
  • 网络in accordance with the law
  1. 监察各政党,确保其遵守政党资助规则;在符合法律规定的情况下,cpcb有权提出检控,并对有关人士施以适当处罚。

    Monitoring political parties compliance with party financing regulations and in cases provided by law , cPCB is authorized to charge with liability and impose appropriate punishment .

  2. 股东的出资方式符合法律规定。

    The shareholders'way of contribution meet the requirements of related law .

  3. 公司要求追回两辆汽车不符合法律规定。

    Company A required recovering two vehicles do not meet legal requirements .

  4. 此种经济性裁员必须符合法律规定的实质性条件和程序性条件。

    Such economic dismissal must conform to both substantive and procedural conditions .

  5. 采矿权可以在符合法律规定的条件下进行流转。

    Mining rights in accordance with legal provisions conditions circulation .

  6. 公司转让设立抵押的两辆汽车不符合法律规定。

    Company B 's alienating two mortgaged cars is illegal .

  7. 首先协议符合法律规定,

    Okay , first of all , it was statutory ,

  8. 程序上不符合法律规定的决议,不发生法律效力。

    Program does not meet the legal requirements on the resolution of no legal effect .

  9. 公司成立时拟定的注册资本数额符合法律规定。

    The Paid in capital of the Company A meets the requirement of related law .

  10. 公司表示不再继续履行合同符合法律规定。

    Company A that no longer continues to perform the contract compliance with the law .

  11. 他说,监控行动只要符合法律规定就会被授权。

    He said surveillance operations are warranted so long as the fall within the law .

  12. 股份发行、筹办事项符合法律规定;

    The issuance of shares and the preparatory work accord with the provisions of the law ;

  13. 符合法律规定的自认对当事人和法院产生效力。

    The self - confession corresponding to the law has effect on the client and the court .

  14. 公司请求撤销两辆汽车的转让行为不符合法律规定。

    Company A 's request for revocation of the transfer of two vehicles do not meet legal requirements .

  15. 而土地二级市场的交易同样需要遵守相关法律法规,符合法律规定的转让条件,缴纳相关税收。

    The transfer of Land Tenure in the land secondary market must comply with relevant laws and regulations strictly also .

  16. 主观武断、滥用自由裁量权或在其他方面不符合法律规定;

    ( A ) arbitrary , capricious , an abuse of discretion , or otherwise not in accordance with law ;

  17. 确立善意取得,要求主体、客体及内容必须符合法律规定的条件。

    To establish goodwill gain , its subject and object and content should conform to the condition provided for by law .

  18. 市场经济环境中,交易双方的信赖基础则是基于符合法律规定的外在表现形式的合法性推论。

    In the market economic environment , the parties ' trust basement is the validity deduction based on the legal appearance .

  19. 所以笔者认为,证明标准是衡量是否符合法律规定的证明要求的具体尺度,或者说是达到法定的证明要求的具体条件,是证明要求的具体化。

    So the author hold that standard of proof is concrete scale of demand of proof , it 's concrete demand of proof .

  20. 樊认为符合法律规定的夫妻应该考虑要二胎,因为两个孩子将会让家庭更加稳定,并促进社会发展。

    Qualified couples should have a second child because two children provided a family with the proper stability and social development , Fan said .

  21. 但是,稿约内容应当符合法律规定,也应当体现期刊与作者之间的权利平衡;

    The contents of periodical notice to contributors should conform to the legal regulations and reflect the balanced rights between the periodical department and the authors .

  22. 第七条仲裁应当根据事实,符合法律规定,公平合理地解决纠纷。

    Article 7 Disputes shall be fairly and reasonably settled by arbitration on the basis of facts and in accordance with the relevant provisions of law .

  23. 报刊编辑在行使修改权时,要符合法律规定,尊重事实和作者行文风格,力求保持作品原意。

    Editor should abide by law , value the fact and the style of the original works and keep the original meaning when assuming the rights .

  24. 本案原告举证证明其是真实权利人,此时法院按照证据来判决真实权利人符合法律规定。

    The prosecutor prove the obligee is theirs ,, then the court pronounce the true evidence to the obligee in accordance with law , which meet legal requirements .

  25. 理由是:改变原判不符合法律规定,再判一次违背一事不作两次法律评价原则。

    Reason : changing the verdict does not meet the legal requirements , and then sentenced to a violation of the law regarding the evaluation of the two principles of no.

  26. 网络不良信息是指通过互联网散布的不符合法律规定、有违社会公共秩序与道德、对社会产生有害影响的信息。

    Unhealthy information on the Intemet refers to the information which violates the legal stipulation , breaks the social public order and morality , and brings harmful effect on the society .

  27. 塔迪奇:“关于何时以及怎样采取行动我们是难以计算的。我们这样做是因为我们坚定地相信这是符合法律规定的。”

    BORIS TADIC : " We are not making calculations when and how to deliver . We are doing that because we truly believe this is in accordance with our law . "

  28. 上海卫生局官员督促那些符合法律规定的家庭尽快生二胎,这是因为国家为了缓解独生子女政策所带来的压力,在去年实施了放行一胎的政策,但是很少有家庭生二胎。

    A Shanghai health official has urged qualified couples to have a second baby because only a few had taken advantage of changes the government made a year ago to ease its one-child policy .

  29. 立功的本质应同时具备法定性和正义性两个特征,是犯罪分子实施的符合法律规定、依法从宽处罚的行为。

    Renders meritorious service the essence should simultaneously have legal and the justness two characteristics , is the criminal offender implementation conforms to the legal rule , the leniency in accordance with the law punishment behavior .

  30. 在所有符合法律规定的妇女当中,只有5%的女性选择申请生二胎,这是上海卫生和计划生育委员会官员樊华在1月25日作出的声明。

    Only 5 percent of women eligible to have a second child have applied to do so , Fan Hua , an official in Shanghai 's health and family planning commission , said on January 25 .