
xiū ɡēnɡ dì
  • fallow land
  • odd mark
休耕地 [xiū gēng dì]
  • [odd mark] 闲置起来以备播种的可耕地的一部分

  1. 除大豆地外,其他作物生长季节和休耕地的N2O排放通量季节变化与温度之间均存在一定程度的正相关性,其中冬春季休耕地的N2O排放通量与温度间存在弱指数函数关系。

    Apart from that from the soybean field , N 2O fluxes from the crop fields and fallow land were positively related with the temperature , and N 2O fluxes from the fallow land in spring and winter were in exponential function with the temperature .

  2. 加利福尼亚科克伦附近的番茄休耕地。

    Fallowed tomato fields near Corcoran , California .

  3. 相同条件(降水,地形)下,不同土地利用类型产生径流的大小顺序依次为:荒地>农田>休耕地>草地>疏林地>灌木。

    Under the same physiographic condition ( e.g. , precipitation and topography ), runoff varies with land uses in the following decreasing order of intensity : wasteland > cropland > fallow > grassland > woodland ( low cover ) > shrub .

  4. 然而,不同土地利用类型产生侵蚀的大小顺序不同于径流,其顺序依次为:农田>荒地>休耕地>草地>疏林地>灌木。

    However , the dependency of soil erosion on land uses is different from that of runoff Specifically , soil erosion varies with land uses in the following decreasing order of severity : cropland > wasteland > grassland > woodland ( low cover ) > shrub .