)的概念,用电视机内置的一个摄像头和麦克风来支持语音控制、手势控制和面部识别。

    Second , this year it introduced to its smart TVs a new kind of touch-based remote and a concept called Smart Interaction , which uses a camera and microphones built into the TV to support voice control , gesture control and facial recognition .

  2. 我在1月美国消费电子展(CES)上首次体验的一款新设备Myo,采用了一种全新的、不需要摄像机的手势控制方式。

    A new device , Myo , which I first tried at the Consumer Electronics Show in January , takes a whole new approach to gesture control that does not require a camera .

  3. 今天刚放出的消息表示iPhone8的经典home键将被手势控制功能取代。

    A new leak out today has also suggested Apple 's iPhone 8 will see the replacement of the smartphone 's classic home button with gesture controls .

  4. LeapMotion是一种可以让用户通过手势控制电脑的外围设备.2012年5月,它刚刚发布的时候,的确带给人很多期待。

    A peripheral that lets users control their computer through hand gestures , this device showed plenty of promise when it was announced in May 2012 .

  5. 据知情人士透露,iPhone8将用手势控制来替代这款智能手机的经典主页键。

    Apple 's iPhone 8 will see the replacement of the smartphone 's classic home button with gesture controls , new leaks suggest .

  6. 安装LeapMotion的软件也没什么难度,而且给人的感觉就是手势控制似乎很好掌握,似乎传感器可以很清楚地捕捉每个手指的运动。

    The leap motion software involved minimal hand-holding , and gave the impression that gesture-based controls would be easy to master , with the sensor seeming to pick up each finger and hand rotation cleanly .

  7. 自任天堂(Nintendo)的Wii游戏机使玩家离开沙发、在客厅四处挥舞手臂以来,手势控制技术已经取得了很大进步。

    Gesture-control technology has come a long way since Nintendo 's Wii got gamers off the sofa and waving their arms around in the living room .

  8. 苹果公司和微软都已经把手势控制整合到了各自最新的电脑操作系统之中。

    Both Apple and Microsoft have integrated finger gestures into their latest computer operating systems .

  9. 只需用手在中控台的手势控制水晶球上一划,就能变换显示内容。

    Simply swipe your hand over the gesture-controlled crystal ball in the center console to reconfigure the display .

  10. 它可以用手势控制功能,不过要是司机需要的话也可以启用手动控制模式。

    Using a gesture control feature , though , the driver can switch to manual control mode whenever they want .

  11. 三星主要专注的是软件创新与界面输入,例如手势控制和智能滚动/暂停等。

    Samsung focused primarily on its software innovation and interface inputs such as gesture control and smart scroll / pause .

  12. 中场秀:孩子们可以这个电子互动区通过平板电脑和手势控制技术操控的篮球游戏来定制自己喜欢的角色并与之互动。

    Halftime Live : Digital interactive area featuring tablets where children can customize characters and interact with them through a gesture-controlled basketball game .

  13. 目前,四位成员正在绞尽脑汁为Xight配备手势控制和声音控制等新元素,为人机互动理念加些新料。

    The four are racking their brains to incorporate new elements likegesturecontrol and voice control in Xight to spice up the human-machine interface concept .

  14. 而就在十月,美国专利局收到了一份苹果公司设备的详细资料,该设备能通过手势控制实时资讯。

    And in October it emerged that the US patent office had received details of an Apple device for real-time video process control using gestures .

  15. 而就在十月,美国专利局收到了一份苹果公司设备的详细资料,该设备能“通过手势控制实时资讯”。

    And in October it emerged that the US patent office had received details of an Apple device for " real-time video process control using gestures . "

  16. 其他非接触式技术还包括手势控制,最新一代谷歌和三星智能手机以及一些智能电视都已使用手势控制。

    Other touch-free technologies include gesture control , which can be found on the latest generation of Google and Samsung smartphones , as well as some smart TVs .

  17. 7系拥有后座电影院、按摩座椅还有手势控制,举例而言,驾驶员可以挥一挥手就调节收音机。

    The car boasts a back-seat cinema , massaging seats and gesture controls so drivers can adjust the radio , for example , with a wave of their hand .

  18. 不过,不管自然语言处理技术发展得多好,一套成熟的智能耳机界面恐怕还是离不开语音控制与手势控制(手势操作可在耳机外壳的触摸板上进行)。

    Still , no matter how good natural language processing gets , a full-fledged headphone interface would likely combine voice with gestures through touchpads on the headphones " surface .

  19. 将手势控制引入到常用应用软件中,不仅可以方便操控,更使应用软件的人机接口符合人与人之间的交流方式,这种方式更加和谐、自然,这也是符合当前人工智能的发展趋势。

    Not only the users operate the software more convenient , but also hand controlling interface is in accord with the communication between people . The harmony human-computer interaction meets the trend in artificial intelligence .

  20. 将手势控制方法应用到图片浏览器中,使用户摆脱了硬件的限制,直接使用自然的人手去操作软件。

    At last , the hand gesture is recognized by BP Neural network method . ( 4 ) Gesture controlling is applied in Picture Viewer , the user can use hand to control the software directly without the restriction of input devices .

  21. 尽管我最初也有疑虑,但我轻而易举地就掌握了“姿势控制”动作:它们能使你运用手势控制回放并调节音量,向右或向左移动就能调节音量,手腕一抖就是跳过。

    Despite my initial doubts , I easily managed to master the " gesture controls " : these enable you to control playback and volume with hand motions , to adjust volume by waving to the right or left , or skip tracks with a flick of the wrist .

  22. 这次出售部分业务研发部门之后,GestureTek在公用显示器手势操控控制技术以及数字签名等方面的业务得以在公司继续保留。

    GestureTek is retaining other assets in continuation of its gesture-controlled public display and digital signage business .

  23. 一种熟练的讲话方式,包括声音和手势的控制。

    An expert manner of speaking involving control of voice and gesture .

  24. 该系统利用手势或语音控制,随时随地都可进行操作,甚至躺在床上也可以。

    It can also be controlled from anywhere - even bed - using gestures or speech .

  25. 未来的超级本将结合触摸、手势和语音控制,而且电池续航时间将达到一整天。

    Future ultrabooks will integrate touch , gesture and voice controls , and will have all-day battery life .

  26. 该系统具备控制视频源属性、获取图片格式、设置视频帧速率等功能,可以实时进行手势识别和非接触性手势控制。

    It has the functions for controlling the attributes of video source and the format of image captured , setting the rates of frame , as well as real-time hand gesture recognition and non-contact hand gesture control .

  27. 设计了可以模拟鼠标的简单手势模型,实现了通过手势进行交互的关键技术,可以使用手势操纵虚拟控制面板。

    And a novel gesture model that can simulate mouse is given . Finally , hand interaction is implemented in the demo system , where one can manipulate the verisimilar virtual control panel using hand in real time .