
mù bīng
  • Recruitment;recruit soldiers
募兵 [mù bīng]
  • [recruit soldiers] 招募兵丁

募兵[mù bīng]
  1. 他的工作是为陆军募兵。

    His job is to recruit for the army .

  2. 对荒年募兵等学界存在争论的问题,本文也进行了探讨。

    The article also discussed the argumentative question of the conscription in the lean years .

  3. 他的工作是为陆军募兵。这首领招募了一支队伍。

    His job was to recruit for the army . The leader raised an army .

  4. 宋代确立了募兵制度,实行养兵政策。

    The Song Dynasty established the Mercenary System , and carried out the policy of raising army .

  5. 我们芬兰的确有募兵活动,但现如今那已经称不上是一支军队了。

    It is true that we have conscription in Finland , but it isn ´ t an army anymore these days .

  6. 建安年间,募兵逐渐取代义务兵成为军队的主要成分。

    In Jian'an period of Han Dynasty , conscript soldiers replaced gradually compulsory soldiers and became the main body of the army .

  7. 当你适龄参军的时候,你完全可以加入芬兰军队嘛,芬兰不是也有募兵活动吗?

    And when you become of age why don 't you join the Finnish armed forces ? Isn 't there conscription in Finland ?

  8. 他在选将募兵时注重学识体格,不拘于关系亲疏,体现了不同于勇营的选兵理念。

    Election will be recruiting to focus on learning physical , informal relationship closeness , and embodies the concept different from Yong Ying .

  9. 小海军在许多方面都有著卓式喜剧的影子,他的外貌像是海军募兵的漫画,也像是虚构电影广告海报中的人物。

    Liu Ye 's love for the tragic-comic is evident in his portrait of the child-sailor , who is indeed in many ways Chaplinesque .

  10. 他们说我们破坏兵役,我们就请他们扩大新四军的募兵区域;

    When they charged us with having undermined their conscription plans , we asked them to enlarge the recruiting area for the New Fourth Army ;

  11. 我们现行的,既不是旧式的募兵制,也不是征兵制,而是第三种兵役制&动员制。

    What we now have is neither the old mercenary system nor universal military service , but a third system , the system of mobilizing volunteers .

  12. 美军一九一七年的那张募兵海报脍炙人口,海报上山姆叔叔摆出的姿势,就是模仿基钦纳的海报。

    Kitchener 's poster spawned , in1917 , the famous recruitment poster for the United States army , which showed Uncle Sam in a similar pose .

  13. 它比募兵制要好些,它不会造成那样多的二流子;但比征兵制要差些。

    It is better than the mercenary system since it does not produce so many loafers , but it is not so good as universal military service .

  14. 随着军事编制、军队名称的改变,军官制度、新的募兵制、军事教育的兴起,清末民初建立了近代化的军队,主要表现在三个方面:一、清末海军的初创和重建;

    With the organization and the name of the army , the officer system , new draft system and military education was founded and a modern army was established in that time . It manifests mainly three aspects .

  15. 挺进莫斯科之初,拿破仑举全国之力募兵超过60万人,然而到了1812年9月,军中还具有战斗力的只剩下区区10万余人。最终,拿破仑带领的法军在俄军的押送下灰溜溜地回到了法国老家。

    More than 600000 men from Napoleon 's empire marched toward Russia , but just a few more than 100000 were left fighting by early September 1812 , and in the end Napoleon was escorted by Russian troops back to France .

  16. 北宋时期,厢军和禁军是紧密相连、互相依存、不可分割的整体,厢军的存在为募兵制条件下的禁军建设提供了有利条件。

    In North Sung , the Xiang Forces and the Jin Forces were indiscerptible to and mutually depending on each other . The existence of the Xiang Forces provided a beneficial condition for constructing the Jin Forces in the system of conscription .

  17. 金朝军事机构较为简化,重视骑兵的作用,也逐步建立和发展其他兵种,军队中民族成分复杂,实行签军和募兵兵役制度,军事职官的地位较高。

    Military organization was relatively simple , with emphasis placed on the cavalry and other arms developed at the same time . Its troops were made up of soldiers of many nationalities , either mercenaries or conscripts . Officers enjoyed high status .