
  • 网络Auto-collimation method;autocollimation method;autocollimation
  1. 自准直法测量大的硅透镜曲率半径

    Measuring the Large Carvature of Si Lens with Autocollimation method

  2. 自准直法测量薄透镜焦距时关于干扰像问题的分析

    An Analysis of the Causes of Interferential Images Caused by Autocollimation 's Gauging the Foci of Thin Lens

  3. 利用自准直法快速高精度测量玻璃折射率

    Measuring refractive index of a block of glass quickly and accurately using self-collimation

  4. 自动检调焦技术是保证空间相机拍摄出高质量图像的重要技术手段,本文介绍了一种自准直法实时检焦系统。

    Autofocusing technique is an important method to ensure the high quality image of space camera .

  5. 分光计自准直法的调节技巧

    Adjustive Artifice of Spectrometer Self-collimation

  6. GB/T7962.18-1987无色光学玻璃测试方法紫外、红外折射率测试方法自准直法

    Colourless optical glass test methods & Autocollimation test method for refractive index in the ultraviolet and infrared wave band

  7. 本文论述了平行光准直法、平行光自准直法、投射法、瞄标记准直法、光电法等远距离准直方法,并分析了其原理、特点、应用、测量精度及其发展趋势。

    In this paper , many collimation methods at the long distance , such as parallel light collimation , parallel light autocollimation , optical projection , mark image aiming and photoelectric , are described . Their principle , characteristics , application , measuring accuracy and development tendency are analyzed .

  8. 基于自准直反射法的光学中心偏检测系统研究

    Research on the Optical Decentration Measurement System Based on Autocollimating Reflection

  9. 直进式X射线光谱仪机械精度的自准直回转测定法

    An Autocollimating Rotary Method for Determining the Mechanical Accuracy of a X-ray Linear Spectrometer

  10. 用双自准直仪测量静态测角分度误差就干涉法、自准直法和全内反射差动探测法等测量方法的原理及特点进行了讨论。

    Synthetic Accuracy of Measuring Quiescing Goniometry with Two Autocollimators These methods include interferometry , autocollimators , and differential detection based on the internal reflection effect .

  11. 以自准直原理基础,将光栅干涉原理引入,提出了一种能对船体三维变形测量的自准直干涉法。

    On the basis of autocollimation principle , combining with grating interference principle , a new autocollimation interferometry method was put forward which can measure three-dimensional angular distortion .