
  • 网络Empathy;empathic concern;sympathy
  1. 为了避免由于图片概率问题而产生EPR波的差异,我们平衡了面孔表情和共情图片的出现概率。

    In order to avoid probability caused problem , we balanced the probability between face expression and empathy pictures .

  2. 倾向于“艺术性”的治疗师们宣称,所谓的“程式化治疗”(manualizedtreatment)贬低了共情、沟通以及温情这些“治疗联盟”的价值。

    compared with those who received a more standardized treatment . Therapists who skew toward the " artistic " side say that so-called manualized treatment devalues crucial aspects of therapy like empathy , warmth and communication - the " therapeutic alliance . "

  3. 聪明人与别人的想法/感受高度共情。

    Smart people can almost feel what someone is thinking or feeling .

  4. 不同共情能力个体加工情绪面孔的ERP研究情绪智力与大学生情绪稳定性的相关

    Facial Expression Processing of People with Different Empathic Abilities : An ERP Study College Students Emotional Quotient and Emotional Stability

  5. 不过这种能力和人际反应指数量表(IRI)所测量的共情能力并没有相关性。

    However , this ability had no correlation with empathy ability which was measured by Interpersonal Relation Inventory ( IRI ) .

  6. 《13种观看方法:小说》(ThirteenWaysOfLooking:Fiction),科伦姆·麦坎恩(ColumMcCann)著(RandomHouse出社,26美元)。含一部中篇小说与三部短篇小说,显示出麦坎恩充满共情的想像,以及对文学之可能性的信仰。

    THIRTEEN WAYS OF LOOKING : Fiction . By Colum McCann . ( Random House , $ 26 . ) A novella and three stories display McCann 's empathetic imagination and in the capabilities of literature .

  7. 通过考察N1、P2、N2、LPC等研究共情的经典指标,我们探讨了在不同表情下被试共情心理的变化情况。

    We discussed the change of empathy for pain when subjects under different expression by investigate following classic indicators of empathy , N1 , P2 , N2 , and LPC .

  8. Ickers(1993)将共情定义为:可以准确推断他人特定想法和感受的一种能力。

    Ickers ( 1993 ) defined empathy as : the ability to accurately deduce the specific thoughts and feelings of others .

  9. 在IRI-C共情性关心量表得分上,文科教师得分显著高于理科和文体类教师。

    On the subscale of IRI-C empathic concern , arts teachers scored significantly higher than science teachers and cultural and sports teachers .

  10. 手脚辨别任务中,疼痛刺激和中性刺激诱发的LPC差异显著;字母辨别任务中,不管刺激的极性,反应都没有差异,表明疼痛共情的晚期反应受到注意的影响。

    In hands and feet discrimination task , pain stimulation , the neutral stimulus induced significant differences in the LPC . Letter discrimination task , regardless of the polarity of stimulation , responses were not different , late cognitive evaluation of empathy for pain are also modulated by attention .

  11. 共情在心理咨询中的作用

    Investigation of Counseling in China The Functions of Empathy in Counseling

  12. 观点采择是影响疼痛共情的重要因素。

    Perspective-taking is an important factor affecting the empathy for pain .

  13. 对于这种充满想像的信仰飞跃,关键词就是共情心。

    The word for these imaginative leaps of faith is empathy .

  14. 临床护理人员共情能力测评工具的研制

    Manufacture of tool for assessment of co-affection ability of clinical nursing staff

  15. 对有焦虑情绪的地震伤员实施共情护理的探讨

    Exploration of empathetic nursing for the anxiety patients with earthquake-wounded

  16. 情绪对疼痛共情的影响较大。

    Emotion had relatively large influences on empathy for pain .

  17. 其中社会和认知情境对体验疼痛共情有很重要的影响。

    Social and cognitive contexts have a great impact on pain empathy .

  18. 初中生共情能力越高,人际关系情况越好。

    The higher empathy , The better interpersonal relationship is .

  19. 疼痛共情受到多种生理、心理和社会因素的影响。

    It is influenced by many physiological , psychological , and sociological factors .

  20. 共情的相关理论评述及动态模型探新

    Related Theories and Exploration on Dynamic Model of Empathy

  21. 感知相似性对高中生共情和利他行为的影响

    Research on Perceived Similarity Affecting Empathy and Altruistic Behavior for High School Students

  22. 初中生共情能力能显著地预测人际关系状况。

    High empathy can significantly predict the situation of interpersonal relationship . 3 .

  23. 正性心境增强了个体对自我共情的认知调节。

    Positive mood increased the efficacy of self regulation .

  24. 在共情理解维度,人口学变量上的差异均不显著。

    On the empathy understanding , differences in demographic variables were not significant .

  25. 共情是一种多维度、成分复杂的社会行为。

    Empathy is a multi-dimensional and complex social behavior .

  26. 浙江某高校大学生共情特点分析

    Analysis of Characteristics of Empathy for College Students

  27. 在咨询的世界共舞&共情与移情区别与整合

    Dancing in the Field of Counseling : Differences and Conformity of Empathy and Transference

  28. 你产生了共情障碍。

    You have an empathy disorder .

  29. 大学生共情与父母教养方式的关系及影响因素研究

    Researches of the relationship and influencing factors between University Students ' Empathy and parental rearing patterns

  30. 感知相似性对共情的影响一直受到心理学家们的关注。

    Whether perceived similarity will affect empathy is widely drawn attention by psychologists all the while .