
  • novelty;New
  1. 房产税改革作为新鲜事物,需要有逐步完善的过程。

    As a novelty , the property tax reform needs gradual improvements .

  2. 彭博社(Bloomberg)表示,尽管无人机在很大程度上还是一种新鲜事物,但到2020年时,无人机销量预计会达到1600万架,相对于今年400万架的预期销量等于是翻了两番。

    While still largely novelty items , this year 's projected sales of 4m are expected to quadruple to 16m by 2020 , Bloomberg said .

  3. 新鲜事物的魅力一定让你兴奋不已。

    You must be feeling exhilarated by the call of the new .

  4. 我期盼每一天,期盼体验新鲜事物。

    I look forward to each day and experiencing something new .

  5. DNA测试在当时还是新鲜事物,乔布斯在加州大学洛杉矶分校进行了测试。

    DNA tests were new , and the one that Jobs took was done at UCLA .

  6. 消息总线是ESB的基础,并且不是什么新鲜事物。

    This message bus is the gist of an ESB , and this is nothing new .

  7. 在这个应用程序中,我们大胆尝试一些新鲜事物,以DOCUMENTS表中已经定义的BLOB之外的数据类型存储XML文档。

    We dare to try something different in this application , while storing XML documents in a data type different from the BLOB data type already defined in the DOCUMENTS table .

  8. RubyDCamp很显然是一个独一无二的新鲜事物,当问到演说者的时候,他是这么说的

    Ruby DCamp is obviously a unique event and when asked about speakers , it was explained as

  9. 而在原材料物流管理中,供应商管理库存(VMI)作为一个新鲜事物所展现出的相对与传统采购的优势,也越来越得到大多数企业的认同。

    During the material logistics management , the advantage which vendor manage inventory ( VMI ) as a new idea opens and compares with traditional purchase , gets more and more enterprises ' self-identify .

  10. 新鲜事物让这座城市格外迷人:最近新开了几座大酒店(比如ParkHyatt)、时尚酒吧、精品店及餐馆,其中Ottimo的比萨特别美味。—

    Fresh buzz makes this city especially enticing : Several major hotels including the Park Hyatt have recently opened , and there is a slew of new and trendy clubs , boutiques and restaurants , including Ottimo for excellent pizzas . -

  11. 目前,国外利用私人资本建设基础设施的一种重要方式就是BOT(build-operate-transfer)方式,但BOT对于我国来说还是一个新鲜事物,有许多应用基础问题急待研究。

    Currently , BOT ( Build-operate-transfer ) has become one of the very important ways of infrastructure construction financed by private capital in foreign countries , but in our country BOT is still a fresh thing , and many problems related need to be researched .

  12. 智能手表不是什么新鲜事物,索尼(Sony)和摩托罗拉(Motorola)等公司都曾经推出过类似的产品。但Pebble出手不凡,迅速赢得大量好评。人们交口称赞它精巧的防水设计、用心打造的户外式1.26英寸低功耗显示屏。

    Although so-called smartwatches have been tried by other companies like Sony ( SNE ) and Motorola , the Pebble earned a slew of mostly positive reviews that applauded its sleek waterproof design , including that outdoors-friendly 1.26-inch power-sipping screen that was designed with subtlety in mind .

  13. 奥古斯丁我看是你不敢尝试新鲜事物吧

    I guess you 're afraid to try new things , Augusten

  14. 才智倚重的是永远对学习新鲜事物持开放态度。

    Intelligence depends on always being open to learning new things .

  15. 收入更高的类似工作还是尝试新鲜事物?

    Familiar work that 's better paid or trying something new ?

  16. 我们也要多尝试新鲜事物,对吧?

    And we should always try new things too , right ?

  17. 在数据存储领域,钻石也不是新鲜事物。

    Diamonds aren 't new to the memory game , either .

  18. 恩,年轻人总是对新鲜事物感兴趣。

    Yeah , young people are always interested in something new .

  19. 移动支付在商贸和购物领域仍然是个新鲜事物。

    Mobile payments are still very young in commerce and shopping .

  20. 如果从不尝试任何新鲜事物,你怎么能进步?

    If you never try anything new , how can you improve ?

  21. 尝试新鲜事物坏处多了!

    Theres a lot of harm in trying something new !

  22. 本杰明:对我来说这真是个新鲜事物。

    Benjamin : Oh , that 's new to me .

  23. 他们指出,企业外交并不是什么新鲜事物。

    They point out that there is nothing new about corporate diplomacy .

  24. 它动摇了我们的预定期待,唤醒了我们接受新鲜事物的意识。

    It challenges our established expectations , awakening our consciousness to novelty .

  25. 未成年人善于思考问题,乐于接受新鲜事物。

    Juvenile are good at thinking , willing to accept new things .

  26. 拥抱新鲜事物,经历全新体验,接触新的人。

    Be open to new things , new experiences , new people .

  27. 相对于城市社区而言,农村社区是一个新鲜事物。

    Compared to urban communities , rural communities is a new thing .

  28. 一个从不犯错误的人,一定从来没有尝试过任何新鲜事物。

    A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new .

  29. 牛顿表达了同样的观点:现实增强技术仍然是一个新鲜事物。

    Mr Newton agrees : Augmented reality is still an exotic campaign .

  30. 你还能在收音机上收听到新鲜事物。

    You can also hear new things on the radio .