
  • 网络invisible light;Black light;blacklight
  1. CO2激光器发射波长为10.6μm的不可见光,因此使用很不方便。

    CO2 laser emitted invisible light at 10.6 μ m , so that it is inconvenient to use .

  2. Marka博士发明了一种蚊子无法穿透的不可见光光幕。

    Dr Marka has created a curtain of invisible light that mosquitoes cannot penetrate .

  3. 棱镜耦合方法在不可见光和非透明波导中进行的实验研究

    Experimental research of prism coupling method for invisible optical light on opaque optical waveguide

  4. 盲人;不可见光;无形的枢纽;无形的修补。

    The invisible man ; invisible rays ; an invisible hinge ; invisible mending .

  5. 然而,太阳的不可见光辐射也不在少数,要是我们眼睛能够进化成可见其他光线会是什么景象?

    However , the sun also gives off a whole lot of infrared radiation . What would it be like if our eyes evolved to see infrared light ?

  6. 恒星发出热量和不可见光,所以我们能看到它们,而地球与恒星不同,从天文学上讲,地球很冷,所以其自身并不发光。

    Unlike stars , which are hot and glow invisible light so we can see them , our planet is , astronomically speaking , pretty cold . So it doesn 't really glow .

  7. 戴上全波段防护护目镜则看不到可见光。

    Goggles completely block designated wavelengths so beam is not visible .

  8. 由于红外相机的分辨率的限制,不可能达到可见光的分辨率,而且红外人脸边缘轮廓比较模糊。2.红外温谱图不稳定。

    Due to the limitations of infrared camera , the infrared face can not reach the same high resolution as that of visible face . 2 .

  9. 但即使那些来自日常语汇的科学概念,也可能和日常意义大不相同甚至相反,如不可见光、无意识动机、空间弯曲。

    However , the concepts coming from everyday discourse may carry different or even opposite meanings in scientific discourse , as clearly shown by invisible light , unconscious motivation and space warp .

  10. 有理论称,大概是因为不存在能够使我们将不可见光可视化的生物化学反应,或者,可能还没进化到那个阶段吧。

    One theory is that maybe there 's no biochemical reaction that would allow us to translate infrared light into a visual image we can perceive , as we do with visible light . Or , maybe evolution just hasn 't found it yet .