
wán quán zhōng xué
  • combined junior and senior high school;secondary school
完全中学[wán quán zhōng xué]
  1. 深圳市盐田区外国语学校是盐田区人民政府投资兴办的一所高点、高标准全日制完全中学。

    Shenzhen Yantian Foreign Languages School is an integrated middle school founded by the municipal government of Yantian district , which has high beginnings and high standards .

  2. 在实验研究中,作者以辽宁省一所普通完全中学的高一两个班的学生为研究对象。

    This research focuses on both teachers and students and puts forward the countermeasures so as to realize smooth transition , In the experiment , the subjects are chosen from two classes of Senior Grade one in an ordinary complete middle school in Liaoning province .

  3. 其次,延续培训课程未能完全切合中学教师需要;

    Besides , the teacher training courses do not really meet the needs of teachers .

  4. 韦茅斯湾的维多利亚港一声炮响,小镇开始为死者默哀一分钟,这一做法并非当局所为,完全出自莱特中学母校的看门人之手。

    A cannon fired from a Victorian fort on Weymouth Bay signalled a minute 's silence throughout the town , organised not by the authorities but by a caretaker at Marine Wright 's former secondary school .