
xiǎo shì mín
  • Small citizen;urban petty bourgeois
小市民 [xiǎo shì mín]
  • [urban petty bourgeois] 城市中占有少量生产资料或财产的居民,一般是小资产阶级。如手工业者、小商人、小房东等

小市民[xiǎo shì mín]
  1. 她们精明世故,有小市民追逐物质利益的一面,但并不贪婪;

    They have one side that urban petty bourgeois chases material benefits , but they are not greedy .

  2. 小市民想和大富翁比比豪华,农夫的儿子花钱像个王侯,这不足为奇。

    No wonder , when the little shop man tries to match the splendor5 of the Provost 's board . And Hodge the farmer 's son spends money like a lord .

  3. 这一年来我是一个自食其力的小市民。

    I 'm a ordinary citizen earned by myself all this year .

  4. 小市民也随着它的脚步迈入无现金缴费的时代。

    With its step , the broad masses are entering a cash-less era .

  5. 跨越国界的小市民意识与小市民形象&《骆驼祥子》与《浊流》之比较研究

    The Outlook and Images of the Philistines Across the National Boundary & A Comparative Study of Rickshaw Boy and Muddy Stream

  6. 它宣布德意志民族是模范的民族,德国小市民是模范的人。

    It proclaimed the German nation to be the model nation , and the German petty Philistine to be the typical man .

  7. 职总希望这类合作社能成为“小市民的银行”,能减少市民对高利贷的依赖。

    The NTUC hopes that the cooperative can serve as the " people 's bank " and reduce their dependence on loan sharks .

  8. 同时,德国的社会主义也越来越认识到自己的使命就是充当这种小市民的夸夸其谈的代言人。

    And on its part , German Socialism recognised , more and more , its own calling as the bombastic representative of the petty-bourgeois Philistine .

  9. 它把宗教虔诚、骑士热忱、小市民伤感这些情感的神圣发作,淹没在利己主义打算的冰水之中。

    It has drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervour , of chivalrous enthusiasm , of philistine sentimentalism , in the icy water of egotistical calculation .

  10. 然而,容许电子媒体卖政治广告,财雄势大的政党将占尽优势,小市民的利益更不受保障。

    However , if electronic media are allowed to do so , well-heeled political parties may have such a great advantage that ordinary citizens'interests will be even less protected .

  11. 在小说中我们能找到离异的男女、名人、小市民、同性恋者,甚至是罪犯,因此我们可以说德拉布尔的描述对象其实是整个现代西方社会。

    In the novel , we can find divorced men and women , celebrities , common citizens , homosexuals and even criminals . So we can conclude that Drabble is trying to concern the whole people in the modern western society .

  12. 怨恨的功能有:首先,怨恨是资本主义产生的动力。舍勒认为,资本主义精神形成过程中迈向前进的不是资本主义的英雄成分,而是心中充满怨恨的小市民。

    First , resentment is the driving force of capitalism , Scheler said in a book " forming the spirit of capitalism progress towards is not in the process of capitalist hero ingredient , but the resentment of ordinary people full of resentment " .