
  1. 新州长将于下星期二到任就职。

    The new governor 's assumption of office will take place next Tuesday .

  2. 我们对新州长极为尊重。

    We have every respect for the new governor 's honour .

  3. 撤职;开除新州长将前任州长的职员全部解雇。

    The new governor dismissed the staff that served his predecessor .

  4. 毗邻华盛顿州的弗吉尼亚州周二迎来了新州长。

    Bordering Washington , Virginia picks a new governor Tuesday .

  5. 这里之前隶属于阿萨姆邦,1987年成立了新州。

    Previously ruled from Assam , it was made a state in1987 .

  6. 澳大利亚新州宣布防止濒危生物灭绝的计划

    Australian State Announces Plan to Prevent Endangered Life from Disappearing

  7. 中国已成为新州第一大贸易伙伴。

    China is already the largest trading partner of NSW .

  8. 国会得准许新州加入美国联邦。

    New states may be admitted by the Congress into this union .

  9. 下面我给大家介绍斯苔福的最新州参议院候选人。

    Proud that I can introduce stepford 's brand-new candidate for state senate .

  10. 中国与新州科技合作也取得了显著成果。

    Cooperation between NSW and China on science and technology is also fruitful .

  11. 新州长许诺减少犯罪。

    The new governor pledged to reduce crime .

  12. 新州长改变了法律。

    The new governor has changed the law .

  13. 新州长将负责重划选区

    The new governor will oversee redistricting .

  14. 新州长在就职演说中说,每个人都需要吃饭,多新鲜啊!

    The new governor said in his inaugural speech , everyone has to eat , duh .

  15. 那时,他作为新州长在就职演说中承诺,将遵循负责任的自由主义道路。

    The new governor pledged in his inaugural address to follow the path of responsible liberalism .

  16. 但不得在任何其它州的管辖权之内组成或建立新州;

    But no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State ;

  17. 研究人员希望这些沙丘鹤在二月或三月能够独立飞回威斯康新州。

    Researchers hope that the sandhill cranes will return to Wisconsin on their own in February or March .

  18. 新州长要砍教育经费呢!

    A : Hey , do you know the new governor is going to cut the funding for education ?

  19. 所以,和维多利亚州或南澳大利亚州比起来,新州在水的配给上没有那么谨慎。

    So the state tends to be less cautious in its allocation of water than Victoria or South Australia .

  20. 里约热内卢的新州长塞吉欧卡白瑞设立了一个由技术专家们所组成的内阁。

    Rio de Janeiro 's new governor , S é rgio Cabral , has installed a cabinet of technocrats .

  21. 小时候我是家里的独生女,是威斯康新州农村的一个非常普通的女孩。那时我特别想要的就是妹妹。

    An only child , a perfectly ordinary little girl in rural Wisconsin , I wanted sisters more than anything .

  22. 新州10余所公立大学与中国有关大学在科研、教学、学校管理等方面建立了校际合作关系。

    Over ten state universities of NSW established cooperative relations with universities in China regarding research , teaching and management .

  23. 新州中资企业和中国留学生也迅速行动,向灾区人民奉献爱心。

    Chinese companies and students in NSW also acted quickly to send their care and love to the afflicted people .

  24. 走进澳大利亚新州上议员肖凯·莫索曼位于悉尼市中心的办公室,你不会错过用中文写的红色锦旗。

    Walking into Shaoquett Moselmane 's office in downtown Sydney , you cannot miss a large red banner written in Chinese .

  25. 漫画家托尼·奥特把超人的这一惯常做法倒了过来,用以取笑加州新州长&56岁的肌肉发达的阿诺德·施瓦辛格。

    Cartoonist Tony Auth reverses Superman 's routine to make a tongue-in-cheek comment on California 's new governor , 56-year-old muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger .

  26. 前两次是公务之旅,我对新州、对悉尼的印象,犹如惊鸿一瞥,只是迷人的自然和人文景观。

    The previous two business trips left me only glimpses of the fascinating nature and people of the city and New South Wales .

  27. 卡尔:新泽西州的新州长,克里斯克里斯蒂,正试图减少政府的规模和成本的状态。

    Cal : New Jersey 's new governor , Chris Christie , is trying to reduce the size and cost of state government .

  28. 遗憾的是,现在撒马利亚人已经派了格里尔先生前去联系,我们不能冒险接近这位新州长。

    Unfortunately , now that Samaritan has sent Mr. Greer to make contact , we can 't risk going anywhere near our new governor .

  29. 最近,科学家成功地引领了美国威斯康新州的一批候鸟经过一个月的飞行来到了佛罗里达州。

    Recently , scientists successfully led a group of birds on a one-month flight from the American state of Wisconsin to the state of Florida .

  30. 他是谁投入的独立自由总理办公室尼克格雷纳回来后,该联盟失去了在1991年新州选举的多数席位之一。

    He was one of the independents who put Liberal premier Nick Greiner back into office after the Coalition lost its majority in the1991 NSW election .