
  • 网络black dress;black suit
  1. 我想要一件款式简单而不花哨的黑色礼服。

    I wanted a simple black dress , nothing fancy .

  2. 黑色礼服是黛安娜衣橱中的主角。

    The black dress was an enduring staple of diana 's wardrobe .

  3. 她穿着整洁的黑色礼服。

    She was wearing a neat black suit .

  4. 我穿黑色礼服去参加聚会&万无一失。

    I 'm wearing black for the party & it 's always a safe bet .

  5. 因影片《一个明星的诞生》而提名最佳女演员的嘎嘎,穿着AlexanderMcQueen黑色礼服,戴了一条亮闪闪的黄色钻石项链。这枚宝石奥黛丽赫本曾在《蒂凡尼早餐》宣传海报中佩戴过。

    The A Star Is Born Best Actress nominee teamed the dazzling yellow jewel , famously worn by Audrey Hepburn in her promotional shots for Breakfast At Tiffany 's , with a sculptural black gown by Alexander McQueen .

  6. 黑色礼服鞋非常从容&它们低调而且有品位。

    Black dress shoes are easy & they 're understated and tasteful .

  7. 艾米-舒默以#为什么我们穿黑色礼服的标签发贴,上传了一张儿时旧照。

    Amy Schumer posted a throwback photo from her childhood in her \# WhyWeWearBlack post .

  8. 如果对有些人而言,能够穿下小号黑色礼服或者小号牛仔裤可以激励自己减肥的话

    If a little black dress or a smaller jean size is something someone finds motivating

  9. 如有阳刚之风的军款茄克和一件黑色礼服搭配一件贴身的褶边缎质衬衫。

    Masculine military style jacket , a black tux complete with a slim , ruffled , satin shirt .

  10. 只有两种情形适合在白天穿黑色礼服。

    There are only two times when it 's appropriate ...... to wear the little black dress in daylight .

  11. 穿着白色婚纱的新娘漂亮迷人,穿着黑色礼服的新郎英俊潇洒。

    The bride was gorgeous in her white wedding gown and the groom was very dashing in his black tuxedo .

  12. 新娘穿着白色婚纱看上去美极了,新郎穿着黑色礼服也是一表人材帅气逼人。

    The bride was gorgeous in her white wedding gown and the groom was very dashing in his black suit .

  13. 泥泞的秋天已经到了,马丁早当掉了自行车,保留了黑色礼服。

    The muddy fall weather having come on , Martin had pledged his wheel some time since and retained his black suit .

  14. 尽管他的黑色礼服陈旧褪色,但在玛丽的眼里他仍是屋内最耀眼的人物。

    Even in his rusty black evening clothes , it seemed to Marie that he was the most distinguished looking man in the room .

  15. 身着巴宝莉黑色礼服,24岁的阿黛尔在舞台上收获此奖项时表达了对宝贝儿子和男朋友西蒙的感谢之情。

    Wearing a black Burberry gown , the 24-year-old paid tribute to her baby son and boyfriend Simon Konecki as she accepted the accolade .

  16. 杰西在两条裙子中挣扎着——一件是长款无肩带的经典黑色礼服,另一件是及膝细肩带的铁蓝色礼服。

    Jess was torn between two - one a long , strapless , basic black number , the other a knee-length electric blue with spaghetti straps .

  17. 她补充说:“我们身穿黑色礼服,与所有行业中要求平等、尊重、和有益变革的人们站在一起。”

    She added , " We wear black in solidarity with men and women asking for equality , respect and meaningful change within all industries . "

  18. 另一方面,52岁的乔治身着经典量身定制走上红毯,他穿着黑色礼服、白恤衫,佩戴蝶形领结。

    George , 52 , on the other hand went for classic red carpet tailoring , in a black tuxedo , white dress shirt and bow tie .

  19. 如果你没有时间进出更衣室,那么经典黑色礼服确实是最简单的选择。

    If you just don 't have time to spend popping in and out of dressing rooms , the classic black dress truly is the easiest answer .

  20. 在一段视频中,罗莎里奥-道森使用#为什么我们穿黑色礼服的贴子,来感谢主动说出自己遭遇性侵和性骚扰往事的人们。

    In a video , Rosario Dawson used her \# WhyWeWearBlack post to thank the people who have come forward with stories of sexual assault and harassment .

  21. 轻盈摇曳的、或是垂坠曳地的动人华服,是每个女人心中不灭的梦想,穿上如梦似幻的高贵黑色礼服,公主就成长为美丽的女王。

    Lightsome sway , or apeak drag ground moving finery , is every woman heart of dreams , fantastical wear black dress , the princess is high growth for beautiful queen .

  22. 莱顿·梅斯特、凯蒂·佩里、泰勒·斯威夫特和克里斯汀·卡瓦拉瑞都身着闪亮的礼服,令狗仔队们惊叹,而麦当娜、艾丽西娅·凯斯和奥利维亚·巴勒莫则都选择了简洁的黑色礼服。

    Leighton Meester , Katy Perry , Taylor Swift and Kristin Cavallari all wowed the paparazzi2 in glittering get-ups , while Madonna , Alicia Keys and Olivia Palermo chose simple black dresses .

  23. 这位女歌手穿得格外抢眼,早些时候她见罗马教皇穿的是定制黑色礼服,之后换成了奶黄色条纹裙。

    The songstress cut a glamorous figure as she changed out of her tailored black gown she sported earlier in the day to meet the Pope and slipped into a cream and yellow striped dress .

  24. 数位娱乐界重量级女星使用#为什么我们穿黑色礼服的标签发声,让公众意识到走红毯时穿黑色礼服不是时尚宣言,而是为了表达团结一致的决心。

    Using \# WhyWeWearBlack , a parade of the industry 's most prominent female voices are reminding the public that the all-black red carpet is not a fashion statement -- it 's a statement of solidarity .

  25. 选择一条样式简单的黑色晚礼服准没错。

    A simple black cocktail dress is always a safe bet .

  26. 他穿着黑色晚礼服,脸上戴着面罩。

    He wore black evening clothes and a mask over his face .

  27. 约瑟夫说这幽灵是个高个子,他穿着黑色晚礼服。

    ' Joseph says the ghost is tall and he wears a black evening coat . '

  28. 黑色西装礼服加白衬衫、黑领结是最保险的穿法。

    A black tux with white shirt and black bow tie is the best way to go .

  29. 熟悉时装的人都知道,每个女人的衣橱里绝对得备有一件“黑色小礼服”。

    Those in the fashion know that every woman simply must have a @ little black dress @ in her repertoire .

  30. 我第一次看到了发出这个声音的人!他穿着黑色晚礼服,脸上戴着面罩。

    I saw the voice for the first time ! He wore black evening clothes and a mask over his face .