
  • 网络mobile search
  1. 在这份文件中,三星还将以色列特拉维夫的手机搜索引擎Everything.me作为潜在目标。

    Elsewhere in the document , Samsung named Tel Aviv-based mobile search engine as a possible target .

  2. 从三星员工提供的信息及《华尔街日报》审阅过的一份内部文件来看,三星已经准备在硅谷收购大量软件初创企业,尤其是游戏、手机搜索、社交媒体和地图相关服务方面的企业。

    Samsung has plenty of other Silicon Valley software startups in its sights , particularly in games , mobile search , social media and mapping-related services , according to employees and an internal document reviewed by the Journal .

  3. 我现在经常用手机搜索东西,看视频,看微博。

    I now regularly pull out my phone to check a fact , watch a video , read weibo .

  4. 在3G和三网融合的利好之下,移动互联网的发展地位毋庸置疑,所以手机搜索市场开发前景还是巨大的。

    In3G and three net fusions , under the good development status of mobile Internet undoubtedly , so mobile phone search market development prospects or huge .

  5. 手机搜索更为精准快捷,并具有强制性。

    Mobile phone search more essence of quick , and are mandatory .

  6. 消费者会在回家购物之前,通过智能手机搜索产品。

    People use them to research products before making purchases from home .

  7. 北美用户用手机搜索餐厅和酒吧。

    North Americans use their phones to search for restaurants and bars .

  8. 谷歌的这类研发花费不菲,但这也意味着谷歌能对电脑和智能手机搜索的通路拥有控制权。

    But that means that it controls the routes into search from computer and smartphone .

  9. 我们总结互联网的成功之道,了解他们的历史,很有科学性的瞻望到手机搜索的明天。

    We summarize the Internet path to success , understand their history , it is scientific look forward to search phone tomorrow .

  10. 50%的美国人和加拿大反馈者称他们用手机搜索能随便吃点喝点的地儿。

    Exactly 50 % of respondents in both the U.S. and Canadian respondents said they used their phone to search for grub or drinks .

  11. 不过,在竞争对手们纷纷争夺网络浏览器和智能手机搜索通路的控制权的情况下,百度的主导地位并非高枕无忧。

    But with rivals vying for control of the gateway to search in web browsers and smartphones , that dominance can 't be taken for granted .

  12. 我发现这个功能在时间短促(或电量不足)的情况下非常有用,特别是用手机搜索长的邮件是非常费时。

    I 've found this really helpful for finding stuff when I 'm short on time ( or battery ), particularly because it takes longer on a phone to scroll through a long list of email messages .

  13. 手机POI搜索已经成为手机搜索的主要应用之一。

    Mobile POI Search has become one of the main applications in Mobile Search .

  14. 基于手机图片搜索引擎的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation for Image Search Engine Based on Mobile Phone

  15. 但凡是最终能实时解决的问题,就尽量不要先急着掏手机去搜索。

    While it 's nice to finally be able to settle barstool debates in real time , avoid the urge to look everything up on your phone .

  16. 在WAP手机上进行搜索时的时间太长?

    It takes too long to search from a WAP phone ?

  17. 百度是中国市场80%以上安卓(Android)手机的默认搜索引擎。

    Baidu is the default search option on more than 80 % of Android phones sold in China .

  18. 谷歌公司正悄无声息地将用户手机摄像头变成搜索引擎。

    The company is quietly transforming your camera into a search engine .

  19. 移动搜索系统为手机用户提供搜索引擎服务,使用户可以随时随地地获知自己想要了解的信息,具有很好的应用价值。

    The mobile search system which provides the search engine service for the handset users enables the users to be possible to get the information which they want to know anywhere and anytime . So the system has very good application value .

  20. 百度是中国市场80%以上安卓手机的默认搜索引擎。百度第二季度营收55亿元(合8.61亿美元),同比增长59.8%,处于预期范围的顶端。

    Baidu 's management , still searching for traction on the mobile search market , can identify . Second-quarter revenue of 5.5 billion yuan ( $ 861 million ) was up 59.8 % from a year earlier and at the top end of expectations .

  21. TD-SCDMA手机的PLMN最佳搜索算法研究

    The Optimal PLMN Search Algorithm of TD-SCDMA User Equipment

  22. 当你离开你的计算机时,为更低的联机价格在你的手机或设备和搜索上存取产品搜索。

    Access product search on your mobile phone or device and search for lower online prices when you 're away from your computer .

  23. 然后,提出了面向手机信息的垂直搜索引擎的系统结构,并介绍了每个模块的功能、知识背景和具体实现。

    The thesis proposes the system architecture of the vertical search engine which faces mobile information , and describes the function of each module , knowledge background and specific respectively .

  24. 谷歌的这项业务可以将语音转化为文本,但现在他们将把重心放在手机软件的声控搜索应用上。

    Google was using this to better learn speech to text but now the company says it wants to focus on its mobile search apps that also allows for voice searching .

  25. 业内专家指出,传统互联网的业务正迅速向手机平台转移,搜索、资讯、邮箱、聊天、购物、支付等应用都会在手机上实现。

    Experts point out that the traditional Internet business will be rapidly transferred to the mobile platform . Search , information , mail , chat , shopping , payment and other applications will be on mobile phone .

  26. 不,不,你们尽管用你们的黑莓手机或iPhone手机上网搜索,如果你们带着的话。

    No , feel free to follow along on your Blackberries or your iPhones if you 've got them .

  27. 谷歌地图、谷歌手机地图、谷歌手机搜索、谷歌翻译在2009年成为中国使用率第一的相关软件。

    Google Maps , Google Mobile Maps , Google mobile search , Google translation in2009 became the first usage of the related software .

  28. 谷歌(Google)周二发布的一些数据显示,奥运会开幕第一周,手机端有关奥运会信息的搜索量以10倍的速度增长,而且在一些关键时点,手机端的搜索量超过了其他所有方式。

    Google published some data on Tuesday showing that Olympics-related searches over mobile phone increased 10-fold in the first week of the games , and mobile is trumping any other technology at key moments .

  29. 在欧洲很多国家,奥运会相关搜索中有三分之一来自手机,而在英国,所有奥运会相关搜索中,来自手机的搜索量占将近一半的比例,达到46%。

    In many countries in Europe , around a third of all Olympics related searches came from mobiles and in the UK , mobiles accounted for nearly half 46 per cent of all Olympics queries .

  30. 手机电视、视频通话、手机音乐下载、手机游戏、手机IM、移动搜索、移动支付等移动数据业务开始带给用户新的体验。

    Many mobile data services bring us a new experience , including mobile TV , video calls , mobile music downloads , mobile games , mobile IM , mobile search , mobile payment .