
shǒu liú dàn
  • grenade;hand grenade;frag
手榴弹 [shǒu liú dàn]
  • [grenade] 用手投掷的一种炸弹,有的装有木柄

手榴弹[shǒu liú dàn]
  1. 一枚手榴弹掷向了陆军巡逻队。

    A hand grenade was thrown at an army patrol .

  2. 李泽楷(RichardLi)在一个拥挤的房间拉开手榴弹的引信,然后走出去,关上了门。

    Richard Li has pulled the pin out of a hand grenade in a crowded room and walked out and closed the door .

  3. 他被手榴弹的弹片击中了。

    He was hit by shrapnel from a grenade .

  4. 游击队用手榴弹袭击了巡逻队。

    Guerrillas attacked a patrol with hand grenades .

  5. 西蒙接住手榴弹,又把它大力掷了回去。

    Simon caught the grenade and hurled it back

  6. 他投出了最后那颗手榴弹。

    He threw his last grenade .

  7. 手榴弹在敌人头上开花。

    The hand-grenade exploded right over the enemy .

  8. “砰”,一颗手榴弹把那一伙当官的炸得血肉横飞。

    Then with a loud explosion a hand-grenade immediately blew the whole group of officers into a disorderly pile of dead bodies .

  9. 始终警惕手榴弹,特别是闪烁,RGD序列的和M67的。

    Always watch out for grenades , especially flashes , RGD 's and M67 's.

  10. 同时,正如Savoy指出的,“美女逃避社交尴尬就像大部分人逃避手榴弹一样。”

    And , as Savoy puts it ," beautiful women run from social awkwardness the way most people run from hand grenades . "

  11. 惰性含RGD-5手榴弹并不常见,以找到在停用的困难。

    Inerted RGD-5 grenades are not common to find as to the difficulties in deactivating them .

  12. 美国军方披露,琳达·诺格罗夫(LindaNorgrove)可能是被试图营救她的美国军队投掷的手榴弹杀害,随后,彼得雷乌斯宣布该决定。

    His announcement comes after the US military revealed that the aid worker Linda Norgrove may have been killed by a grenade thrown by American troops trying to rescue her .

  13. 另一方面,美国的M67手榴弹碎片有一个平稳的外表,这是更适合正在推出或在一个单位投掷弧。

    On the other hand , the U.S.M67 fragmentation grenade has a smooth exterior , which is more suitable for being rolled or for throwing in a flat arc .

  14. 在可能成为国家的南苏丹首府朱巴,Venisto先生(他没说名字)在想,对于男生带手榴弹去小学要做点什麽。

    In Juba , the capital of the putative state of South Sudan , Mr Venisto ( he will give no first name ), wonders what to do about boys who bring hand grenades to his primary school .

  15. 所有号称可燃烧5秒的手榴弹引线都会在3秒内烧完。

    All five-second grenade fuses will burn down in three second .

  16. 警方称在公寓里查获了手榴弹和弹药。

    Police said they recovered grenades and ammunition from the apartment .

  17. 他的话就象干净利落地投了一颗手榴弹。

    His words had the effect of a neatly thrown grenade .

  18. 第二名被自己的手榴弹炸死。

    A second was bIown up by his own hand grenade .

  19. 要不然,手榴弹就没有出现的必要了。

    Otherwise , the hand grenade has not appeared is essential .

  20. 我要你拉响那颗手榴弹。

    I want you to pull the pin on that grenade .

  21. 你不是想往肯特家扔个手榴弹么?

    You wanted a grenade to throw in the Kent camp ?

  22. 关于手榴弹引弹动作技术机制及教法探讨

    Study on Starting Skill Mechanism and Pedagogy of Grenade Throwing

  23. 不再逃避刀或手榴弹攻击作品。

    Evasion no longer works with knife or grenade attacks .

  24. 俄罗斯投掷手榴弹,平均40-50米的距离手动状态。

    A Russian grenade manual states an average throwing distance of40-50 meters .

  25. 掷弹兵是谁在投掷手榴弹原本专门士兵。

    Grenadiers were originally soldiers who specialized in throwing grenades .

  26. 我们把木兰花籽的荚果集拢起来,当手榴弹用。

    We had gathered magnolia seed pods for hand grenades ;

  27. 她会象扔手榴弹似的还击你。

    And she 's gonna lob it at you like a grenade .

  28. 我发现那颗手榴弹已不管用。

    I had discovered that the grenade was a dud .

  29. 但愿我有手榴弹或是火箭炮。

    Wish I had some grenades or a rocket launcher .

  30. 他们难道不能想出用别的方法来运手榴弹吗?

    Could they think of another kind of transport for the grenades ?