- Guarantee method;【法】guaranty mode

Clients should assume guaranty duty according to the guaranty as a rule when he has no agreement or make no clear .
However , the system has some problems , such as the narrow scope , the less method , and without related measure .
A letter of duty guarantee as issued by a bank or a non bank financial institution shall be of the mode of joint liability guarantee .
Between the different modes of suretyship , the order in which the sureties undertake the suretyship liability and the intensities of the suretyship liability are different .
The laws in China have clear-cut formulate about the scope of application , the methods of obtaining a bail , the responsibilities of guarantors , and obligation of suspects or defendants who obtain the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving .
Hence a good-circulation operational mechanism of student loans is to be nurtured . Fifthly , the commercial banks are faced with great risk of default , for student loans are pure credit loans compelled by the government and the commercial banks are usually the main body .
Meanwhile , on the system itself , in the application of bail conditions , guarantees that supervision , and so flawed , it can not help but exacerbate the mobile population in the application of the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of differences with the locals .
Secondly , based on the experience of reality run BOT projects , BOT projects summarized the way the government guarantee .
POE utility theory as to the Passenger Station Square research methods , to ensure the objectivity of research methods , scientific and logical .
In order to guarantee the smooth conversion of the control modes , the fuzzy inference and optimization are imported .
Russia advises that we should let North Korea abandon nuclear plan by way of providing secure guarantee for North Korea .
Appropriate scientific Controlling of the whole process of quality is a basic measure which can guarantee the efficiency of the practice analog-accounting .
The promise of aid , in the form of debt relief and loan guarantees , is helping allay some fears in Egypt and Tunisia .
Thirdly , the author divides mixed co-guarantee into the mix of guarantee and real security and the mix of joint and several guarantee and real security .
We , at the request of the General Contractor , are ready to furnish security to you as surety in respect to General Contractor 's obligation to make the project payment under the Master Contract .
In the course of the color teaching , the emphases on the common exist of reason and emotion on the one hand can guarantee the aims and directions of the training methods and content , on the other hand can avoid the unnecessary course .
The effect of SVC on improving transmission capability and limiting temporary overvoltage is analyzed by calculation in this paper . An idea of employing SVC partly in the EHV system is discussed to ensure reliability and economy under different operation modes .
The coincidence of current operating mode and the condition of theoretical calculation is ensured by checking the power flows .
Routine shunt reactor fixed on the EHV transmission system can not guarantee the transmission capability and steady state voltage of system under different operation modes .
" Guarantee " means such legal acts as submitting security depositdepositing security money or letter of guarantee to the customs offices to ensure that promised duty will be performed within prescribed time limits .
In order to ensure a smooth transition of economic development , the government should use its power to strengthen macroscopic control , regulate market conduct , Safeguard the interests of society as a whole , guarantee a health and stable development of economy .
Aiming at the complicated earth 's surface condition of front-zone of mountain , how to select the exciting method and the parameter , how to optimize the environment of exciting method and reception , how to pledge the normal combination of the datum of different exciting method ;
The software business model is the basic way to guarantee profits .
He gave a fledge to handle the affair in a friendly manner .
Onestop logistics ensures a more efficient global movement of goods via different transportation modes .
By doing so , it is guaranteed that the most critical information in an enterprise is treated consistently .
The suretyship liability is directly correlative with the mode of suretyship , the term of suretyship and limitations of actions .
The model includes the choice of re-guarantee object , the scope and method of re-guarantee , the operation flow of re-guarantee and premiums .
Although it 's a small bottle , it can help citizens regulate their intake of oil and be mindful of how much oil they are actually consuming .
In order to deal with these problems , produced various methods of dispute solution , and to ensure that these methods of dispute solution of systematized , institutionalization construct mature is multiplex dispute settlement mechanism .