
  • 网络Fundamentals of Computer Application;Basic of Computer
  1. 本文以《计算机应用基础》这门课程为例进行设计与实现。

    This thesis uses the subject called " Fundamentals of Computer Application ," to illustrate the application of WebQuest for design and implementation .

  2. 分析了《计算机应用基础》教学中的重点和难点,提出了突出重点、突破难点的具体措施。

    Analyses the key and difficult points in teaching the course Fundamentals of Computer Application . Proposes some measures to stress the key points and to break through the difficult ones .

  3. 基于WEB的《计算机应用基础》自动考试与成绩管理系统

    A Web-based System of Automated Testing & Scoring for Basic Computer Application

  4. 计算机应用基础WEB考试与自动评卷系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of The Computer Application Foundation WEB Test and Automatic Grading System

  5. 基于Internet的《计算机应用基础》教学研究与实践

    Teaching Research and Practice on the Course of Computer Application Base Aided by Internet

  6. 基于Web的《计算机应用基础》课程上机指导与学习效果测试系统的设计

    Design of Practice Guides and the Effect Studying Tests About Computer Applications Basis Course Based On Web

  7. 基于XML和VBA的《计算机应用基础》在线考试系统

    Online-Examination-System of the Computer Application Basis based on XML and VBA Technology

  8. MicrosoftOffice操作题自动评分及题库建设是计算机应用基础考试与自动评卷系统的重要组成部分。

    Automatic grading of Microsoft Office operation test and the construction of question bank are important parts in the test of " The foundation of computer application " .

  9. 本文介绍了计算机应用基础CAI系统的主要作用、特点,以及系统的处理流程,并详细地介绍了该系统实现的技术要点。

    In this paper , we introduce the Computer Assisted Instruction system for the Computer applied basis , and its function of models of the system , realization and the programming technical in detail .

  10. 实验前后对两班学生进行计算机应用基础学习兴趣、计算机应用基础学习成绩、学生学习主体性、学习能力和合作意识等方面的全面检测,并采用SPSS统计软件进行统计分析。

    Before and after the experiment , to make a comprehensive inspection on the interest in computer application foundation learning ; computer application foundation learning results ; students study subjectivity ; the ability to learn and the cooperation consciousness and so on , and using SPSS statistical analysis .

  11. 《计算机应用基础》等级考试解析

    Analysis on the Grade Exam Results of The Computer Application Course

  12. 作好教学方案设计引导学生自主学习&谈谈《计算机应用基础与操作》课程的教学体验

    Making good design for teaching scheme , guiding students to self-study

  13. 计算机应用基础课程考试系统的开发

    Development of an Examination System for Basic Courses of Computer Application

  14. 关于我校《计算机应用基础》教学的几点思考

    On Teaching of " Computer Application Foundation " of Our College

  15. 网络环境下电大《计算机应用基础》教学设计

    Instructional System Design of Computer Base and Application under Network Environment

  16. 《计算机应用基础》多媒体学案设计示例

    Programming example of multimedia study-scheme of the Basic Application of Computer

  17. 项目教学法在计算机应用基础实训课中应用的五要素

    Five Factors of Project Teaching Method in Computer Application Training Courses

  18. 加强《计算机应用基础》课程建设的实践与探索

    Strengthen the practice and experiment of the course basis on computer applications

  19. 基于网络环境计算机应用基础教学初探

    A Discussion on the Teaching of Basic Computer Science Based on Internet

  20. 师范院校《计算机应用基础》教学改革的实践与研究

    The practice and research of basic application of computer in normal universities

  21. 利用网络平台实行计算机应用基础实验教学改革的探讨

    Reform in Experimental Teaching in Computer Application Course by Using Network Platform

  22. 《计算机应用基础》多媒体教学系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the " Computer Application " Multimedia Instruction System

  23. 《计算机应用基础》网上考试系统的设计

    The Design of Network Examination System for Computer Application Basis

  24. 《计算机应用基础》考核浅析

    An Analysis of the Test on the Course of Computer Application Basis

  25. 浅谈卫生职业学校计算机应用基础课实验教学

    Discussion on experiment teaching of computer application course at health vocational school

  26. 成人高校《计算机应用基础》课教学探讨

    Exploration on the teaching of Computer Application in adult colleges

  27. 在职业学校开展计算机应用基础教学的研究

    Study on the Computer Application Basic Course in Vocational Schools

  28. 《计算机应用基础》成了一门重要的基础课。

    Basis on Computer Applications hsa become one of the most important courses .

  29. 医学院校《计算机应用基础》教学方法浅议

    Discussion on Teaching Methods for 《 Computer Applied Base 》 in Medical Academy

  30. 《计算机应用基础》课件的制作和使用

    The Making and Employment of CAI in Teaching the Course of Computer Application