
  1. 他善谈用兵之道,其余的人,甚至他的父亲都说不过他。赵括因此很骄傲,自以为是天下第一的军事家。

    No one , even his father , could excel him in discussing military strategies , so he felt proud and reckoned himself as No.1 strategist of his age .

  2. 蔺相如和赵括的母亲(当时她丈夫已去世)都上书劝告赵王改变主意,但赵王不听。

    Ling Xiangru and Zhao Kuo 's mother ( whose husband had died that time ) both presented a memorial to persuade the king to change his ideas but in vain .

  3. 国君一听,立刻弃用廉颇,命赵国另一名将赵奢的儿子,赵括出征。

    The king , upon hearing this , immediately decided to remove Lian Po and replace him with Zhao Kuo , the son of another famous Zhao general , Zhao She .