
  • 网络new citizens
  1. 这些新市民中有很大一部分属于低文化人群。

    A large part of new citizens are low educational people .

  2. 社会工作在促进新市民群体融入城市中的角色定位

    The Roles Social Work in Prompting the Integration of New Citizens to Cities

  3. 社会学视野中的城市化新市民

    The New Residents in the Urbanization in the View of Sociology

  4. 进城农民转变为新市民问题探讨

    On The Transformation of City Dwelling Farmers Into Mainstream Citizens

  5. 探讨低文化新市民功能性扫盲教育的行为目标、表现性目标、生成性目标。

    Investigate behavioral targets , expressive objectives and evolving purposes .

  6. 新市民的社会资本与共同体生活

    The Social Capital and Community Life of the New-citizens

  7. 新市民就业心理研究

    Study on Employment Psychology of the New Citizens

  8. 新市民的信任:从差序格局到扩展的同心圆&以无锡市广瑞一村为实证对象

    Trust of the New Citizens : Change from Orderly-diversity Pattern to Extended Concentric-circle Pattern

  9. 其次,新市民小说中都市丽人的形象非常突出。

    Secondly , the urban beauty image in New Citizen Fiction is very prominent .

  10. 首先,新市民小说比较引人瞩目的是它们对于城市风景的发现。

    Firstly it is worthy of attention that New Citizen Fiction finds the city landscape .

  11. 有针对性地探讨低文化新市民功能性扫盲教育的条件保障。

    I target protection of the conditions of low educational new citizens ' functional literacy education .

  12. 其次,部分新市民小说开始呈现出媚俗的特点,成为昙花一现的文化快餐。

    Secondly , New Citizen Fiction showing vulgar characteristic , becomes cultural fast-food like shooting star .

  13. 阐述有效的低文化新市民功能性扫盲教育的途径与方法。

    This part describes effective ways and methods of low educational new citizens ' functional literacy education .

  14. 根据城市化的目标,构架出对应的新市民教育体系。

    According to the objective of urbanization , establish the corresponding " new citizen " education system .

  15. 在不断推进城市化过程中,出现了大量因土地被征用而产生的新市民群体。

    In continuous process of urbanization , a lot of new citizens come out because of land acquisition .

  16. 而本文中的新市民特指,城市化进程中,由农民变为市民,在户籍制度上获得了市民的身份的新市民群体。

    New citizen in this paper refers to the citizens who obtained citizenship in the process of urbanization .

  17. 新市民的聚融与历史文化名城类城市的现代复兴&以扬州市为例

    The Unity of New Citizens and Revival of a Historical and Cultural City : A Case Study of Yangzhou

  18. 然而学术界的研究主要集中在农民工群体的技能培训方面,而对新市民文明行为教育的研究则少之又少。

    Academic research mostly focused on skills training of immigrant workers , while neglecting the civilization of the new citizens .

  19. 20世纪90年代新市民小说的出现有着特定的历史、社会和文化背景。

    The appearance of Nineties ' " new citizen fiction " has the particular historical , social and cultural background .

  20. 随着新市民群体的日益庞大,他们必然需要一种与自己的知识结构相匹配的文学作品;

    With the enlarging of their living circle , New townspeople need a kind of literature to match their knowledge structure .

  21. 此外,新市民小说中还出现了这样一种人物存在方式&口号式生存。

    In addition , there is such a character mode & the slogan of life , appearing in New Citizen Fiction .

  22. 该部分揭示了低文化新市民的生存现状,阐明了低文化新市民所面临的困难。

    This section reveals the existence of low educational new citizens , explains the difficulties that low educational new citizens face .

  23. 新市民包括大学生、农民工、城市自然增长人口以及城镇化过程中的农村人口转化而来的城市人口。

    New citizens include university students , migrant workers , citizens from urbanization and the natural growth of the population of the city .

  24. 新市民小说之所以诞生在上海,是与上海这座经济发达、物质文明丰富的现代化大都市密不可分的。

    New citizens novels had been born in Shanghai , is with Shanghai the developed economy and material civilization rich modernization metropolis is inseparable .

  25. 因此,是否能够帮助新市民解决好其子女的学习问题,就是对新市民最大的帮助和关怀。

    Therefore , it is the most concern and assistance that whether the study issues of new citizens ' children can be solved or not .

  26. 海派自然来自于现代商业社会,表达新市民遭受物质文明正反两方面压迫的情景。

    The Shanghai School literature , a natural outgrowth of the modern commercial society , reflects the oppression inflicted upon urban citizens by the material civilization .

  27. 但是,进城务工80后青年转化为城市新市民是城市化和产业化的必然结果,融入城市是必然趋势。

    However , it is the inevitable trend and result of modernization and industrialization that the rural adolescents transform into citizens and melt into the cities .

  28. 江阴市政府发挥公办小学的主力军作用,全盘接纳新市民子女就学,充分保障新市民子女持续、稳定、健康地接受教育。

    The Jiangyin government takes all of the new citizens ' children in public primary school , fully guarantee them continued , stable and healthy education .

  29. 然而缺乏城市生活技能的新市民,面对着最终被拆迁的命运,又如何融入高成本的城市生活呢?

    How can these new citizens without the basic skills for living in a city and who are faced with final removal merge into costly urban life ?

  30. 通过参加社会实践调查和文献资料的收集及进行文献资料的深入分析、综合、归纳,提出新市民提升自身人力资本的实现途径。

    Through participation in the social practice and the collection of the document data . And make a deep analysis , Synthesis , induction and bring up a solution .