
xiū xián huó dònɡ
  • leisure activities;relaxation;pastime
  1. 麦肯锡大中华区消费产品业务部主管马克斯马格尼(MaxMagni)表示:中产阶级的上层是这样一群人,他们正准备购买一套小型寓所,有一辆汽车,更多地考虑休闲活动。

    The upper middle class are the ones that are ready to buy a small apartment , that have a car , that think about leisure activities more , says Max Magni , head of the consumer products practice in Greater China .

  2. 我国社会不同阶层体育休闲活动的特征

    Features of sports leisure activities in different social strata in China

  3. 读书并非英国人很喜欢的休闲活动。

    Reading books does not rate highly among Britons as a leisure activity .

  4. 美国司法部(usdepartmentofjustice)提交的法庭文件称,葛兰素史克“将现金贿赂伪装成咨询费、高价餐费、周末休闲活动开支和奢侈娱乐活动开支”。

    The US Department of Justice legal filings said GSK made use of " cash payments disguised as consulting fees , expensive meals , weekend boondoggles and lavish entertainment " .

  5. 本节分析了焦作市民开展太极拳休闲活动的背景及焦作市居民太极拳休闲开展的现状,并对焦作市进一步推广太极拳休闲的形势做了SWOT分析。

    This section analyzes the background for civilians in Jiaozuo to practice Taijiquan and its present situation . It will make a SWOT analysis on the situation for Jiaozuo to popularize Taijiquan .

  6. 其中最常见的网络休闲活动包括查询产品信息、浏览新闻网站、玩网络游戏以及在YouTube上观看视频等。

    Among the most popular WILB activities are searching for information about products , reading online news sites , playing online games and watching videos on YouTube .

  7. 这项由YouGov调查机构开展的在线调查显示,37%的英国人认为“做爱”是最佳的免费“休闲活动”。

    According to the YouGov survey conducted over the Internet , 37 percent of Britons rank having sex at the top of their list of activities that don 't cost a penny .

  8. 克里斯托弗·所罗门描述了金伯利·海因梅耶(KimberlyHeinemeyer)关于最温和的休闲活动的研究成果,在美国的公共土地上,各种各样的“休闲活动”导致野生动物对人类的躲避行为持续增加。

    Christopher Solomon describes the results of Kimberly Heinemeyer 's survey of different types of " recreation " on the increasing avoidance of humans by wildlife on public land in the United States in terms of the most benign recreational activities .

  9. 民族舞蹈是当今挪威的一项流行休闲活动。

    Folk dancing is a popular recreational activity in Norway today .

  10. 成都、武汉居民休闲活动满意度研究

    A Research on Chengdu and Wuhan Inhabitants ' Leisure Satisfaction Degree

  11. 蹦极是新兴的一项非常刺激的户外休闲活动。

    Bungee Jumping is a very exciting new outdoor leisure activity .

  12. 现代社会发展与体育休闲活动的未来

    The Development of Modern Society and the Future of Leisure Sports Activity

  13. 休闲活动中体育锻炼所占的比例较低;

    There is a lower proportion of physical exercises in leisure activities ;

  14. 这种休闲活动被看作是一种必然的活动。

    This recreational activities be regarded as a kind of inevitable activities .

  15. 体育运动不再仅仅是人们的休闲活动了。

    Sports are no longer just something for people 's spare time .

  16. 高校教师休闲活动参与特征及影响因素

    Influence Factors and Feature of Participating in Leisure Activities of University Teachers

  17. 尽管奥廷加先生腰缠万贯,他却不参与这些休闲活动。

    Although he is rich , he remains an outsider .

  18. 在空余时间,人们有许多休闲活动。

    People enjoy many different activities in their free time .

  19. 钓鱼除了提供美食品外还是一项休闲活动。

    Fishing is a form of recreation other than presenting delicious food .

  20. 年龄因素对游戏休闲活动的参与呈正向影响,青年人游戏休闲活动参与度明显高于中年人。

    Age factor has a positive effect on game-playing leisure activity participation .

  21. 去酒吧是一项非常流行的休闲活动。

    Going to pubs is a very popular leisure-time activity .

  22. 论休闲活动在弱势群体中的开展

    On Developing Leisure Activity in the Weak Group of People

  23. 你有一项业余爱好或休闲活动吗?

    Do you have a hobby or leisure activity ?

  24. 对徐州市中青年群体休闲活动现状的调查研究

    Analysis on the Status of Leisure of Young and Middle-aged Population in Xuzhou

  25. 学习讨脑论娱乐和休闲活动。

    In this unit you learn to talk about entertainment and free-time activities .

  26. 甚至同样的休闲活动各人做起来也可能功能不同。

    Even the same leisure activity may be used differently be different individuals .

  27. 成都市民消费结构与休闲活动关系研究

    Relation Between Consumption Structure and Recreations of Chengdu Residents

  28. 游戏活动是休闲活动的一种。

    Game activities are a kind of leisure activities .

  29. 深圳市民周末休闲活动的空间结构

    The leisure spatial structure of Shenzhen citizens on weekends

  30. 休闲活动内容比较单一,主要以传统的不花钱的娱乐活动为主。

    The content of leisure activities is simplex , traditional and no cost .