
hēi àn
  • darkness;dark;blackness;gloom;dim;obscure;midnight;reactionary
黑暗 [hēi àn]
  • (1) [dark]∶没有光亮

  • 像夜一样黑暗

  • (2) [obscure]∶比喻反动、腐败

  • 邪恶的黑暗势力

黑暗[hēi àn]
  1. 他在黑暗中到处瞎摸找另一只袜子。

    He groped around in the dark for his other sock .

  2. 用光明与黑暗来象征善与恶。

    The use of light and dark symbolizes good and evil .

  3. 二十多名囚犯被塞在一间黑暗狭小的牢房里。

    Over twenty prisoners were crushed into a small dark cell .

  4. 皮带面上有一层荧光在黑暗中微微发光。

    The strap has a fluorescent coating that glows in the dark .

  5. 黑暗中,我们东跌西撞地找蜡烛。

    We were stumbling around in the dark looking for a candle .

  6. 她在黑暗的房间里摸索电灯开关。

    She groped blindly for the light switch in the dark room .

  7. 几分钟后我们的眼睛就适应了黑暗。

    After a few minutes our eyes got used to the darkness .

  8. 黑暗中突然发出一片枪声。

    A flurry of shots rang out in the darkness .

  9. 过了一会儿他的眼睛习惯了黑暗。

    After a while his eyes adjusted to the dark .

  10. 我们设法在黑暗中摆脱了追赶者。

    We managed to lose our pursuers in the darkness .

  11. 她蜷缩在黑暗中,吓得不敢露面。

    She crouched in the dark , too frightened to reveal herself .

  12. 刀刃在黑暗中亮了亮。

    The blade of the knife glinted in the darkness .

  13. 在黑暗的天空映衬下,灯塔巍然兀立。

    The lighthouse stood out starkly against the dark sky .

  14. 那寒冷黑暗的大海,他想想都吓得发抖。

    He shivered at the thought of the cold , dark sea .

  15. 我的眼睛慢慢适应了黑暗。

    My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the dark .

  16. 我在黑暗中撞上了一把椅子。

    In the darkness I bumped into a chair .

  17. 我得在黑暗中摸索寻找电灯开关。

    I had to feel about in the dark for the light switch .

  18. 他们在黑暗中能看到一座教堂的朦胧轮廓。

    In the darkness they could see the vague outline of a church .

  19. 一个烟头在黑暗中发着红光。

    A cigarette end glowed red in the darkness .

  20. 雷电闪过,房子陷入一片黑暗之中。

    There was a flash of lightning and the house was plunged into darkness .

  21. 电源故障使一切陷入黑暗。

    A power failure plunged everything into darkness .

  22. 黑暗中传来低沉有力的嗓音。

    A voice boomed out from the darkness .

  23. 有几个鬼一样的影子在黑暗中游荡。

    Ghostly shapes moved around in the dark .

  24. 过了好几分钟她的眼睛才适应了黑暗。

    It took a few moments for her eyes to focus in the dark .

  25. 我看着她沿公路越走越远,直至消失在黑暗中。

    I watched her walk down the road until she was swallowed by the darkness .

  26. 那艘巨轮在黑暗中破浪前行。

    The huge boat cleaved the darkness .

  27. 他们的喊声回荡在黑暗中。

    Their shouts re-echoed through the darkness .

  28. 她的眼睛在黑暗中闪烁。

    Her eyes gleamed in the dark .

  29. 黑暗使他迷失了方向。

    The darkness had disorientated him .

  30. 约翰一直坐在黑暗中,没有被人察觉。

    John had been sitting , unobserved , in the darkness .