
  1. 因为从互联网下载的音乐比传统的CD光盘要便宜的多,而且“得益于”网络盗版的盛行,这些数字音乐经常可以免费得到。

    Downloaded music is much cheaper than the old compact discs . Indeed , thanks to widespread piracy , it is often free .

  2. 当他重新开机时,包括email程序、联系人、家庭照片、手机应用和他下载的音乐在内的所有信息都不见了。

    When he turned it back on again , all of his information email programs , contacts , family photos , apps and music he had downloaded had vanished .

  3. 由NPD团体组织的这项考察发明应用称为“点对点”(P2P)技术下载的音乐在十月份有所回升,并且这个势头连续到了十一月份。

    The survey by the NPD Group showed music downloading using so-called peer-to-peer ( P2P ) services showed an increase in October and remained up in November .

  4. 苹果iTunes有超过5亿活跃用户,下载的音乐总量已突破250亿首。

    Apple has more than 500 million active iTunes user accounts and users have downloaded more than 25 billion songs from iTunes .

  5. 在这本书中有一个声音曾说道,看吧,免费下载的音乐,我们正在帮你的忙。

    And there was a sound in this book saying look , by downloading music for free we 're doing you a favor .

  6. 下载的音乐,不管是新潮还是古典的,都要有你自己的个性,不要流于俗套和其他同龄人都听一样的东西。

    Download music that is new or classic or different than the millions of your peers that listen to the same exact stuff .

  7. 因此即使你不记得CD出现之前的黑暗时代,但很快你就能享受到可下载的旧时音乐,这是数字改革的恩惠。

    So even if you don 't remember the dark ages before CDs , you may soon be able to enjoy down-loadable old-time music , courtesy of the digital revolution .

  8. 你下载好听的音乐了吗?

    Have you downloaded any good music ?

  9. 数码音乐播放器的体型更小,但是容量更大,足够人们下载所有的音乐收藏。

    Digital music players got smaller in size but large enough for people to download their entire music collections .

  10. 即使正在下载中的音乐中断了数次,该音乐听起来仍然像没有出现中断一样。

    The music being downloaded may sound like it is playing with no interruptions when it has been interrupted several times .

  11. 但是依然存在着难题,比如:如何给每一个下载的网络音乐文件标上使用者的姓名和价格。

    There is a sticking point , however , since it 's now unclear how to put a user name and price on every digital music file being downloaded .

  12. 你会从商店买CD,或在网上为歌曲付费,又或者你像大部分中国听众一样在许多网上可下载的网上下载音乐呢?

    Do you buy CDs from shops , go to websites and pay for songs , or do you do as most Chinese listeners do and download them for free from one of the many websites available ?

  13. 国际唱片业协会指控百度支持盗版,因为它让歌迷易于找到并下载未获授权的音乐曲目。这一诉讼得到SonyBMG、华纳音乐(WarnerMusic)和环球音乐(UniversalMusic)的支持。

    The IFPI suit , which is backed by Sony BMG , Warner Music and Universal Music , accused Baidu of supporting piracy by making it easy for fans to find and download unlicensed tracks .

  14. 从1998年起便开始担任唱片公司主管的松丁,是各国同事们眼中的“海盗湾”(ThePirateBay)问题专家。海盗湾是一家臭名昭著的瑞典网站,人们通过它非法下载最新的音乐和电影。

    Sundin , who has headed a record label since 1998 , was known by international colleagues as the expert on The Pirate Bay , an infamous Swedish website used to illegally download the latest music and films .

  15. 学生下载有版权的音乐为何如此的普遍?

    Why is it common for students to download copyrighted music ?

  16. 这样一来,用户便可以在谷歌音乐上免费下载经授权的音乐了。

    So , users can download authorized music files from here for free .

  17. 听她的歌是因为我有个九岁的孩子,他下载自己喜欢的音乐。

    I listened to her because I have a9-year-old who downloads his own music .

  18. 如果您需要收听,下载更多的莫里康音乐及相关电影,请点击这里直接进入“莫里康音乐”网站。

    Click here for immediately entry " I love Ennio Morricone " if you need to listen or download more music and relative movie of Ennio Morricone .

  19. 康罗伊女士表示,双方的协议将使中国歌迷得以合法访问百代的中文歌曲库,但不会阻止百度的搜索服务帮助用户找到并下载盗版的百代音乐作品。

    Ms Conroy said the agreement would give Chinese fans legal access to EMI 's Chinese catalogue but would not stop Baidu 's search service from helping users to find and download pirated EMI tracks .

  20. 百度仍在继续经营百度mp3,该网站帮助互联网用户免费查找、流媒体播放并下载未经授权的音乐。

    Baidu continues to operate Baidu MP3 , a site that helps Internet users find , stream and download unlicensed music for free .

  21. 然而,当学生未获许可下载分享有版权的音乐时,他们就是正在触法。

    However , when students download and share copyrighted music without permission , they are violating the law .

  22. 经过2年多的发展,结信公司目前已成为国内最大有无线音乐搜索服务提供商,每月平均约有500万使用无线音乐搜索的服务,搜索下载中国移动的各项音乐产品。

    After two years ' development , Unison Company has become the largest music search service provider , annually handling about 400 million times in the way of wireless search services . It is about five million monthly to use this service and downloads the music products of China Mobile .

  23. 即使是这个声音没有完全下载,这将会立即返回,并且允许你开始进行播放部分所下载的音乐。

    Even if the audio is not yet completely downloaded , this returns immediately , allowing you to start playing the partial music as it downloads .