
  1. 赵丹说他真正的演员生涯是从《马路天使》开始的。

    And Zhao Dan had said Street Angel marked his actor career .

  2. 赵丹自幼着迷影剧,童年在父亲开的剧院里度过。

    He was fascinated with film and drama since childhood , which he spent in a theater that his father owned .

  3. 赵丹,原名赵凤朝,原籍山东肥城,出生于江苏南通,中国电影史上最卓越的男演员之一。

    Zhao Dan , born in Zhao Feng Chao in Nan Tong city , Jiangsu Province , whose ancestor hometown was in Feicheng , Shandong Province , was one of the most acclaimed and accomplished actors in Chinese film history .