- 名computer workstation

The system hardware include gantry 、 detector 、 coincidence circuit 、 patient table and computer workstation .
The Research and Development of Computer Workstation for Bayer Clinitek Urine Analyzer
This paper provides simulation study for the project that arises when robots in space are tele-operated from ground stations . Et is programmed by C language at graphic-computer-workstation .
Methods The CT data of head and neck region of the first Chinese visible human were processed with Siemens 3 D Virtuoso VA ( R2.6 ) software in SGI Graphics Computer Workstation .
X Window / Motif System is the most important window system in workstation , super machine and microcomputer which takes on UNIX as its OS , but most of us are not familiar with its programming , especially its system .
This would typically allow business applications to use TASC to integrate the computer workstation and telephone at the user 's desktop .
Methods : L1 and L2 vertebrae of one osteoporotic female volunteer were scanned with MSCT . All the MSCT data of LI and ? were retro-reconstructed and transferred to workstation and processed to measure BMD by volumetric QCT ( vQCT ) technique .
In this paper , the modeling characters of GNET simulation software , design methods and the main functions of five parts in GNET system are introduced . this soft - ware has been used by modelers in computer workstations supported by UNIX operating system .
Processing and interpretation changed from manual calculating into auto-computing by workstation ;
With prototype software , Virtual Endoscopic imagings were reconstructed in the workstation .
The computer workstation , x terminals , PC and ethernet communication were adopted as the hardware system .
He spent those summers working at the famed Xerox PARC labs , which helped create the computer workstation as we know it .
In this paper , a computerized three dimensional reconstruction and display technique based on a computer work station for serial histological section is described .
Computer workstation and its application software have become an indispensable important tool of finding and developing oil reservoirs for scientists and researchers in the petroleum exploration field in our country .
It can be confined to the network of computer workstations within a corporation across geographical boundaries , or it can be a public collaboration ( for example , peer-to-peer computing ) .
Notes there are now work-stations that enable engineers to design , test and produce chips right on their desks , much the way an editor creates a newsletter on a macintosh .
An efficient simulation method of network the distributed parallel simulation approach is proposed . The event oriented and time discrete network simulation on the SUN workstation is realized with the simulation method .
The goal : performing lateral reservoir prediction through integrating all the geologic , seismic , logging , testing , drilling and production data and by using modern workstation technologies to provide basic data for reserves and productivity replacement .
The main functions of Control System are : Receiving and dealing with the date that gathered by Acquisition System . Under the control of order , Control System uploads the date to computer workstation and set up the alarms threshold of well monitor .
MOUSE has been the fast and flexible aided input equipment in graphic Systems .
GAMS is available for use on personal computers , workstations , mainframes and supercomputers .
The bandwidth of RGB video signal that is produced by computer and workstation is much higher than that of standard TV signal . When RGB video signal is switched , the switcher of wide band Of frequencies must be used .
Reducing Noise Function of Computer Audio Work Station
Fast Restore The Workstations System In HIS
Benchmark of large scale computational chemistry software on the personal comput - ers and workstations
Computer speech lab has provided the objective evaluation standard for speech therapy of cleft palate . 2 .
Node - An addressable unit in a network , which can be a computer , workstation or control unit .
Methods The acoustic features of six consonants of 66 patients with VPI were analyzed with the computer speech lab , contrasted by the features of 35 controls .
LAN used to connect corporate offices and factories or your personal computers and workstations in order to share resources ( such as printers ) and exchange information .
Cluster is a group of computers or workstations connected in a particular way to provide users with a set of network resources and computing resources as a whole .