
  1. 手心里的温柔,是盈盈一握的温暖。

    Hand gentle heart is Yingying a grip warmth .

  2. 摊开的掌心,纹路交错,手心里的温柔是沁出的汗滴,在指尖流转;

    Spread out of the palm lines staggered , hand gentle heart is Qinchu a sweat , in the fingertips transfer ;

  3. 父亲、母亲把手心里的温柔全给了我们,我们转手就把这份温柔送给了孩子。

    Father , mother , gentle heart handle all given us , and we put the soft hands to give a child .

  4. 带着手心里的温柔,去寻觅最为珍贵的爱,忘却漂泊天涯海角的孤独与悲伤。

    With a gentle heart in hand , to find the most precious love , forget the drift of loneliness and sadness ends of the earth .

  5. 手心里的温柔是一面伴烛的铜镜,烛泪滴尽,铜镜成空,归附长夜。

    Hand side with a gentle heart and bronze mirrors with candle , candle teardrop do , bronze mirrors into the empty , fixed and attached to night .

  6. 从呱呱落地到咿呀学语,从跌跌撞撞到跑步向前,手心里的温柔化作暖暖的情丝,牵动着,感动着;

    From fall to earth to a babbling , from bumpy to run forward , hands gently into a warm hearts Emotional Memory to Sanjiang , affects , has moved ;

  7. 手心里的温柔是一只芬芳的香蘘,收藏枯瓣花骸,花尽枝空,日渐消瘦,归附尘土。

    Hand heart is a gentle fragrance of incense Xiang , collecting bones of the body dry flower petals , flower sticks to make empty , wasting away , fixed and attached to the dust .

  8. 借由手心里的温柔,去寻找生命中的爱,那属于孩子的纯真一笑的灿烂,在童言童语的趣味里拾捡生命的感动。

    Through the heart by a gentle hand , to find the love of life , that belongs to the child 's innocent smile to the brilliant , the children made fun of child language Shijian life moved inside .

  9. 将双手深深埋进手心,手心里的温柔便是炙热的炉火,温暖冰冷的心房。

    Deeply embedded in the palm of your hands , hands of the gentle heart of the fire is hot , warm , cold heart .

  10. 盈盈一握,手心里尽是滴水的温柔,任凭岁月流转,光阴如梭,磨不平的是掌心纵横交错的沟坎。

    Yingying a grip , the hand of the gentle heart is full of dripping , brushing years of circulationRusuo , grinding uneven Goukan criss-cross the palm .