
bù yì
  • unjust;injustice;mean
不义 [bú yì]
  • [mean] 不合乎道义;不正当

  • 这慈祥的面孔正是掩饰罪恶和不义的虚伪的面孔啊!--巴金《电椅》

不义[bù yì]
  1. 鉴于《纽约时报》的巴基斯坦合作伙伴涉嫌刑事案件,这种利益关系的披露是必要的,但在文中被有意隐去,如此不义之举,不应该是NYT这样的媒体所为。

    This necessary disclosure regarding the criminal cases on NYT Partner in Pakistan was deliberately omitted and is an injustice to the reader not expected of a publication like NYT .

  2. 见不义之行则伤及正义之心。

    The sight of an injustice offends the sense of justice .

  3. 低价从贫穷国家采购是加重其贫穷的不义之举。

    To buy things cheaply from a poor country is to connive in its poverty .

  4. 多行不义必自毙。

    One who committed many injustices is doomed to failure .

  5. 以不义开始的事情,必须用罪恶使它强壮。

    Macbeth : Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill .

  6. 在一场不义战争中英雄式的战士与护士。

    Soldiers and nurses who were heroes in an unpopular war .

  7. 赞颂我们的主超绝万物!我们确是不义的。

    Glory to our Lord ! Verily we have been doing wrong !

  8. 兼并它国土地是一种不义行为。

    To annex territories of another country is an injustice .

  9. 不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理。

    Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth .

  10. 你们要为神说不义的话吗,为他说诡诈的言语吗。

    Will ye speak wickedly for God ? and talk deceitfully for him ?

  11. 你应当来指出不公不义。

    Its up to you to point out injustice .

  12. 多行不义必自毙,日本在给邻国造成极大伤害的同时,自己也受到了应有的惩罚。

    When Japan caused great damage to the neighboring countries , deserved punishment .

  13. 收入少而守正义,胜于进款多而行不义。

    Better is a little with justice , than great revenues with iniquity .

  14. 对于我给予的帮助我得到的只是不义的报答。

    I have been repaid for the help I gave only with ingratitude .

  15. 直到现在,我也无法做到无条件地谴责他们的不义。

    Even now I cannot find it in my heart to condemn them utterly .

  16. 不因不义而欢乐,却与真理同欢乐;

    It does not rejoice because of unrighteousness , but rejoices with the truth ;

  17. 岂不是祸患临到不义的,灾害临到作孽的呢?

    Is it not trouble for the sinner , and destruction for the evil-doers ?

  18. 我得到的是不义的报答。

    I have been repaid only with ingratitude .

  19. 你们岂不知不义的人不能承受神的国吗?不要自欺。

    Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God ?

  20. 他记起了许多年前他兄弟对他的不义。

    He remembered the wrong done to him many years previously by his brother .

  21. 首先,保罗指出人是不义的;

    Firstly Paul says that man is unrighteous .

  22. 耶稣,饶恕我的不义。

    Jesus , take away my iniquities !

  23. 我的舌上岂有不义吗。

    Is there iniquity in my tongue ?

  24. 这种取之不义的做法应该遭到国际社会的批判和鄙弃。

    Such immoral behavior should be criticized and held beneath contempt in the international community .

  25. 主说,你们听这不义之官所说的话。

    And the Lord said , give ear to the words of the evil judge .

  26. 真主阿拉不喜欢不公不义。

    Allah does not love the unjust .

  27. 最后,非攻主要是反对诸侯国之间的不义之战,认为战争于人于己都有不利。

    Last , negating attack means that the unjust wars are bad for both sides .

  28. 因他的罪恶滔天他的不义神已经想起来了。

    For her sins have reached unto heaven , and God hath remembered her iniquities .

  29. 因多行不义受惩罚。

    Punished for one 's many misdeeds .

  30. 宁可受损失,休取不义财。

    Prefer lose to unjust gain .