
  • 网络Confidential Information;classified information
  1. 以上规则也适用于保密信息。

    The rules set out above also apply to the Confidential Information .

  2. 甲方授权或允许乙方公开保密信息;

    Party A authorizes or permits Party B to disclose the confidential information .

  3. 这个共享保密信息是KDC中的用户帐户的密码。

    This shared secret is the password of a user account in the KDC .

  4. SPNEGOTAI仅仅使用包含共享保密信息的密钥表文件来执行此验证。

    SPNEGO Web Authentication only uses a keytab file with a shared secret to perform this validation .

  5. 为了有效的防御敌方对我国保密信息系统的TEMPEST攻击,介绍了国外民间最新研究TEMPESTATTACK技术的方法。

    So , the latest foreign civil approaches against the TEMPEST ATTACK have been introduced for more efficient protection of our country information security system against TEMPEST ATTACK .

  6. 美国管理协会(AmericanManagementAssociation)和我所在的组织ePolicyInstitute所进行的《2009年电子商务沟通政策及流程调查》(2009ElectronicBusinessCommunicationPoliciesandProceduresSurvey)结果显示,14%的员工承认曾将公司保密信息通过电邮发给第三方;

    Consider the results of the ' 2009 Electronic Business Communication Policies and Procedures Survey ' from American Management Association and my organization , the ePolicy Institute . In the survey , 14 % of employees admitted to emailing confidential company information to third parties ;

  7. 该表格中包含的信息将被视为操作者和ECOCERT之间的保密信息。

    The information contained in this form will be treated as confidential between the operator and ECOCERT .

  8. 该邮件内含有保密信息,非指定收件人严禁阅读、抄袭、转发。

    This email may contain information that is confidential or privileged .

  9. 用来指影响国家安全的官方保密信息或文件。

    Used officially of classified information or matters affecting national security .

  10. 如何加密保密信息,从古至今发展了很多方法。

    Many methods have been developed to encrypt information .

  11. 保密信息系统的安全措施研究

    A Research on Safeguard Measures for Secrecy-keeping Information System

  12. 这条语句将从表中选择所有的行,从而可能暴露保密信息。

    This statement selects all rows from the table , potentially exposing private information .

  13. 动态密码在保密信息系统中的应用

    Dynamic Cipher Application in the Privacy Information System

  14. 不要发表个人或者保密信息。

    Do not post personal or private notes .

  15. 想要追踪购买习惯的公司和坏家伙似乎对保密信息一直嗤之以鼻。

    Seems that confidentiality hampers efforts to track buying habits - and bad guys .

  16. 保密信息就是尚未并不欲为人知的信息。

    Confidential information is information that is not generally known or readily available to others .

  17. 但在任何情况下您均将以合理的谨慎对待该保密信息。

    But in no event will you treat such confidential information with less than reasonable care .

  18. 对所有保密信息保密,并不得向第三方泄露任何保密信息。

    Keep all confidential information secret and shall not divulge any confidential information to third parties .

  19. 视作商业机密的所有信息均包括在上述保密信息中。

    All information that is deemed as commercial secret is included in the foregoing confidential information .

  20. 这是保密信息

    That is totally secure information .

  21. 使用包含保密信息的密钥表文件(与TGS/KDC共享)。

    Use a keytab file that contains a secret ( shared with the TGS / KDC ) .

  22. 由于其中可能存在着敏感信息和保密信息,需要对它们进行保护,防止泄漏,这是一个重要而严肃的问题。

    There have some sensitive information in the video , these information protecting is an important problem .

  23. 如企业的商业秘密、科研单位的研究成果以及军事单位的各种保密信息等的丢失可能带来的巨大损失。

    The stealing of business secret , research findings or military confidential information may inflict enormous loss .

  24. 私有访问(比如保密信息或需要被保持为私有的信息)。

    Private access ( info that is either confidential or needs to be kept private or both ) .

  25. 纳税人的税收违法行为信息不属于保密信息范围。

    The information about taxpayers'unlawful conducts relating to taxes does not fall into the scope of confidential information .

  26. 所以,这类信息就毫无疑问的需要进行加密传输,这样就给用户的保密信息提供了保护。

    This kind of information will be encrypted transmission undoubtedly , Which gives users the protection of confidential information .

  27. 赛门铁克今日将发布的这份报告,显示出盗取保密信息的行为再度呈现上升趋势。

    The Symantec report , to be published today , shows another rise in the stealing of confidential information .

  28. 隐通道能在安全机制的监控之下将保密信息外泄,因而对系统安全的威胁极大。

    Covert channels can leak confidential information under the supervision of security mechanism , so its threat is very serious .

  29. 在计算机安全学中,覆盖磁介质上的保密信息,使介质得以重新使用。

    In computer security , the overwriting of classified information on magnetic media such that the media may be reused .

  30. 如果任何保密信息被泄露,信息的接收者将有责任遵守此协议的相关规定。

    If any material non-public information is disclosed , the recipient of such information agrees to comply with this agreement .