
  • 网络beijing-zhangjiakou railway
  1. 京张铁路的胜利完成,是中国人民的胜利,也是中国爱国知识分子爱国精神的充分体现。

    The successful completion of Beijing-Zhangjiakou railway is the success of the Chinese people and an excellent example of patriotism from Chinese intellectuals .

  2. 京张铁路历史建筑纪略

    Record of the Historical buildings on Beijing - Zhangjiakou Railway

  3. 京张铁路的修筑不但给张家口带来了近代文明之光,还使张家口的城市空间由桥西扩展到桥东。

    The building of Jing-Zhang Railway not only brought light of modern civilization to Zhangjiakou but also made the space of .

  4. 20世纪初,作为清廷封疆大吏和民国大总统的袁世凯,曾主持修筑了著名的京张铁路,收回被帝国主义掠夺去的京汉及津镇铁路权;

    At the beginning of20th century , Yuan Shikai , president of Ming Government , was responsible for the building of Jing-Zhang Railway and took over Jing-Han & Jin-Zheng Railways from Imperialists .

  5. 摘要:拟建的新京张城际铁路中新京张城际铁路的八达岭地下车站是重点控制工程。

    ABSTRACT : Badaling underground station is the focus control project of the proposed new Beijing-Zhangjiakou intercity railway .