
fú hào fǎ
  • Symbolic method;notation
  1. 用符号法分析PWM开关功率变换器闭环系统的稳态

    Steady-State Analysis of Closed-Loop PWM Switching Power Converter Systems Using Symbolic Method

  2. 并以矩形波导为例,说明符号法求电磁场的并矢Green函数比较简便。

    With the rectangular waveguide as a specific example , we may see that it is simpler to derive dyadic Green 's functions of electromagnetic field by Dirac-Symbol Method .

  3. 为准确掌握松毛虫种群基数,做好预测预报,作者应用距平符号法,利用前4a气象因子与松毛虫发生量的关系,进行了松毛虫动态预测,准确率100%。

    So anomalous sign was used in the forecast of pine caterpillars ' dynamics with the weather data in the last 4 years . The accuracy was 100 % .

  4. 本文简单介绍了Dirac符号法,定义并矢Green函数为广义矢量算子(并矢δ函数是恒等算子),给出了它们的符号法表示。

    The Dirac-Symbol Method is reviewed briefly . In this paper , we define the dyadic Green 's functions as the generalized vector operators , the dyadic S function being the unit operator . Their Dirac-Symbol representations are then given .

  5. 通过定义误差函数作为设计目标,采用弹性BP算法,并用变化率以及弹性BP算法中的符号法来处理某些求导关系,获得适于实时在线调整网络权值的修正公式。

    By means of defining error function as the design objective , using resilient back-propagation ( BP ) algorithm and changing rate and sign in resilient BP algorithm , some differential relations are dealt with . The modified formula for on-line updating network weights is obtained .

  6. 因此P-Q符号法能有效地识别系统之间的失步,而且能及早地判断出失步的时刻。

    Therefore , the P-Q symbol method cannot only judges the out-of-step between the power systems , but also as early as identify the accurate time .

  7. 采用距平符号法、相关系数法和品质相关系数法进行因子筛选,然后采用SPSS统计软件进行相关分析及回归分析。

    We carries on factor screening by using the anomalous mark law , the method of correlation coefficient and the method of quality correlation coefficient , and then use the SPSS statistics software to carry on the correlation and the regression analysis .

  8. Dirac的符号法是学习量子物理的人所必须习惯的语言,它对物理本质的深刻反映在某种程度上超越了时代,它的内涵与美仍然需要进一步的认知。

    Dirac symbolic method is a language , which must be used by everyone for studying quantum physics . In some sense , its profoundly reflect to physical nature has beyond the era , and its connotation and beauty still needs further awareness .

  9. 文章指出了用于二值图像游程编码的Wyle符号法对码字的潜力利用还不充分,提出了一种可以使编码的压缩比明显提高的改进方法。

    This paper pointed out that the Wyle-symbol method for run length coding of binary image does not make use of the ability of the coding-word fully , and presented an improved method , which can increases the compress ration apparently .

  10. 符号法在交流电教学中的应用

    The Application in the Alternating Current Teaching of Symbol Method

  11. 我们将无符号法向估计和法向一致定向集成到一个统一的变分模型中。

    We integrate the unsigned normal estimation and consistent normal orientation into one variational model .

  12. 利用二次小波变换区分变压器励磁涌流和短路电流的符号法

    Sign identifying method to discriminate inrush current and fault current of transformer based on twice wavelet

  13. 一种长期预报的距平符号法&相空间符号传播相似模式

    A method of anomaly sign for long-term forecast & a similar sign propagation model of phase space

  14. 机器人奇异曲面及工作空间界限面分析的数字-符号法

    A Numeric - Symbolic Approach for Analysis of Singular Position Surfaces and Workspace Boundary Surfaces of Robotic Manipulators

  15. 本文按年代顺序,来描述地貌表示法的三种主要类型&写景符号法、水平投影法和地景仿真法的发展演变及其文化与技术背景和关键人物。

    The paper describes the evolution of 3D relief presentations and the related background of culture and technology as well as important persons chronologically .

  16. 通过分析得出了球面四杆机构回路特性是由其输出构件与连杆所构成的球面三角形的两种构型决定的结论,提出了球面四杆机构的回路和分支识别的转角符号法;

    The conclusion that circuit property of spherical four bar is decided by two configurations of spherical triangle which is composed of output link and coupler of spherical four bar is derived .

  17. 对环境制图中反映数量特征的定点符号法,包括几种连续和分级比率符号、非比率分级符号以及相关内容数量特征的表示进行了具体分析比较。

    The paper discusses how to present the quantitative features in environmental map-ping , analyses and compares the presentation of quantitative features of continuous and grading ratio symbols , non-ratio symbols and related contents .

  18. 利用坐标变换法和符号法对六连杆机器人机构运动学方程进行推导,得到了六连杆机器人的正向位姿矩阵变换和逆运动学求解的通用公式。

    The coordinate transform and symbol method were used to derive the six-freedom robot 's kinematics equation . The common formula was acquired for both the forward direction pose matrix and the converse solution of the six-freedom robot 's components .

  19. 一种计算传递矩阵H∞范数的快速方法&矩阵广义符号函数法

    A Fast Algorithm of Computing H_ ∞ Norm of Transfer Function Matrix via Matrix Generalized Sign Function

  20. 不连续导电模式PWM开关变换器闭环系统的符号分析法

    Symbolic Analysis of Closed-loop PWM Switching Power Converters in Discontinuous Conduction Mode

  21. 基于符号分析法的CMOS模拟单元电路自动优化技术

    Automated optimization technique of CMOS analog cell circuit based on symbolic analysis

  22. 解离散时间代数Riccati方程的符号函数法

    A Sign Function Method for Discrete Time Algebraic Riccati Equation

  23. 一种求解Riccati代数方程的新方法&矩阵符号函数法

    Solving Riccati 's Algebraic Equation by Matrix Sign Function Method

  24. 求解对偶Riccati方程的矩阵符号函数法

    Solving Dual Riccati Equations by Matrix Sign Function Iteration

  25. 这些模型利用叫作UML和AADL的符号表示法构建。

    The models are represented using the notations known as the UML and AADL .

  26. 含SVC和TCSC电力系统小干扰电压稳定性的雅可比矩阵行列式符号比较法

    Small-signal Voltage Stability Analysis in Power System with SVC and TCSC by Comparing Two Determinants of Jacobian Matrices

  27. 方法应用符号检验法及Wilcoxon符号秩检验法。

    Method s : Sign test and Wilcoxon signed ranks test were applied .

  28. 使用tr很简单:使用前面一段中所给出的符号表示法,用一个字符去替换出现的所有另一个字符。

    Using tr is simple : to replace all occurrences of one character with another , use the notation shown in the previous paragraph .

  29. 依据等效小参量法的原理,使用Matlab语言编程,用符号迭代法求解出几种典型强非线性高阶系统方程的近似解,并用数值分析验证其结果的可靠性和逼近实际系统的准确程度。

    A symbolic analytic method based on the principle of equivalent small parameter method is used for calculating the approximate solution with Matlab program and numerical calculation is applied to prove the validity of the approximate solution .

  30. 本文采用计算机MonteCarlo模拟方法研究雷达广义符号检验法(GS)检测器及其两种简化形式在Weibull杂波中的性能。

    The detection performance of the generalized sign ( GS ) detector and its two simplified schemes in Weibull clutter for a finite number of pulses is studied through a Monte Carlo computer simulation .