
  • 网络mobile tv;MBMS;cmmb
  1. 随着3G时代的到来,手机电视也越来越引人注目。

    With the coming of 3G Time , Mobile TV is becoming compelling .

  2. 基于典型的分布式系统Internet和无线网络的多媒体业务,例如视频会议、视频点播、手机电视等成为了当前非常具有吸引力的应用领域。

    Multimedia services based on large distributed systems like Internet and wireless networks , such as video conferences , video-on-demand , mobile TV become a very attractive application now .

  3. 音乐下载、手机电视、移动手机等3G增值业务成为近期发展热点。

    Music download , handset TV and mobile handset are the recent hotspots .

  4. 基于WLAN的手机电视终端的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Handset Television Terminal Based on WLAN

  5. 作为3G应用的杀手级产品,手机电视日益受到各家运营商的重视。

    Mobile TV is being taken more seriously by Telecommunication Operators as a Killer Application of 3G network .

  6. 手机电视,即利用手机来接收数字电视广播,是未来3G网络的一个发展趋势。

    Mobile TV , receiving digital TV broadcasting with mobile phone , is viewed as the development trend in 3G network .

  7. 根据一则本周三的报道,欧盟准备废除向具备手机电视,GPS功能的手机征收额外附加税的提案,这对本地手机厂商而言无疑是一个好消息。

    In some good news for local cell phone manufacturers , the European Union 's plan to introduce new taxes for handsets sold throughout Europe has been scrapped , says a Wednesday report .

  8. IPTV、手机电视、流媒体、交互式电视等新兴业务的发展,极大的推动了市场对融合业务的需求。

    IPTV , mobile TV , streaming media , interactive TV and other new businesses development greatly promote the demand for converged services .

  9. 欧美大部分国家和地区的IPTV与手机电视商业运营已取得一定用户规模。

    The commercial operation of IPTV and cellphone TV in most part of developed countries and districts has acquired a certain scale of users .

  10. 手机电视由于在2008北京奥运会上的出色表现成为关注重点,被认为是3G时代最具发展前景的新业务。

    Mobile TV has become a focus since its outstanding performance in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games , it is considered the most promising and novel service in 3G era .

  11. 接着简要介绍了整个CMMB手机电视解决方案的体系结构和应用框架在其中的位置。

    Then briefly introduced the CMMB mobile TV solution architecture and application frameworks in which the position .

  12. 集成单芯片手机电视终端,双模、多模芯片手机电视终端,接收模块集成于SD存储卡内的手机电视终端均已开始商用。

    Commercial mobile TV handsets have been brought to the market , which use the integrated single-chip , the dual-multi mode chip , or the TV receiver packaged in an SD card .

  13. 特别是随着IPTV、直播电视、手机电视、网络电视等新兴媒体的出现,有线电视赖以生存的空间不断受到挤压。

    Especially as IPTV , Live television , mobile TV , Internet TV and some other popular media have sprung up , cable TV meets challenges for survival .

  14. 手机电视、视频通话、手机音乐下载、手机游戏、手机IM、移动搜索、移动支付等移动数据业务开始带给用户新的体验。

    Many mobile data services bring us a new experience , including mobile TV , video calls , mobile music downloads , mobile games , mobile IM , mobile search , mobile payment .

  15. 本文介绍了Android系统的软件架构、应用程序、编译环境,以及在Android平台上实现手机电视的操作方式,主要是实现人机交互。

    In the paper , I introduce the software architecture , application program , building environment , and the Human-Computer Interaction , which is the primary operation of the mobile TV on Android platform .

  16. 手机电视是TD-SCDMA系统的关键业务,3GPPR6版本中引入多媒体广播组播业务(MBMS)。

    Mobile TV is a key service in TD-SCDMA system , and the multimedia broadcast multicast service ( MBMS ) is introduced to3GPP R6 .

  17. T-DMB手机电视接收终端探讨

    Investigation into T-DMB Mobile TV Receiver

  18. 手机电视作为手机媒体的核心应用,被誉为3G时代的杀手铜,作为三网融合的典型业务,成为三网融合一个绝佳切入点和突破口。

    As the core of mobile media applications , known as " killer " at 3G times , Mobile TV which is also the typical business of " Convergence of three Networks ", becomes a tremendous breakthrough and point cut .

  19. 随着用户对移动增值业务新的需求的不断增长,整首音乐下载、移动E-mail以及手机电视等业务将成为未来全球最有前途的移动增值业务。

    With the increasing user demands on new value-added mobile services , it can be seen that services such as the download of full music , mobile E-mail and handset TV , will become the most prosperous mobile services in the future .

