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  1. 三个孩子因持续行为不检被学校开除。

    Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behaviour .

  2. 部长否认了对她行为不检的指控。

    The minister denied the accusation that she had behaved dishonestly .

  3. 儿子的行为不检使他极为伤心。

    He was stabbed to the heart by his son 's misconduct .

  4. 现在该是撤掉这个行为不检的人职务的时候了。

    It is time this reprobate was removed from office .

  5. 那女孩行为不检,使她父母十分痛苦。

    The girl 's indiscreet behavior was a distress to her parents .

  6. 他行为不检使父母遭受很大痛苦。

    By his reckless conduct he inflicted great misery on his parents .

  7. 必要的话我会控告你行为不检。

    I 'll have you charged with misconduct if I have to .

  8. 如果你行为不检,人们很快就会讨厌你。

    People will soon get tired of you if you behave that way .

  9. 她跟某个小伙子厮混在一起,行为不检。

    She has been indiscreet with some young fellow .

  10. 他的名誉为他的行为不检所毁。

    His reputation was blighted by his bad behavior .

  11. 他被勒令退学,直接原因是他的行为不检。

    He was asked to leave school as a direct result of his behaviour .

  12. 他自己行为不检。我不惊讶甩了他。

    His behavior was out of order . I 'm not surprised you dumped him .

  13. 艾莱表示,他担心这座主题乐园会引来“行为不检者”。

    He said he was worried that the park would attract " debauched individuals . "

  14. 在公共场所行为不检

    Disorderly conduct in a public place

  15. 有人指控称该部门一些职员管理不当,行为不检。

    There have been accusations about mismanagement and inappropriate behavior from some members of the agency .

  16. 这些事件发生的背景是一名妇女被指责行为不检并让其家人蒙受了羞耻。

    These action if a woman is accused of behaving break and bringing abashment aloft her family .

  17. 那个女孩穿着总是很花哨。我敢说她有点行为不检。

    That girl dress so sharp all the time . I bet she is do something shifty .

  18. 女人一经诱惑就会放弃忠诚而行为不检。

    If tempted any woman will , for sure , give up her faithfulness and act impure .

  19. 他认可不检行为会在临床研究中引起了许多疑虑。

    He acknowledges that incidents of misconduct in clinical research have resulted in a great deal of scepticism about clinical trials .

  20. 任何人不得作出任何不检或不当的行为而骚扰或干扰任何其它人正当使用仓库。

    No person shall , by any disorderly or improper conduct , disturb or interrupt any other person in the proper use of a depot .

  21. 委员会可通过其雇员、受雇人或代理人,强迫任何行为不检的人离开坟场,或禁止其进入坟场。

    The board may , by its employees , servants or agents , eject or exclude from any of the cemeteries any person for disorderly conduct .

  22. 行为不检或违反誓言而经立法会出席会议的议员三分之二通过谴责。

    When he or she is censured for misbehaviour or breach of oath by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the Legislative Council present .

  23. 在社交媒体时代,即使跟军方有着密切的关系,行为不检的中国官员也免不了被人拉出来点名。

    Even close ties to the military can 't shield boorish Chinese officials from being called out for behaving badly in the age of social media .

  24. 设想在不检入代码的情况下,您的开发人员是否可以通过在本地的工作区之外运行个人的“集成构建”来预检查代码。

    Imagine if your developers could pre-check their code by running private " integration builds " outside their local workspaces , but without checking their code in .

  25. 在半数的出轨案件中,出轨一方是被言辞不检的手机短信出卖的,被邮件出卖者占五分之一,另有十分之一是被匿名信揭露的。

    In around half of cases , cheating partners are found out through indiscreet mobile phone text messages , emails betray one in five and a further one in 10 are given away by anonymous letters .

  26. q元非线性等重码的不可检错误概率

    On the Probability of Undetected Error for q-ary Nonlinear Constant Weight Codes

  27. 截短Hamming码和截短R-M码的不可检错误概率

    Undetected Error Probability for Shortened Hamming Codes and R-M Codes

  28. 第4类SAB码的不可检错误概率

    Undetected Error Probability for the Fourth Class of SAB Codes

  29. 本文研究了二元等重码不可检错误概率(UEP)的界。

    Bounds of undetected error probability ( UEP ) for binary constant weight codes ( BCWCs ) are studied in this paper .

  30. 通过对扩展缩短CRC码的构造方法、最小距离、不可检错误概率、码重分布等进行理论分析和仿真,得到了扩展缩短CRC码的好码,并综合出普遍规律。

    Through a performance analysis and simulation on generated methods , maximum minimum distance , undetected error probabilities , code weight distribution , good extended shortened codes are determined and general rule is concluded .