
bǎo quán
  • save from damage;assure the safe of;guard or protect;keep intact;preserve;save;maintain;save neck
保全 [bǎo quán]
  • (1) [preserve]∶保护安全,使免受损害、伤害和毁坏

  • 保全领土

  • (2) [save]∶保持完整无损

  • 保全面子

  • (3) [maintain]∶保养;维修

  • 保全工

保全[bǎo quán]
  1. 在民事保全的立法模式上,世界各国有三种主要类型:一是判例式立法;二是混和式立法;

    As to the system of civil save from damage legislation mode , there are three main types : one is the judicial precedent legislation ;

  2. 如何才能更好地保障债权的实现?现代民法上有诸多制度,如债权担保、违约责任、债的保全等这些制度都为债权的完全实现提供了有力的保障。

    There are many systems in the modern civil law , such as the legal right guarantee , the default responsibility , save from damage of the debt etc. these systems all provided a beneficial guarantee for the complete realization of legal right .

  3. 他们力劝她辞职以保全名节。

    They urged her to do the honourable thing and resign .

  4. 他有很多朋友能保全他,帮他打掩护。

    He had enough friends in the right places to save his neck and cover up for him

  5. 众所周知政府中的要员都很会保全自己的利益。

    It 's always been known that key figures in the government do very well for themselves .

  6. 比尔不愿参加比赛,因为他知道自己水平不高而想保全面子。

    Bill would not play the game because he knew he could not do well and he wanted to save his face .

  7. 这帮助人们在地震发生后保全性命。

    This helps people to stay alive after an earthquake .

  8. 关于E-mail的证据效力和保全问题

    On the Evidential Force of E-Mail and Conservatory Measures

  9. 会厌和胸骨舌骨肌在T3级声门癌喉功能保全手术中的应用

    The application of epiglottis with sternohyoid muscle in the conservation surgery for T3 glottic carcinoma

  10. 为了履行WTO的要求,也为了完善我国民事诉讼保全制度,可借鉴国外立法,并参照财产保全的规定,具体构建行为保全制度。

    In order to fulfill the request for WTO , and to perfect the protection system of civil actions in our country , we can establish a behavior protection system through learning from legislation of foreign countries and the stipulations of property protection .

  11. 我国的金融资产管理公司(AMC)是为防范金融风险,最大限度保全资产、减少损失,促进国有银行和国有企业的改革而成立的。

    We have founded the asset management corporations ( AMC ) in our country to avoid financial risks , save assets in the largest and reduce the loss and push on the reform in the state banks and state enterprises .

  12. 结果30例患者共施周围血管手术32例次,术后30d内病死率为16.7%(530),肢体保全率为71.9%(2332)。

    Results Thirty two vascular surgical procedures were performed in the 30 cases . Postoperative 30 day mortality rate was 16.7 % ( 5 / 30 ), and limb salvage rate was 71.9 % ( 23 / 32 ) for all the cases .

  13. 该手术方式达到根治要求,同时保留了齿线上1~2cm直肠,加上人工成形的半月皱襞,从而保全了肛门括约功能、感觉反射及粪便储存功能。

    The technique has achieved radical resection and kept 1 ~ 2cm above the dentate line and formed artificial half - moon colon plica . It has kept anal sphicter function sensory reflex and store the bowel function . The anastomosis was completed without suturing .

  14. 研究了局部保全投影(LPP)算法,将提取得到的直方图降维到LPP空间,识别过程简单而且只需要在低维空间计算,大大减少运算时间。

    That method can contain expression information . ( 2 ) We study preservation of the local projection ( LPP ) algorithm that reduces the extracted histogram to the LPP space dimension . The recognition process is simple and only calculated in low-dimensional space , reducing the computation time .

  15. 改善信用环境保全银行资产

    The Improvement of Credit Environment and the Protection of Bank Assets

  16. 所以,到国外去吧,躲藏起来吧,保全自己的性命吧。

    So go abroad , go into hiding , save yourself .

  17. 建立行为保全制度之初探

    The First Probe into the Construction of Preservation of Act System

  18. 那种认为我国财产保全和先予执行制度类似于英美法系中的临时禁令制度的观点,在理论上是站不住脚的。

    In China , there is no such injunction in law .

  19. 不同的资本保全概念与会计模式的选择密切相关,它们的组合取决于会计信息使用者的需要和通货膨胀的强度两个因素。

    Capital maintenance is closely linked with choice of accounting models .

  20. 论建立非财产性海事请求保全制度

    Establishing the System of Non - property Preservation for Maritime Claims

  21. 其次是,保全顺位的效力。

    The second effect is the one that preserves the sequence .

  22. 资本保全模式创新与会计范式重构

    On the Innovation of Capital Preserving and Restructuring of Accounting Model

  23. 凯瑞将他的钥匙卡插入保全系统。

    Cary put his key card into the security system slot .

  24. 关于企业产权改制下的银行资产保全的思考

    Pondering on The Bank Capital Safty Under System Changing of Enterprises

  25. 保全阴道粘膜的阴道紧缩术

    A modified colporrhaphy with the vagina mucosa intact Vulva and Vagina

  26. 对商品流通企业资本保全考核指标的探讨

    Discussion about examining index for capital preservation in goods circulation business

  27. 为了保全这座城市,许多士兵捐躯沙场。

    Many soldiers fell in the fight to save the city .

  28. 财产保全的功能界定与思考

    The Thinking on the Function Cause from the Custody of Property

  29. 保全人员大厅有两位保全人员。

    security guard There are two security guards in the lobby .

  30. 但我们成功地在灾难中保全了这一切。

    But we managed to preserve all this through the catastrophes .