
  • 网络blackpool;Dark pool
  1. 黑池可以在一周内对书面正式回复联赛。

    Blackpool have a week to respond to a formal letter from the League .

  2. “好吧,每个人都有自己的看法,”前黑池球员说。

    " Well , everyone has an opinion ," the former Blackpool player said .

  3. 详细介绍了PowerV垂直钻井系统和机械式无线随钻测斜仪的组成、工作原理及其在黑池1井的应用情况。

    Components and mechanism of Power V ( a vertical drilling system ) and mechanical MWD are presented in detail .

  4. 一场平局不会令事情有任何好转,除了对黑池的一方。

    A draw would not go down well anywhere except on the Fylde coast .

  5. 当然和黑池还有北安普顿比赛结果很糟糕,我不是在逃避这一点。

    Of course the Blackpool and Northampton results were unacceptable . I 'm not hiding behind that .

  6. 霍德格森只需要去看看黑池,就明白为什么利物浦的球迷如此不爽他。

    Roy Hodgson only needs to look at Blackpool to know why so many Liverpool fans are unhappy with him .

  7. 霍罗威其实情绪不好,在看着他的黑池二队被南安普顿淘汰出足总杯了以后。

    Ian Holloway was in defiant mood after watching his second-string Blackpool side tumble out of the Cup at Southampton .

  8. 黑池准备在夏天的时候增加主场布伦菲德的容量,不管他们下个赛季将在哪个级别的联赛之中。

    Blackpool are considering increasing the capacity of Bloomfield Road in the summer , regardless of which division they are in next season .

  9. 黑池在他们首个英超赛季前夕一天内签下了5名球员。

    On the eve of their first season in the Premier League , Blackpool sign five players in one day to strengthen their ranks .

  10. 黑池中场核心亨德里上轮停赛,本轮复出,这对于黑池两位看守领队而言是一个利好消息。

    Blackpool caretaker bosses Tony Parkes and Steve Thompson are boosted by the return of on-loan Sheffield United midfielder Lee Hendrie following a ban .

  11. 黑池将在节礼日下午3点对利物浦的比赛开始前3个小时对球场状况进行检测,以确定比赛能否进行。

    Blackpool will hold a pitch inspection three hours before their scheduled3pm kick-off against Liverpool on Boxing Day to see if the match can go ahead .

  12. 黑池上周一和西布朗交手,然后周六与埃弗顿交手,昨天的比赛之后又马上是本周六做客伦敦去面对西汉姆。

    Blackpool played West Bromwich last Monday and Everton on Saturday , and yesterday 's match is followed by this Saturday 's trip to London to face West Ham .

  13. 黑池(布莱克浦尔)是本季唯一一支在奥脱福上半场就取得进球的球队,那是最后一轮对曼联,进球者是查理阿当。

    Only one opposition side scored a first half goal at Old Trafford this season , that coming in Manchester United 's final game , Charlie Adam for Blackpool .

  14. 希望我们能得到分数,最后一场主场比赛是对黑池,如果到那时候才能锁定冠军也可以。

    Hopefully we get to a point where we need to win our last home game – against Blackpool – to win the league . I would take that .

  15. 和热刺的交易实在太过仓促所以最终未能成功,25岁的亚当将会待在布鲁姆菲尔德路继续为黑池效力直到赛季末。

    However , there was not enough time for the deal to be completed and the25-year-old will remain at Bloomfield Road until at least the end of the season .

  16. 今天,利物浦球员在节礼日对阵黑池之前在梅尔伍德进行了跑步训练。我们的摄影师一起前往拍下了他们精彩画面。

    The Liverpool players were today put through their paces at Melwood ahead of the Boxing day showdown at Blackpool-and our photographer was there to get these great shots .

  17. 最近对曼联和热刺的比赛都因为球场结冰而被延期,而黑池节礼日对利物浦的比赛也岌岌可危。

    The recent matches against Manchester United and Tottenham were both postponed due to a frozen pitch , while Blackpool 's Boxing Day match against Liverpool is also in jeopardy .

