
  1. 第二部分主要从新疆卫视所处的媒介生态出发,分析新疆卫视的发展现状。

    The second part tries to analyze the present development situation of Xinxiang Satellite TV , based on the media ecological of Xinxiang .

  2. 改版后的新疆卫视,以改变·前行为主旨,用先进的编排理念和精美包装为龙头,倾力打造新的新闻直播节目和原创自办栏目。

    After revision , Xinjiang Satellite TV made " Change " as the theme and lean strength to build new news broadcast programs and original funds-raising programs with advanced choreography concept and exquisite packaging .

  3. 开篇绪论,介绍了开展新疆卫视传播效果研究的背景、意义、研究现状以及传播效果研究的主要理念等问题,接着是调查样本框的建立和抽样等问题的说明。

    Begins with the introduction , refers the research background significance , research status and problems such as communication effect research of the main idea on Xinxiang Satellite TV , followed by a sample of frame establishing and sampling .