  20. CMMB手机电视是在原有模拟电视技术之上的数字化创新,也是我国在移动电视领域自主提出的一项原创性技术标准。

    The CMMB mobile phone TV is the digitized innovation on the original analogue TV technology . The CMMB standards are original technical standards in TV field , too .

  21. 本文介绍了IPTV技术标准,并将IPTV与数字电视、手机电视进行了对比,最后分析了IPTV的应用现状及发展面临的问题。

    This paper introduces the technology specialties of IPTV . Next , it compares IPTV with TV and handset TV . Finally , the thesis illustrates the applications of IPTV and the problems that face the development of IPTV .

  22. 近年来,随着移动数字电视、手机电视和IPTV(InternetProtocolTelevision)等数字新媒体业务的迅速涌现,在带给我们前所未有的视听感受的同时,也对现有的网络提出了严峻的考验。

    With the mobile digital TV , mobile TV , IPTV ( Internet Protocol Television ) new digital media business emergence rapidly , we have obtained an unprecedented audio-visual experience . At the same time , the rapid surge in business posed a severe test of the existing heterogeneous network .

  23. 特别是随着3G市场的启动和用户规模的扩大,以及手机电视、手机网站等众多新媒体的涌现,使得以彩信为主要载体的手机报发展前景存在诸多的不确定性。

    Especially with the 3G market start-up and the customer base expands , as well as mobile TV , mobile websites and emergence of many other new media , there are many uncertainties for the prospects of Mobile paper with MMS as the major carrier .

  24. 2009年3G牌照的发放,手机电视进入了3G时代,无论是运营商,还是手机电视的内容服务商、手机终端生产商等,都在积极探索举措,配合手机电视的快速发展。

    In 2009 , the mobile TV went into the 3G era with the issuance of the 3G licenses . Either the operators , or the content providers and the mobile phone terminal manufacturers are actively exploring initiatives to coordinate the development of the mobile TV .

  25. 基于IMS的即时通讯将成为一种新型的通讯模式,随着3G牌照的发放,捆绑于移动IM之上的包括彩信、彩铃、图片、博客、手机电视等应用都会得到、充分发掘。

    IMS-based client will become a new mode of communication , with the issuances of 3G licenses , IM on Mobile , including MMS , CRBT ( Coloring Ring Back Tone ), Pictures , and blog , mobile TV and so on will be fully exploited .

  26. 随着数字多媒体广播技术的出现,以及手机电视技术的逐步成熟,手机电视业务作为3C融合的标志性业务,已经引起了移动业务领域的广泛关注。

    As the digital multimedia broadcasting technology appears , and the mobile phone TV technology gradually grows up , mobile TV business that is the symbol of the fusion of 3C has aroused wide attention of mobile business area .

  27. 明确了手机电视软件设计的任务,并按照功能模块逐一介绍了手机电视软件设计的思路和过程,尤其是对MMP移动多媒体处理器模块的软件设计进行了深入细致的阐述。

    Having understood the software design tasks of mobile TV , we introduce the ideas and processes of mobile TV software design one function modules by another , especially deeply for the software design of MMP ( Mobile Multimedia Processor ) module .

  28. 手机电视,这个新媒体应该有足够的心理准备去迎接3G时代的到来,广电行业和电信行业的合作与融合一直被认为是个趋势,过去两个行业也为此投入了不少精力。

    Mobile TV , this new media should have enough prepared to welcome the arrival of the era of " 3G ", the radio and television industry and telecommunication industry cooperation and integration has been considered a trend , the past two industry also therefore spent a lot of energy .

  29. 包括手机电视、MP4多功能视频终端等在内的各种手持电视,其长远发展战略的核心是构建独特的内容服务平台。

    For this reason , all kinds of Mobile-TV developer , including the handset-TV ones and MP4-TV ( a multimedia player ) ones , should build up their own unique content producing platform step by step .

  30. 新媒体以互联网为先遣,从国外悄然潜入,随后又以户外电视、手机电视、移动电视、网络电视、IPTV等多头部队大兵压境,迅速消解了广电媒体的进入壁垒。

    The Internet , as the guide of New media , enters into our country from abroad quietly , and then outdoor TV , mobile TV , mobile TV , Internet TV , IPTV also influx , and they eliminate the barriers to entry into Broadcast TV Media .