
  • 网络Battle of Gaixia;Gaixia
  1. 本文对《史记?项羽本纪》中关于垓下之战中的记载的真实性提出了自己的看法。

    This article to 《 shi-ji Xiang Yu this discipline 》 proposed his own view about the record authenticity of the war happening in Gai-xia .

  2. 陈下之战是刘邦所率汉军由防御转入进攻的一个转折点,垓下之战则是楚汉双方的大规模最后决战。

    The battle of Chenxia is a turning point that marks the switch of the units of Han from the defensive to the offensive , while the battle of Gaixia is a large-scale decisive battle between Chu and Hun .