
  • 网络Bicycle Race;Bike Race;cycling
  1. 自行车比赛全程一百二十公里。

    The whole course of the bicycle race is120 kilometres .

  2. 我姐姐下周将参加自行车比赛。

    My sister will enter a bicycle race next week .

  3. 想要为公益事业筹集资金的人都可以参加雷利国际自行车比赛。

    The Raleigh International Bike Ride is open to anyone who wants to raise money for a good cause .

  4. 西蒙在自行车比赛一开始就占了上风是因为彼得在起跑线上就失误了。

    Simon got a head start in the cycling race because Peter lost his footing at the start .

  5. 在自行车比赛中,抗议者周一出现在TourdeFrance。

    On the cycling , protesters made their presence known Monday at the Tour de France .

  6. 意大利人还会关注其排球队和水球队,以及自行车比赛——2014年环法赛冠军文森佐·尼巴利(VincenzoNibali)将参与竞逐。

    The nation will also be focused on the volleyball and water polo teams , and cycling , where the 2014 Tour de France winner Vincenzo Nibali will compete .

  7. 不过,练习耐力运动的人也许都知道,为参加自行车比赛或马拉松长跑这样的赛事而开展的艰苦训练,可能会让你患上头伤风或其他上呼吸道感染(URTI)。

    But as anyone who practises endurance sports probably knows , hard training for an event like a cycle race or a marathon run can leave you with a dandy head cold or other upper respiratory tract infection ( URTI ) .

  8. 历史上还没有澳大利亚人赢得自行车比赛中这项最杰出的大奖。

    No Australian has ever won cycling 's most illustrious prize .

  9. 在自行车比赛的过程中,必须戴上头盔。

    Helmets must be fastened during the course of cycling .

  10. 我们自行车比赛的时间安排很灵活。

    Our schedule for the bike ride is quite elastic .

  11. 英国选手劳拉·肯尼在场地自行车比赛中获得了四枚金牌。

    Laura Kenny of Great Britain has four gold medals in track cycling .

  12. 自行车比赛是一项具有潜在危险的活动,可能会有伤害发生。

    2 bicycle racing is potentially a dangerous activity , and that injuries can result .

  13. 2004年的雅典奥运会,黄金宝是唯一获得自行车比赛资格的男性华人。

    Wong is the only Chinese man who was qualified for cycling in the 2004 Athens Olympics .

  14. 在你最近的自行车比赛中,你需要一辆高科技的自行车和高超的技术。

    You have to have a high tech and strong pedaling skills in cycling races these days .

  15. {7}服用兴奋剂一直是所有体育运动中一个热点话题,尤其是在最近的自行车比赛中。

    { 7 } Drug use has been a hot-button issue in all sports , especially cycling of late .

  16. 今天,环法自行车比赛第一赛段从法属科西嘉岛开始。

    The first leg of the Tour de France bicycle race began on the French island of Corsica today .

  17. 自行车比赛方面:法国体育部长表示,他们正在考虑在无观众的形式下举办环法自行车赛。

    In cycling : The French sports minister says the Tour de France is considering the option of without fans .

  18. 这就是为什么在自行车比赛里作弊的人会将自己的血液回输给自己,这种做法被称为“血液兴奋剂”。

    That 's why cheats in cycle races give themselves transfusions of their own blood , known as blood doping .

  19. 自行车比赛将在东京郊外的伊豆举行,赛场通常被称为赛道或赛车场。

    The cycling events are being held in a place known as a track or velodrome , outside of Tokyo in Izu .

  20. 我不明白,如果你当时在自行车比赛的行进路线上,我们为什么没能看到你,不管是在骑行还是在睡觉。

    I did not understand how we could not see you if you were along the biking route , either biking or sleeping .

  21. 在自行车比赛方面,美国选手阿姆斯特朗宣布明年将以新的美国队名义重返环法自行车赛。

    In cycling , American Lance Armstrong announced he will return to the Tour de France next year with a new American-based team .

  22. 研究人员认为在长时间剧烈的自行车比赛中饮用高钙水或运动饮料有助于部分防止骨质流失。

    Researchers suspect that drinking calcium-enriched waters or sports drinks during long , hot bike rides may help to stave off some bone loss .

  23. 青海目前正在计划开设另一项国际自行车比赛,并在青海湖附近开发一个大众体育休闲的野营地。

    Qinghai is currently planning to open another international cycling competition and to develop a public sports and leisure camp near to Qinghai Lake .

  24. 1996年奥运会新设项目包括女子足球、女子垒球、沙滩排球,山地自行车比赛以及羽毛球混双比赛。

    New sports At the1996 Olympics include women 's soccer and women 's softball , beach volleyball , a mountain bike race and badminton mixed doubles .

  25. 由于时间与欧洲有所不同,观看环法自行车比赛实况需要在夜间通宵进行。

    Given the time difference with Europe , watching the Tour de France here is a nocturnal activity that requires burning significant amounts of midnight oil .

  26. 结果表明,场地自行车比赛时补糖有利于维持运动员的血糖水平,降低血乳酸水平;

    The result shows that it is benefit to maintain the level of blood sugar and reduce blood lactic acid level when replenishing carbohydrate during track competition .

  27. 我从爱尔兰放逐回来以后,我完成了我的高中教育,然后在国家的自行车比赛中,赢得了好成绩。

    After I returned from my exile in Ireland , I finished high school , then earned a six-year " degree " in the national competitive cycling scene .

  28. 我参加自行车比赛那段日子,每个星期二晚上,他都会驾车50英里(约80500米)送我到威斯康星州的肯诺莎,我出赛时,他在一旁观看。

    When I was racing bicycles , he drove me50 miles each way to Kenosha , Wisconsin , every Tuesday night so I could race and he could watch me .

  29. 采用实验法,探讨场地自行车比赛时补充低聚糖和伟特糖对男子青少年运动员血糖、血乳酸的影响。

    Through using the method of experiment , this paper discusses the influence of carbohydrate and wetargo replenishment on blood sugar , blood lactic acid of junior cyclist during track competition .

  30. 该调查显示,传媒大亨鲁伯特•默多克和他的英国天空广播公司“银河”已为英国自行车比赛投入数千英镑,这使得英国在与自诩为自行车运动故乡的法国竞争时占据了不公平的优势。

    It suggested that media tycoon Rupert Murdoch and his BskyB ' galaxy " had been able to throw thousands of pounds into British cycling , giving it an unfair advantage against a country which traditionally sees itself as the home of cycling .