
  • 网络yili
  1. 伊犁地区多次波衰减方法研究及应用

    The Research and Application of Multiples Decreasing Techniques in Yili Area

  2. 伊犁地区汛期一次强降水天气分析

    The Analysis of a Strong Precipitation in Yili Area in Flood Season

  3. 结果伊犁地区受调查人群高TG血症患病率为36.10%,城镇高于乡村,男性高于女性(P值均<0.001);

    Results Among all the people surveyed in Ili Prefecture , the prevalence of hypertriglyceridemia was 36.10 % , being higher in urban than in rural areas and higher in males than females ( P < 0.001 ) .

  4. 目的了解伊犁地区多民族人群血清甘油三酯(TG)分布特点及其与糖代谢异常关系的范围,为扩大对糖代谢异常防治的范围提供依据。

    Objective To study the serum triglyceride ( TG ) distribution characteristics and their relation with abnormal glucose metabolism in populations of different nationalities in Ili Prefecture of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region to provide a basis for extending the prevention and treatment of abnormal glucose metabolism .

  5. 伊犁地区5个欧美杨引进品系的苗期适应性研究

    Cutting Adaptability of Five Occidental Poplar Clones in Yili of Xinjiang

  6. 伊犁地区矿泉水中无机成分分析

    Analysis of trace elements in mineral water of Ili Prefecture

  7. 伊犁地区多民族人群脂代谢紊乱状态的调查

    Survey on lipids disorder status in population of multi-nationalities in Ili Prefecture

  8. 伊犁地区旅游资源开发与规划

    Development and Planning of the Tourist Resources in Yili Area

  9. 伊犁地区降水特征及变化趋势分析

    Analysis on the Characteristics and Change Trend of Precipitation in Ili Region

  10. 试析伊犁地区民族饮食文化的变迁

    The Changes On the National Dietetic Culture in Yili District

  11. 伊犁地区父母代种鸡场发生沙门氏菌病后的净化研究

    Studies on Eradication of Avian Salmonella Disease of Parental Breeding Birds in Ili

  12. 伊犁地区多民族人群糖代谢异常的患病率调查

    Prevalence of abnormal glucose metabolism in population of different ethnics in Ili Prefecture

  13. 伊犁地区石炭系阿克沙克组沉积相和沉积环境分析

    Carboniferous Akshak Group 's Sedimentary Facies and Depositional Environmental Analysis in Yili Area

  14. 伊犁地区历史径流深度场的重建

    Reconstruction of the historical runoff depth field in the Yili area , Xinjiang

  15. 伊犁地区大豆霜霉病的发生及防治措施

    Occurrence and Control of Soybean Downy Mildew in Yili

  16. 环境监测网络信息系统的开发及其应用&以伊犁地区为例

    Design and Application of Internet Based Environmental Information System-A Case Study in Yili Prefecture

  17. 伊犁地区生物多样性保护及利用

    Protection and Using of Biodiversity in Yili Area

  18. 伊犁地区香料作物的高产栽培与示范推广

    The Fragrant Plants of YiLi Region of High Produce to Educate the Demonstration Expansion

  19. 伊犁地区天然草地禾本科牧草和草坪草植物资源与利用

    Natural grassland gramineous pasture and turf grass plant resources and utilisation in the Yili area

  20. 伊犁地区哈萨克族糖尿病及其危险因素抽样调查分析

    Investigation and analysis on risk factors for diabetes mellitus of Kazak population in Yili prefecture

  21. 伊犁地区野生毛牛蒡和牛蒡的种群分布、生态和群落特性的研究

    Study on the Distribution and the Ecology Characteristic of the Wild Arctium in Yili Area

  22. 伊犁地区多民族人群血清甘油三酯分布特点及其与糖代谢异常的关系

    Serum triglyceride distribution characteristics and their correlation with abnormal glucose metabolism in different ethnics in Ili Prefecture

  23. 伊犁地区民族饮食文化研究(之一)&民族饮食文化结构的形成

    The National Dietetic Research in Yili District ( Part 1 ) & The Formation of the National Dietetic Structure

  24. 结果(1)伊犁地区被调查人群脂代谢紊乱患病率为52.70%。

    Results ( 1 ) In the population surveyed in Ili Prefecture , the prevalence of lipids disorder is 52.70 % .

  25. 本文通过对伊犁地区生物多样性保护现状和存在问题的分析,提出相应的保护对策及建议。

    The paper analyzes biodiversity protection status and existent question in Yili area , points out corresponding protection countermeasure and suggestion .

  26. 保护和大力发展山地天然林资源是伊犁地区生态产业发展的核心内容。

    Protection and further developing mountainous area 's natural forest resources is a key content of Yili region 's ecological industry development .

  27. 对伊犁地区兽类进行了全面考察,共计6目18科47属62种。

    The mammalia in Ili area , are belonging to 62 species , 47 genera , 18 families , and 6 orders .

  28. 以地区论,伊犁地区植被覆盖变化幅度最小,状况最为稳定;

    The change amplitude of vegetation coverage in the Yili region is the lowest , and the vegetation coverage is the most stable ;

  29. 伊犁地区的墓葬种类繁多,对这些资料的进一步整理和系统发表,对今后更深入的研究有着积极的作用。

    There are many types of burials in Ili , to collation or publish of these data further has play a positive role in future studies .

  30. 方法采用分层整群抽样方法,对伊犁地区6个主体民族常住人口进行关于脂代谢异常的流行病学调查。

    Methods with stratified cluster sampling method , epidemiological survey was conducted about abnormal metabolism on blood lipid among the permanent resident population of six major nationalities in Ili prefecture .