
mù jí zī jīn
  • Raised funds;raise a fund
  1. 博物馆需要找到募集资金的途径。

    The museum needs to find ways of raising cash .

  2. 他们正计划向一些机构募集资金。

    They were planning to solicit funds from a number of organizations .

  3. 这家医院正设法募集资金购买一台新的血液透析器。

    The hospital is trying to raise funds for a new kidney machine .

  4. 大多数人参加伦敦马拉松赛跑是为慈善事业募集资金。

    Most of the runners in the London Marathon are raising money for charity .

  5. 商业银行为产业界募集资金。事实上他们自己并不出资。

    The merchant banks raise capital for industry . They don 't actually put it up themselves .

  6. 他们对募集资金的呼吁作出了慷慨的响应。

    They have made generous response to the appeals for funds .

  7. 大股东代理问题与IPO募集资金的使用

    Large Shareholder Agency Problem & the Use of IPO Proceeds

  8. 上周,通用的首次公开发行(IPO)获得了超额认购,募集资金逾200亿美元,实现了凤凰涅盘似的重生。

    Last week , an oversubscribed initial public offering raised more than $ 20bn for the phoenix-like comeback .

  9. 即便市场下跌阻止了一些公司募集资金,计划进行首次公开发行(IPO)的队伍似乎依然庞大。

    And even if market falls dissuade some companies from raising capital , the pipeline of planned initial public offerings appears huge .

  10. 黄金热要破灭,可能需要等到一家交易“月球黄金”的电子商务网站首次公开募股(IPO)严重超额认购、募集资金达200亿美元的时候。

    A gold mania probably won 't burst until we see , say , 'GoldontheMoon . com'raise $ 20 billion in a heavily-oversubscribed IPO .

  11. Dimon称,银行正在通过大规模的杠杆手段募集资金和对冲基金。

    Dimon said banks are raising capital and hedge funds have been through massive de-leveraging .

  12. IPO是指公司首次向社会公开售股以募集资金,然后在证券交易所上市的过程。

    IPO is the process of the first time the company sold shares to the public to raise funds , then listing on the stock exchange .

  13. 上周五,美国社交游戏巨头Zynga首日挂牌交易,IPO募集资金约10亿美元。

    Social gaming giant Zynga ( ZnGa ) went public earlier today , raising around $ 1 billion in its IPO .

  14. 上市公司在IPO过程中发生的超额募集资金问题成为了时下的热点话题,融资超募无疑是违背了资本市场的优化配置功能。

    The phenomenon of IPO over financing has become a hot topic nowadays . IPO over financing is undoubtedly against the optimized allocation function of capital market .

  15. 本文在单一股东价值模型的基础上,引入第一大股东的代理行为,并对IPO募集资金使用情况的影响因素进行理论分析,进而提出研究假说。

    This paper proposes a shareholder value model , in the first place and then introduces the large shareholder agency problem to analyze the use of IPO proceeds .

  16. 此外,这些公司都没有说明它们将如何用募集资金来填补VIE的前期亏损。

    Furthermore , none of the companies explain how they got funds into the vies to fund the prior losses .

  17. 在此基础上,分析股市募集资金对GDP的关联性,同样也表明募集资金对经济增长的贡献尚未达到显著性水平。

    The article based on the above analysis gives a positive research conclusions : the collected funds have not reached the remarkable high level in relation to its contribution to GDP and economic growth .

  18. 但是,世纪佳缘尚未透露IPO发行数量和发行价格。公司将募集资金用于偿付优先股股东的未支付红利和一般性公司用途。

    Has not revealed its IPO size and price range in the prospectus , saying that financed capitals will be used to pay dividends to preferred shareholders and for general purpose .

  19. 企业IPO募资投向变更的行为不仅关系到上市公司募集资金的使用效率,对整个证券市场秩序也会产生广泛的影响。

    The change behavior of investing direction in IPO Companies not only affects the use efficiency of the raised funds , but also has an important impact on the entire market order .

  20. 就上市数量而言,纽约证交所(NYSE)以11:10险胜纳斯达克(Nasdaq),但几乎94%的IPO募集资金都流向在纽交所上市的公司。

    NYSE has a slight 11-10 edge over the NASDAQ in terms of listings , although approximately 94 % of the IPO proceeds went to NYSE-listed companies .

  21. 好吧,Facebook公司是在说,它将摊薄股东权益,以募集资金,这样就可以继续运营下去?

    So Facebook is saying it is diluting its shareholders today ( stock is down 2 % this morning ) to raise money so it can , well , essentially keep the lights on ?

  22. 其中与股票相关的因素,包括已发行股份,股份总额,募集资金,发行市盈率P/E,上市地区,行业,对IPO的预期收益对回报有重大影响。

    Among the stock related factors , issued shares , total shares , raised fund , issuance P / E , listing place , industry , expected return have significant influence on IPO return .

  23. 桑托勒姆和妻子卡伦(karen)在自己的网站上发布了联合声明,解释道,继续募集资金是为了维护个人自由。

    In a joint statement with his wife , Karen , Mr Santorum explained on his website that his ongoing fundraising efforts represented a bid for personal freedom .

  24. 超募是指在IPO新股公开发行后,上市公司实际募集资金明显超过当次IPO预计募集投资项目计划所需资金的现象,是当前我国A股IPO过程中的一大特色。

    " Over raised " means after the initial public offerings , listed companies actually raise funds significantly more than this IPO was expected to raise . This phenomenon is a major feature of China A-share IPO process .

  25. 随着投资者寻求参股一些世界上发展最快的企业,中国内地企业今年在上海、深圳及香港交易所进行了近180次IPO,募集资金超过900亿美元。

    Mainland companies have this year raised more than $ 90bn through nearly 180 IPOs on the Shanghai , Shenzhen and Hong Kong exchanges as investors search for exposure to some of world 's fastest-growing com - panies .

  26. 当天晚些时候,一名风险资本家讲述了他自己的企业在优步(Uber)首次募集资金时拒绝了它的事情,称那个决定是“一次令人惋惜的想象力失灵”。

    Later that day one venture capitalist described his own firm 's decision to turn down Uber when it was first raising money as " a lamentable failure of imagination . "

  27. 报道说,当时,这名女孩正和其家人一起参加MenehuneMac公司举办的第5届母亲节糖果生产活动。这是一项为夏威夷儿童癌症基金会募集资金的活动。

    The girl and her family were attending the company 's Fifth Annual Mother 's Day Candy Making Event , a fundraiser for the Hawaii Children 's Cancer Foundation .

  28. WFOE不能把已经兑换成人民币的资金用于委托贷款,所以无法通过这种方式将首发募集资金借给VIE。

    WFOEs cannot make entrust loans with funds that have been converted into RMB , so the WFOE cannot make a loan of IPO proceeds to the vie in this way .

  29. 仅在11月这一个月中,各家FHLB(在募集资金时联合行动)发行了价值2100亿美元的新债券。

    In November alone , the FHLBs ( which raise funds collectively ) issued $ 210bn in new debt .

  30. 台湾金融监管机构最近拒绝了当地另一家存储芯片制造商茂德科技(Promos)的融资申请。该公司计划通过发行可转债和全球存托凭证(GDR)募集资金最多5.5亿美元。

    Taiwan 's financial regulator recently rejected an application by Promos , another Taiwanese memory chip maker , to raise up to US $ 550m through convertible bonds and global depositary receipts .