  18. 黑池的主教练,有可能获得年度最佳教练奖,将在他的球队主场与热刺的比赛结束之后驱车前往位于伯明翰的工作室。

    The Blackpool boss , who is in the frame for Coach of the Year , will drive to the Birmingham studios after his side 's home clash with Spurs .

  19. 今年1月,有关部门在印度尼西亚截获了超过7500头猪鼻龟,在越南截获了一头被冷藏的老虎,在新加坡则是190只濒危的黑池龟。

    In January of this year , officials intercepted more than 7500 protected pig-nosed turtles in Indonesia , a frozen tiger in Vietnam and 190 endangered black pond turtles in Singapore .

  20. 英超联赛正式书面通知黑池,要求他们对于霍罗威在对维拉以及西汉姆的时候将球队做出的更换进行解释。

    The Premier League has written to Blackpool , asking them to explain the changes made to the team by Ian Holloway for the games against Aston Villa and West Ham .

  21. 黑池对曼联的比赛被重新安排在了1月的最后一周,当部分俱乐部在足总杯中被淘汰之后,其他的补赛也将陆续被安排。

    Blackpool v Manchester United has already been rearranged to the last week in January and other matches can take place if and when clubs are knocked out of the FA Cup .

  22. 他们战胜了黑池,纽卡,西布朗,平了曼城,输给了伯明翰,斯托克,利物浦,热刺,曼联,博尔顿,桑德兰。

    They have won at Blackpool , Newcastle and West Brom , drawn with Man City and lost at Birmingham , Stoke , Liverpool , Tottenham , Man Utd , Bolton and Sunderland .

  23. 东部岩溶水与西部岩溶水属于一个岩溶水系统,从西到东,沿白水上王澄城西头黑池一带,存在强径流带,为未来地下水开采的有利地段。

    Eastern and western karst water belong to one karst water system , from west to east , along Baishuishangwang Chengchengxitou Heichi has a strong runoff belt which is the available groundwater development zone .

  24. 周六黑池3-5输给埃弗顿,这是他们8场英超联赛中的第七场失败。连败让他们跌至积分榜第15,仅比降级区高出2分。

    Saturday's5-3 defeat at Everton was Blackpool 's seventh in eight Premier League games , a run that has seen them drop to15th in the table , just two points above the relegation zone .

  25. 由于大雪的缘故,利物浦主场对富尔汗的比赛被延期了,现在利物浦节礼日对黑池的比赛也极有可能成为又一牺牲品。

    Having had their home game against Fulham postponed on Saturday because of heavy snow , there is a chance Liverpool 's Boxing Day 's match at Blackpool could also fall victim to the elements .

  26. 我真是认为他们的球队实在过于无礼,也许他们就是在嫉妒一只像黑池这样的小俱乐部能够做到的事情南安普顿自己却抓不住恩典。

    I don 't think they should be quite so disrespectful , maybe they 're a little bit jealous of the fact a little club like Blackpool can do it and Southampton have fallen from grace .

  27. 现在,体育舞蹈在中国已经非常流行,国家也非常的重视与支持,在体育舞蹈的顶级赛事&英国黑池舞蹈节的比赛中,中国选手越来越多,水平也不断地提高。

    Now , sports dance is very popular in China , the country is also very the attention and support , of the top matches-the dark pools in sports dance dance festival , more and more Chinese player level also rises continually .

  28. 它是首个受证交所支持的“黑池”(一种允许大额订单交易在完成后才公开价格的安排,目的是减轻对市场的冲击),覆盖在新加坡、澳大利亚、香港和日本上市的股票。

    It is the first exchange-backed " dark pool " , an arrangement that allows the trading of large orders with prices made public only after trades are completed to reduce market impact , and it covers shares listed in Singapore , Australia , Hong Kong and Japan .