
fǎn dòng
  • reactionary;reaction;counteraction
反动 [fǎn dòng]
  • (1) [reactionary]∶维护旧制度,破坏新制度,反对革命

  • 反动立场

  • 反动派

  • (2) [counteraction]∶相反的作用

反动[fǎn dòng]
  1. 那些人顽固且反动。

    The men are hidebound and reactionary

  2. 只要我还有精力,我就要尽量清除党内反动势力。

    As long as I have strength , I shall be trying to remove the reactionary forces from the party .

  3. 因此,他帮助反动派阻挠进步。

    Thus , he aided reaction and thwarted progress .

  4. 广播电台声称已经消灭了87,000名“反动分子”。

    The radio station claimed that 87,000 ' reactionaries ' had been eliminated .

  5. 他被看成一个执意要将国家交给反动分子的恶魔。

    He was seen as a demon , determined to hand the country over to the reactionaries .

  6. 反动派看起来很强大,实际上十分虚弱。

    The reactionaries are fierce in appearance but feeble in reality .

  7. 反动当局弄得进退维谷,不得人心。

    The reactionary authorities are between two fires and have been discredited .

  8. 我们对反动派决不施仁政。

    We definitely do not apply a policy of benevolence to the reactionaries .

  9. 对于反动派,鲁迅是从来不讲什么笔下留情的。

    In his writing , Lu Xun was never sparing in his criticism of the reactionaries .

  10. 反动派必定失败。

    Reactionaries are bound to fail .

  11. 他在反动统治阶级面前没有丝毫的奴颜与媚骨。

    He was free from all sycophancy or obsequiousness in the face of the reactionary ruling class .

  12. 关于反动政府监狱里酷刑情况的介绍听了会叫人毛骨悚然。

    Accounts of cruel tortures in the jails of the reactionary government would curl one 's hair .

  13. 反动派决不会自行退出历史舞台。

    The reactionaries will never , of their own accord , step down from the stage of history .

  14. 他弃家出走,是对旧社会婚姻压迫的反动。

    He finally left home in an effort to counter the tyranny of arranged marriage in the old society .

  15. 今天,这个反动集团百孔千疮,内外交困,矛盾重重。

    Riddled with a thousand gaping wounds , this reactionary clique is now beset with difficulties and contradictions both in internal and external affairs .

  16. 人们终于起来把反动的政权推翻了。

    The people finally rose up and overthrew the reactionary regime .

  17. 反动警察用警棍驱散示威的人群。

    The reactionary police made a baton charge on the demonstrating crowd .

  18. 他们迫使成千上万的农民参加他们的反动军队。

    They forced thousands of peasants into their reactionary armies .

  19. 任何可以解释成“必须做的”要求都会激起一些反动情绪。

    Any requirement that may be construed as ' compulsory ' will evoke some rebelliousness .

  20. 反动式汽轮机通流部分CAD系统

    A CAD System for the Blading of Reaction Steam Turbines

  21. 周三,AhmadKhatami这位强硬派牧师说,这两位反动带头人正在为以色列和美国所利用。

    On Wednesday a senior hardline cleric , Ahmad Khatami , said the two opposition leaders are playing into the hands of Israel and the United States .

  22. 这种反动的东西,我们万万不能要。

    Under no circumstances should we accept such a reactionary thing .

  23. 反动派总是看不见人民的力量。

    Reactionaries are always blind to the strength of the people .

  24. 制冷系统优化与节能反动势力最终是不能占优势的。

    Optimal Refrigeration System & Energy Saving Reaction cannot ultimately prevail .

  25. 他们谈了在国内如何同反动派作斗争。

    They related how they fought against the reactionaries at home .

  26. 必须批资产阶级的反动思想。

    It is necessary to subject reactionary bourgeois ideology to criticism .

  27. 反动派想出各种花样来欺骗人民。

    The reactionaries cooked up various schemes to deceive the people .

  28. 正如他所指出的那样,一切反动派都是纸老虎。

    As he pointed out , all reactionaries are paper tiger .

  29. 那个反动政权被一次武装起义推翻了。

    The reactionary regime was thrown down by an armed uprising .

  30. 我的作品从来不是对于抽象表现主义的反动。

    My work has never been a reaction against Abstract expressionism .